FX's ATLANTA (Starring Donald Glover) S4 Final episode

Do dudes folks up in Baltimore call each other cocksuckers? That's the one bit of dialogue I'll always remember from The Wire :lol:
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Smh at Eminem for making 8 mile a landmark in detroit. In real life all 8 mile does is separate the suburbs from the city, filled with strip clubs, dispensaries and coney islands. I gotta catch back up on the show tho, I watched 2 episodes and forgot about it.
Do dudes folks up in Baltimore call each other cocksuckers? That's the one bit of dialogue I'll always remember from The Wire
Nope...Last time i seen or heard that word is in this post right here 

I think its safe to say its rare that a show gets a location 100% perfect...as long as it aint too bad and the story/acting is cool shouldnt be much of a problem...the worst is when they dont even try tho, the setting is in name only 
a Show is never gonna get those small intricacies simply due to it not helping sell the show to a larger audience. It's a comedy on a Fox network and i don't think it was ever projected to be a sweeping documentary of ATL. NYC has shows ran all of the goddamn time and it's rare that all parts of the city are really captured. It's entirely to difficult & small minded on the companies part to invest in a show like that.
It's not a big deal. Some natives are just critical at the moment. Might as well relax and enjoy it.
Tonight's episode is going to focus heavily on his baby momma and is also directed by Donald.
Gambino exposing everybody in his first season bloggers rap game racist hillbillies flexin bougie ig/sc thots lol
van out here confessing to smashing corny dudes since day1  but gets mad at earn for having girl picture in his cellphone ...smh women x100
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Poor Van...
She screwed herself :smh: :lol:
that whole convo scene at the beginning in the resto was just a reminder of why im grateful that i am not a woman. that **** was so annoying but so accurate. just mindless hypocritical passive agressive logic.

i died laughing when she pulled up the phone for a photo though.
this episode hit home. I want to smoke so bad but I don't cause I'm on lists for city and county jobs and the moment I do...DRUG TEST! I know they give you notice but my fat *** aint getting THC out my system fast enough.
this episode hit home. I want to smoke so bad but I don't cause I'm on lists for city and county jobs and the moment I do...DRUG TEST! I know they give you notice but my fat *** aint getting THC out my system fast enough.:lol:
Betraying ya SN name man :lol:
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