FX's ATLANTA (Starring Donald Glover) S4 Final episode

I hope not
Fighting a dude over some words exchanged on the net is an L for everyone involved
Ight señor "Meal Ticket". My cousin lives out in Pearland, since I'm soft, you're more than welcome to knock me into smithereens.

Mad about what? I look good, I'm not a simp, a black male, I never took a loss in this life. Never will, you ofay honky.


Grimey gon Grimey :rofl:
I ain't finna fight that man. Appears as if he already got dealt a bad hand in life. He's suffered through enough. His Pockets are full of enough duckets to pay for all the P he needs.
yeah you just another sensitive keyboard warrior typing tough on the internet. 


man you must have really liked that  broad 
yeah you just another sensitive keyboard warrior typing tough on the internet. 

man you must have really liked that  broad 

I mean, she has a legit job (whether her acting careers catapults, another story). She doesn't need to wear skimpy flea market clothes to get attention (judging off the pics I've seen thus far). She's likable to me, so I have no issue. Keyboard warrior? Nah, you've got over 8,000 posts in a little under 2 years of your Niketalk tenure though. You've probably typed more characters on NT than Meth, and he started this jawn back in 1999...

Just keep monitoring that seperate bank account that I'm sure you created, for your escort and tricking petty cash

young boy i really dont care why you like her.  i didn't know you were actually being serious. 
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young boy i really dont care why you like her.  i didn't know you were actually being serious. 

That man was ready to catch an assault charge and get lumped up over a broad that isn't aware of his existence.

The internet is hilarious man.

Van is fine but she ain't that fine to want to meet up with strangers over the internet to defend her honor. 
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