Galaxy Rookie's Now November 2012!!!!! Now its ndc

Are these gonna be a hypebeast item?

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nikestore says there online only? no niketowns will get them? but please explain why the recently opened nike georgetown has them in the stock room? answer that nike?
nikestore says there online only? no niketowns will get them? but please explain why the recently opened nike georgetown has them in the stock room? answer that nike?

proof? i got people within driving distance of there. :nerd:
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proof? i got people within driving distance of there.
lol you want me to go in back and take a photo? No, I took a flight there for their grand opening and talked to the manager chris. he said they have them but "have no release date" so lurkers and leachers get your priorities straight.

now if they had to send them back or whatever i have no idea, i have no way of contacting him again.
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Definite cop for me. Better print than the galaxy foams imo. Lets just hope NDC definition of GR is what we're all hoping for.. 

A GR is windchills, pressures, military 4s, speed turfs. These are limited. only select HOHs and NTs are getting them along with a handful of mom n' pops and whack Millenium Shoes.
I think they put that tweet out there to water dwn the release... They kno dam* well people are going to call around & find out that GR talk is a lie
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maybe GR as in will release all the pairs that were supposed to release in stores?>D idk
The store Social Status just said they are getting them but they are gonna raffle them and you have to spend 100$ to get a raffle ticket 
dont waste time there i have heard bad things, scuch as rigged raffle
You guys do realize why they're being sold mostly online right? You surely have not forgotten what happened last time something with the 'galaxy' tag released to the public. These were pulled for that reason and to also produce more, to reduce chaos.

It's not shocking at all.
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More people coming out of no where on twitter for these
LOL the thread has life now. :D

The store Social Status just said they are getting them but they are gonna raffle them and you have to spend 100$ to get a raffle ticket 

Spend a $100 for a CHANCE to pay for a $215 shoe...naw.

HAHA Nike just sent out RD info message because so many people keep asking the same questions i bet lmao.

And you know what people still ask more questions :rofl:

I see why people be salty and missing out on releases :stoneface:
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Spend a $100 for a CHANCE to pay for a $215 shoe...naw.
HAHA Nike just sent out RD info message because so many people keep asking the same questions i bet lmao.
And you know what people still ask more questions

I see why people be salty and missing out on releases
this won't last...stores were trying to do this for the yeezy's, but it's against the law to require people to pay in order to enter a contest
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