Feb 3, 2002
the only competitive series left.  great game 4 for the celtics.  rondo was unstoppable in all areas of the game.  this is as close to a must win for either team as youre gonna get without being an elimination game.  cavs have to come out early with that intensity we see every other game.  if lebron wants to check rondo i say let him at least try.  its gonna be hard guarding their best player then trying to carry your own team on the offensive side.  someones gotta step up for the cavs, including mike brown.  i think a big mistake was taking shaq out in the 4th when he got his 5th foul.  paul pierce was in the game and he also had 5 fouls.  if you arent going to put shaq back in, then he might as well have fouled out. once he had that 5th foul he never saw the court again.  anyone goin? ill see ya there
What do Cavs fans think about Ilgauskus not getting any PT?

Anyway, I'm just watching to see if Rondo can duplicate his historic performance.

Good luck to both teams.
I'll be in the house w/some very solid seats...

Whoever wins this game takes the series in my eyes...Point.Blank.Period.

I was absolutely disgusted with the ENTIRE team/franchise after game 4.  No sense of urgency/fire/stones etc. A coach who couldn't coach a High School team, etc.  I could go on forever but won't.

Put LeBron on Rondo.  I don't give a +*@+ at this point.  Paulina has been Casper status thus far (is it because of Bron's D or because of P2 himself?). 

We'll find out if Bron checks Rondo which is supposedly going to happen...

Rondo is not gonna repeat that type of performance regardless of who is guarding him any time soon though.  If he does, I'll give him his props/respect from here on out (I've despised that dude since he was at UK for some reason).

And give Z some minutes Cot Damnit!
Looking to see some role players step up and for Mike Brown and the coaching staff to use better decision making skills with regards to playing time for certain guys like Shaq or Big Z.

In my opinion Shaq shouldn't have been benched late last game....

This one as at home so I'd love to see Cleveland come out and perform like I know they can.

I'm sure the guys watched tape and realize that Rondo let alone any other player for The C's can not be allowed to rebound the way they did...

We didn't have ANY second chance points last game... that cannot happen again.

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

I'll be in the house w/some very solid seats...

Whoever wins this game takes the series in my eyes...Point.Blank.Period.

I was absolutely disgusted with the ENTIRE team/franchise after game 4.  No sense of urgency/fire/stones etc. A coach who couldn't coach a High School team, etc.  I could go on forever but won't.

Put LeBron on Rondo.  I don't give a +*@+ at this point.  Paulina has been Casper status thus far (is it because of Bron's D or because of P2 himself?). 

We'll find out if Bron checks Rondo which is supposedly going to happen...

Rondo is not gonna repeat that type of performance regardless of who is guarding him any time soon though.  If he does, I'll give him his props/respect from here on out (I've despised that dude since he was at UK for some reason).

And give Z some minutes Cot Damnit!

i could see cleveland losing tomorrow but winning in boston in game 6.  either way i think and hope this series goes the distance because it's going to suck having no basketball to watch for a few days if this series ends in 6
I have no clue what's gonna happen, just know that its gonna be entetaining as hell!

*cue mj popcorn gif*

i got 3 bball games tomorrow so i wont be watching until the 3/4 quarter but i think we got it.....

atleast i hope
@ anyone that thinks LeBron needs to/will guard Rondo...

Celtics will be going all out the first two quarters tomorrow, I somewhat expect a similar outcome to the 1st two games, except the urgency will be there for Cleveland too, so wouldn't be shocked to see it tied or a close C's lead

Celtics have to take this one tomorrow or it ends in 6.
The Cavaliers just need to play confidently in front of the home crowd in order to win IMO.

Get Shaq rolling for a bit, allow Z to get a few minutes and shots(as some other NTers have acknowledged). I know LeBron will show up and Antawn (albeit with limited defensive presence) will be solid, but who else is going to come out with a sense of urgency?

CANNOT allow Rondo to get another monster TD
Calling it now, Pierce and Rasheed have big games and celts pull out the W. + more of the same from Rondo and TA(one of the best ball denying defenders in the league).

Also, anyone else hate the german accented "Defense!Defense!" chant that Cleavland plays the whole game, that noise makes my ears bleed, it don't even have a rhythm to it.
Please, please put Bron on Rondo. Pierce with Anthony Parker or Mo Williams on him will be an animal.

Seems like a series where the teams are even and the building just doesn't matter.
Originally Posted by belle155

this is as close to a must win for either team as youre gonna get without being an elimination game.

Oh really?

Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

Whoever wins this game takes the series in my eyes...Point.Blank.Period

ya'll are really good at pointing out the obvious......

or is my sarcasm detector broken
Lebron is mad because Rondo embarrassed him ... now he wants to guard him.

Bad idea, remember what happened when LBJ tried to guard Rose in the 1st round?

His elbow.
dude can we atleast get some kinda info in the title @%$?????

outta control why u aint on ur job????
Originally Posted by purpleRElGN

bron guarding rondo

the exact opposite. i dont see why he doesnt guard rondo. in the regular season kobe guarded rondo fairly well by just playing way infront of him and it worked. now combine that with lebron NEVER being called for fouls and you got your solution to the rondo problem. Just keep lebron infront of him and dare him to hit jumpers...
No matter who guards Rondo,he won't be shut down. Anyway we can't count on him to
do anything like last game.

If PP doesn't show up again-it's over.
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