rasheed wallace foul?? they had that guy... backing up? more like "IM on offense and moving"
shaq foul? this is getting emotional already.

Joey Crawford so animated. He's bigger than the game man.
Originally Posted by Brandon3000

I think its a little much to ask Lebron defend their top threat and be the top scorer. D.West or mo should step up. hell even Jamario Moon with that wingspan might do something but Rondo's gonna do what he's gonna do.

Celtics fans do u think the big 3 resent Rondo at all? I remember they wanted him gone in the past and now he seems to be VERY outspoken about being the leader of the team... your thoughts?
Rondo and Ray Allen don't get along. Apparently Ray Allen is difficult and was intolerant of Rondo being hard-headed and not really listening in past years especially the first season. This season, Rondo was vocal about certain people having their "own agendas" when the team was struggling. But right now though.... I think everyone knows who's team it is on the court.
@ Shaq, if I read lips correctly "You ain't gonna do nothing {()} *** N_
shaq telling perkins "you aint gonna do +@*# you $$+$% @!* %+$%!" lololololololololololol ... mo williams really sucks ...
Stern will actually make the Cavs lose. He knows if the Cavs lose, it means Lebron is going to New York, which ultimately is better for the NBA in the long run.....
at that foul on Shaq earlier.  So NOW they want to call it.  Back when he was giving Dikembe the Rock's elbow, it was all fine and dandy.
Originally Posted by OneTrust

at that foul on Shaq earlier.  So NOW they want to call it.  Back when he was giving Dikembe the Rock's elbow, it was all fine and dandy.
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