Bron guarding Rondo would be stupid.....that frees up Paul Pierce. You put anyone on PP from the Cavs (not named Lebron), Pierce is gonna go one can check him on that roster.
Obviously the biggest game of the series, whoever wins this will end up winning the series. The outcome will as always depends on how Bron comes out early, if he's aggressive and attacking early, it feeds down to his teammates, but if he's passive, they don't seem to play as well.

Rondo is unstoppable, putting Bron on him isn't going to help much. And CLE runs the risk of having Paulina going off with Candace Parker on him.

Even though the Cavs are at home, this game is a toss-up. Boston has proven they don't fear Cleveland and can beat them at the Q. That being said with maybe Bron's most important game ever as an NBA player up to this point, I don't see how he lets the Cavs lose this one, cause if they do their season (and maybe his career as a Cavalier) will end on Thursday.

Cavs by 5. Bron with a HUGE triple double (35+ points+, 10+ reb 10+ assists)
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Bron guarding Rondo would be stupid.....that frees up Paul Pierce. You put anyone on PP from the Cavs (not named Lebron), Pierce is gonna go one can check him on that roster.

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Bron guarding Rondo would be stupid.....that frees up Paul Pierce. You put anyone on PP from the Cavs (not named Lebron), Pierce is gonna go one can check him on that roster.

so how should the cavs deal with rondo? just let him have his triple-double again?
I agree with Kenny Smith on this one.

Guard Rondo tight.

You are playing to Rondo's strength by giving him passing lanes and dribbling space. When Ray Allen is running off screens and no one is pressuring the passer it makes that much easier for their offense. Make Rondo have to work to initiate the offense.
I believe guarding Rondo for this series is more important.  Rondo is controlling the WHOLE tempo of the series.  Bron can check him and see if PP continues to struggle.

I still have Cleveland winning it all but this game is CRUCIAL. 

I expect a great game but will miss it due to class.
Originally Posted by hellomarco

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Bron guarding Rondo would be stupid.....that frees up Paul Pierce. You put anyone on PP from the Cavs (not named Lebron), Pierce is gonna go one can check him on that roster.

so how should the cavs deal with rondo? just let him have his triple-double again?

As crazy as it sounds...I'd start Delonte West at the 1...tell his %%@ to stick to rondo like white on rice (be really physical too), and bring Mo off the bench.  Delonte is a more capable defender than Mo, and he'd do a better job defending Rondo IMO....

Originally Posted by hellomarco

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Bron guarding Rondo would be stupid.....that frees up Paul Pierce. You put anyone on PP from the Cavs (not named Lebron), Pierce is gonna go one can check him on that roster.

so how should the cavs deal with rondo? just let him have his triple-double again?
One of the guards (All Star Mo Williams or West-who is actually a good defender) needs to take the challenge and guard him cause if they put Bron on him, that just leaves mismatches elsewhere. They just need to man up. Cause IF Bron stops or slows down Rondo but Pierce goes off, then they really haven't accomplished anything. You have to cut off the head of the snake to kill it and Rondo is that's just having those guys step up cause if not they'll be on vacation soon.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by hellomarco

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Bron guarding Rondo would be stupid.....that frees up Paul Pierce. You put anyone on PP from the Cavs (not named Lebron), Pierce is gonna go one can check him on that roster.

so how should the cavs deal with rondo? just let him have his triple-double again?
One of the guards (All Star Mo Williams or West-who is actually a good defender) needs to take the challenge and guard him cause if they put Bron on him, that just leaves mismatches elsewhere. They just need to man up. Cause IF Bron stops or slows down Rondo but Pierce goes off, then they really haven't accomplished anything. You have to cut off the head of the snake to kill it and Rondo is that's just having those guys step up cause if not they'll be on vacation soon.
True story.
I think its a little much to ask Lebron defend their top threat and be the top scorer. D.West or mo should step up. hell even Jamario Moon with that wingspan might do something but Rondo's gonna do what he's gonna do.

Celtics fans do u think the big 3 resent Rondo at all? I remember they wanted him gone in the past and now he seems to be VERY outspoken about being the leader of the team... your thoughts?
Celtics fans do u think the big 3 resent Rondo at all? I remember they wanted him gone in the past and now he seems to be VERY outspoken about being the leader of the team... your thoughts?
I was wondering how Pierce would handle it after all those "What's wrong with Pierce" articles started coming out after Game 4 and all that praise was being heaped on Rondo. But to Pierce's credit, he's said all the right things. He said he knew coming into the series that his offense would suffer because he has to guard Lebron, and he just needs to do the little things, etc. So if there's resentment there, he's not saying it publicly.

There was an article in ESPN the Magazine a while ago about Rondo causing some tension in the past because of his stubbornness. Doc said that Rondo was a pain in the $@@ because he always thought he was right. It said that Rondo was surprised to hear that some of his teammates didn't like to play with him even though Rondo has always been a pass-first PG.

But since then, they've all talked about his maturity and how he's grown into a leader of this team, so I dunno. If there's tension, they're not saying it on the record. Bill Simmons seems to think there are severe chemistry problems with this team but he must know something I don't.
Ok. Keys to tonights game:

1. Get Rondo off the damn glass. 18 rebs is pathetic and allows him to control the game too much.
2. LeBron on Rondo in spurts or if the game close A la Mike on Payton.
3. Dumb as Mike Brown needs to use our "Big" lineup. Bron, Moon/Parker, Jamison, Andy/Jj, Shaq.
4. Get a lil closer to Rondo, crowd him, especially when they are setting up plays.
5. We need to run more side pick and roll with Bron and Jamison. For some reason they have stopped running this.
6. Mike Brown needs to stop this short bench #%!+, and play the players that made us a good team.
7. Lebron needs to take control of the team on the court and bench because Mike Brown aint worth #%!+.
8. If Shaq is being effective, don't sit him
9. Play Z. I think this will send a jolt through the team. I think the team kinda resents Mike Brown cause of the way he has handled the Z situation. I know Z is slow and all, but the man can still shoot and reb. Don't need big minutes but enough to show the players that he's going back to what works
10. Lets go Cavs
If i sneeze once during the 3rd quarter, we lose this game.

This has been effective. It's how MJ hit the shot on Ehlo in 89.

Win Together. Band Together. Excel Together. Cheer Together. Defend Together. Work Together. Ohio Together. Believe Together. All Together. 10 More Wins

so if boston wins, this might me the last home game lebron plays as a cav. enjoy it cleveland fans!
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

If i sneeze once during the 3rd quarter, we lose this game.

This has been effective. It's how MJ hit the shot on Ehlo in 89.


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