Lebron pulled a Kobe tonight.
You think Kobe would let his squad get blown out by 30 at home in damn near a must win???
LOL. Kobe got blown out in Game 7 against the Suns and lost by 39 in a NBA Finals elimination game. Don't give that "oh he wasn't playing at home BS either"...

It happens.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

The CAVS than got that *$+ spanked. @@@% is too funny. I'll just say this, if LeBron is HALF the player and person we think he is, he will NOT let his team get knocked out the playoffs like this because this @@@% is unbelievable, UNBELIEVABLE. +%*@@ has no heart or fire, !*$%!!* pathetic, PATHETIC. If this is the way he's gonna play when his season is on the line, WHATEVER team he goes to can have him. I still believe anything is possible. It's just time to show that they aren't a bunch of sucka as bia negroes. LA was in the same position last year. Lets go Cavs. See everybody on Thursday.
gone be crazy around here if we lose Thursday.

Dude already has one foot off the bandwagon.

Wow thats of the biggest games of Lebrons career an he plays like that?? It wasn't even the fact that he was 3-14...he didnt even seem like he was into the game... He came out like it was a preseason game...

I was actually starting to think Lebron was better than Kobe, but idk..I know its only one game but I could never imagine Kobe being that disinterested in a game this big.. I'd rather have Kobe chuck the ball 30 times and the team lose than for Kobe to play like Lebron did tonight...

Lebron still can comeback and redeem himself since the series def isn't over yet, but wow I never would've thought Lebron would play like he did...
Originally Posted by toine2983

I hope this loss doesn't resurrect "Elbow Gate" (knowing ESPN I doubt that) because Lebron's elbow wasn't bothering him in Game 3 or Game 4.

you know it will he took off the sleeve they are gona look into it
I think people are really undervaluing just how well Boston is playing especially on the defensive end. Their defense in this series is vintage 08 Celtic defense.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

The CAVS than got that *$+ spanked. @@@% is too funny. I'll just say this, if LeBron is HALF the player and person we think he is, he will NOT let his team get knocked out the playoffs like this because this @@@% is unbelievable, UNBELIEVABLE. +%*@@ has no heart or fire, !*$%!!* pathetic, PATHETIC. If this is the way he's gonna play when his season is on the line, WHATEVER team he goes to can have him. I still believe anything is possible. It's just time to show that they aren't a bunch of sucka as bia negroes. LA was in the same position last year. Lets go Cavs. See everybody on Thursday.
gone be crazy around here if we lose Thursday.

Dude already has one foot off the bandwagon.

 What a joke of a fan. 
Originally Posted by 430AM

This is the reason why I believe Lebron will never win a chip... My dude just doesn't have that killer instinct that the other great ones possess.

You think Kobe would let his squad get blown out by 30 at home in damn near a must win???

Good win for BOS... I think the Cavs got exposed in this game. The Cavs are in trouble and will pretty much be irrelevant after they lose this series.

Kobe did do that.
How quick people forget
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