Originally Posted by got shoes

Have the Cav fans vacated the thread? lol

Still here. Still supporting my team. Tough to watch but it is what it is.

It looks like almost everyone in this thread is loving this.... thats cool....

but lets not act like the Celtics didn't get thrashed like this less than a week ago at home just like we are. These are two talented teams and this series has been unpredictable so I don't know why this game would be different.

Its cool. Still love the Cavaliers. I'm a little disappointed in the effort put forth by SOME cavaliers players and coaches, but even more so of the fans in Cleveland that are dipping. My brother is there and text me that a few people are leaving. Its like they want to support and show up when we're winning and they're handing out Snuggies but when the team is down you %++% on em. I don't get that.

Its a rough game to watch but any real sports fan knows these happen from time to time on your team. Sucks that its happening during GAME 5! But ehh it is what it is. Boston came in and did their thing on our home court.
Lebron quit, plain and simple. I cannot be a fan of this guy anymore. He's looking like Vince Carter out there. He has no heart.
1st and 10 will be a CAN'T MISS SHOW TOMORROW! Skip is going to have a FIELD day.
This will for sure be Mike Brown's last game in Cleveland, he's a horrible coach. Putting in Gibson over Delonte? All of a sudden playing Big Z big minutes instead of giving some minutes to J.J. Hickson, who has been playing decently this series when played. They also need to get rid of Mo Williams, he's too inconsistent and has weak defense. They will be lucky to keep LeBron.
Who is that calling the game Fratello!? $!$!%#% JINX

I feel like when they got to the race tracks in a bronx tale
put Fratello in the $!$!%#% closet!!!!!
soooo depressing....hopefully we will take it back to cleveland but i only caught the end of the 3 & the 4th quarter. We need heart, we need passion and we need to MAKE SOME %%%$%@$ SHOTS.

yes im mad but win or loss, lebron or not I WILL SUPPORT THIS TEAM

Glen Davis literally whooped yall #!#

1 more win for Boston and we don't even gotta hear from that clown OC.
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