GameBoy Color Vol. Missin the old days...

Sep 8, 2007
With all the talk of Pokemon and stuff, it reminded of all things I used to play with as a kid. Gameboy Color

I would love to give appreciation to the gameboy...I remember my first one, and I'm sure you do to! (my first game was zelda links awakening btw

PLUS they're mad cheap now...check it amazon.

and who remembers linking up to battle?

OR gettin cheats with game shark
zelda's where its at. lost my gameboys years ago. but still got zelda sittin in the top drawer just incase i happen to pick GBC up
OP, how are you gonna turn salty for ones opinion on gameboys?

Anyway, I remember these things.
When it was night time, it was a wrap for you.
mrgrapes85 wrote:
yung egg foo wrote:

Oh, you don't remember? you must really old or broke as hell...

Niether, I'm 26 and well off for the moment...I was just kidding, but it is kinda gay that you're reminiscing about gameboy at 8:00pm on a saturdayevening "young'n"....if I was still a young'n 18-21, I'd wouldn't be reminincing about gameboy alone in my room I'd be withFRIENDS or MY you must be broke as hell
Originally Posted by yung egg foo

mrgrapes85 wrote:
yung egg foo wrote:
Oh, you don't remember? you must really old or broke as hell...

Niether, I'm 26 and well off for the moment...I was just kidding, but it is kinda gay that you're reminiscing about gameboy at 8:00pm on a saturday evening "young'n"....if I was still a young'n 18-21, I'd wouldn't be reminincing about gameboy alone in my room I'd be with FRIENDS or MY you must be broke as hell
Oh well I'm not alone in my room, i'm at universtiy bored waitin for the bus to go to club millennium downtown
Originally Posted by sigmakidownz

OP, how are you gonna turn salty for ones opinion on gameboys?

Anyway, I remember these things.
When it was night time, it was a wrap for you.

Originally Posted by mrgrapes85

Originally Posted by yung egg foo

mrgrapes85 wrote:
yung egg foo wrote:
Oh, you don't remember? you must really old or broke as hell...

Niether, I'm 26 and well off for the moment...I was just kidding, but it is kinda gay that you're reminiscing about gameboy at 8:00pm on a saturday evening "young'n"....if I was still a young'n 18-21, I'd wouldn't be reminincing about gameboy alone in my room I'd be with FRIENDS or MY you must be broke as hell
Oh well I'm not alone in my room, i'm at universtiy bored waitin for the bus to go to club millennium downtown

At 8:00pm?'re going to the club and have time to reminise about gameboy? and you're waiting for THE BUS?

is this club in Duckburg?
I had the transperent purple one and I cant remember what happened to it
Prob stolen
then i got the Special Pokemon Yellow Pikachu edition
Pokemon Gold was the cream of the crop for Pokemon IMO
Day and Night Captures/ Evolutions FTW
At first I was gonna ask the OP "Why GB Color of all systems?", and then nostalgia hit me.
It wasnt necessarily the best game ever but Idk if there is a game that gave me a glow everywhere I went like Pokemon Gold
I thought it was pretty cool that so many people had Pokemon that if you had a link cable you could battle then anywhere anytime. Ive did that more than once.
i still have my the very first one to come out...that transparent purple joint. i don't play it anymore, thanks to my DS, but Gameboys opened doors for theportable gaming market. 20 years later, no one has been able to match the success of Nintendo. Appreciated.
I definately remember these. I didn't have a gameboy color( I always wanted those so bad when I was younger). I had a gameboy light instead. The first gameI had for it was pokemon yellow version. I was so addicted to that game. I played it for hours.
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