GameBoy Color Vol. Missin the old days...

i remember when i first got the see through purple one with the red version of pokemon, gotta love my parents for that. makes me realize how much of brat i wasback then.
Gold/Silver pokemon

with a gamshark

on the yellow GBC
Good times
you guys member having to tilt the things to get light??? i used to be in the car waiting for the next streetlight to come up to see what the next move mypokemons gonna doo
BTW 1st 3 pokemon games CRACK... others :/
Originally Posted by larrivee7

Color? What color?

I still bust these out once in a while

I can't even rock those though. The display is too wack. Can't really see while you're moving. Pocket is as far back as I can handle.
Originally Posted by dunksnjordans1992

you guys member having to tilt the things to get light??? i used to be in the car waiting for the next streetlight to come up to see what the next move my pokemons gonna doo
BTW 1st 3 pokemon games CRACK... others :/

what this guy said.
I had a Gold GameBoy Light. I dont think it came out in the US but I was breakin other kids necks when I was out.
FlyingEMU05 wrote:
i got that one chillin in the bathroom, i use it sometimes when taking a deuce...but the screen is dying on mine.
only gameboy i have left, moms gave all the old ones away. and i gave my DS to my brother.
lol good idea.. I'm about to leave mine in the bathroom too.

I got that phat one and purple GBC. Pokemon Gold was the %@%.. I had a bootleg one I got from Vietnam before it came out.. language was all scribbled butstill beat the whole thing
Originally Posted by Lil Cao

FlyingEMU05 wrote:
i got that one chillin in the bathroom, i use it sometimes when taking a deuce...but the screen is dying on mine.
only gameboy i have left, moms gave all the old ones away. and i gave my DS to my brother.
lol good idea.. I'm about to leave mine in the bathroom too.

I got that phat one and purple GBC. Pokemon Gold was the %@%.. I had a bootleg one I got from Vietnam before it came out.. language was all scribbled but still beat the whole thing

lol I can just imagine that.
Gameboy color was fun, but this was


Back than we could of used rechargeable batteries.
I think it used 6 AA batteries, and that %!%# would die within 30 mins. I use to sit my butt next toa wall outlet playing this all DAY
Originally Posted by YuraS718

Gameboy color was fun, but this was


Back than we could of used rechargeable batteries.
I think it used 6 AA batteries, and that %!%# would die within 30 mins. I use to sit my butt next to a wall outlet playing this all DAY

Yo, same here.
Originally Posted by Russoull

I had a Gold GameBoy Light. I dont think it came out in the US but I was breakin other kids necks when I was out.

Nah, they didn't. I want one before I die.
Originally Posted by silverswoosh

Russoull said:
I had a Gold GameBoy Light. I dont think it came out in the US but I was breakin other kids necks when I was out.

Nah, they didn't. I want one before I die.

Yeah they did, they were called GameBoy Pocket
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