GameBoy Color Vol. Missin the old days...


Link cable


Blue Version


Donkey Kong
Originally Posted by yung egg foo

Originally Posted by mrgrapes85

Originally Posted by yung egg foo

mrgrapes85 wrote:
yung egg foo wrote:
Oh, you don't remember? you must really old or broke as hell...

Niether, I'm 26 and well off for the moment...I was just kidding, but it is kinda gay that you're reminiscing about gameboy at 8:00pm on a saturday evening "young'n"....if I was still a young'n 18-21, I'd wouldn't be reminincing about gameboy alone in my room I'd be with FRIENDS or MY you must be broke as hell
Oh well I'm not alone in my room, i'm at universtiy bored waitin for the bus to go to club millennium downtown

At 8:00pm?'re going to the club and have time to reminise about gameboy? and you're waiting for THE BUS?

is this club in Duckburg?

Admit it. You just wanted a reason to use that gif.
^ im buying a ds just for soulsilver
pokemon is the best rpg of alltime
i do wish nintedo had something the size of the psp-go though
remember it like first only the clear purple and solid purple came out...since i couldn't get a ride to any game stores in 6th grade i askedmy friend to cop for was like 80$...what made me happy more than having color was the increased battery life and no screen contrast thing...i hatedhaving to switch the triple A battery on my gb pocket every 2 days cause of pokemon...

eventually i ended up having every color minus the pink...kept trading/buying/selling them but yellow was my favorite color...i kinda wanna buy one now...
Originally Posted by larrivee7

Color? What color?

i got that one chillin in the bathroom, i use it sometimes when taking a deuce...but the screen is dying on mine.
only gameboy i have left, moms gave all the old ones away. and i gave my DS to my brother.
i vividly remember the afternoon my mom brought me to funcoland to get pokemon blue i remember seeing it up on the wall so regally, it was probably one of thebest days of my childhood.
funny this thread pops up.. I just found this gameboy color emulator for java recently..
which means i can play gameboy color games on my mobile phone..
i tried those old school pokemons, and mario tennis just for old times sake.. woo worked like a charm
My dad bought me a dandelion GBC and Pokemon Red for either my 8th or 9th birthday. He got my sister a grape GBC and Pokemon Blue for her birthday a monthlater. I also had Pokemon Yellow and Pokemon Pinball.

I remember NT had a post on Pokemon back in the Spring of '07. I found my dandy and my Yellow version, dusted it off and played it during class. Myspeakers died so Summer '07 rolls around and I cop an Atomic Purple GBC @ at a Gamestop for $10. I played on that hardcore until my Yellow version died inOctober of '07, right before I signed up for LPC.
I still break out the Pinball once in a while.
I remember. I lost like two and one was stolen from me. I had the transparent purple one.
Originally Posted by iLL Since 92

but anyone remember this for GBA?

pure CRACK.
I remember being hella' excited for the first one.
& I ended up finding it a disappointment.




As far as GBA goes ^
Originally Posted by yung egg foo

Originally Posted by mrgrapes85

Originally Posted by yung egg foo

mrgrapes85 wrote:
yung egg foo wrote:
Oh, you don't remember? you must really old or broke as hell...

Niether, I'm 26 and well off for the moment...I was just kidding, but it is kinda gay that you're reminiscing about gameboy at 8:00pm on a saturday evening "young'n"....if I was still a young'n 18-21, I'd wouldn't be reminincing about gameboy alone in my room I'd be with FRIENDS or MY you must be broke as hell
Oh well I'm not alone in my room, i'm at universtiy bored waitin for the bus to go to club millennium downtown

At 8:00pm?'re going to the club and have time to reminise about gameboy? and you're waiting for THE BUS?

is this club in Duckburg?

ACTUALLY I do catch the bus I just moved out my parents i'm 18 and I live like 5000 miles away from them and I don't have enough money to purchase avehicle yet, I don't know why I have to always explain myself, and I did have time to make this post it took like 5 minutes??
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