Gator snatches 2 y/o at Disney Resort #FLLiving

Whole story sucks.

Blame on both Disney and the parents.

Disney, because they have the funds/resources to prevent gators from entering their man-made lagoons.

The parents, because who has your 2 year old out for water play at 9pm?
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Damn..having a 3 year old son who loves the water this breaks my damn heart man

RIP to the poor child
Whole story sucks.

The parents, because who has your 2 year old out for water play at 9pm?

everybody, it's Disney and they're on vacation,

9pm water play in a lagoon? Nah. That's irresponsible parenting.

There are "No Swimming" signs at the lagoon, and no one else was in the water at the time of the attack besides the child
, Demings said.
This body of water is not for recreational swimming.
"This is Florida, and it's not uncommon for alligators to be in bodies of water," he said.

Well, I think those signs saved Disney from a potential lawsuit.
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You just need a permit to kill them and it has to be season.

Living in Florida I never took those 'no swimming' or 'warning gators present' signs lightly. Hate to say it but rip to the lil boy.
Whole story sucks.

The parents, because who has your 2 year old out for water play at 9pm?

everybody, it's Disney and they're on vacation,

Yeah. Plus it was probably really nice out. I would assume the parents loved their kid. They didn't expect an alligator to take him. People are so quick to judge and they forget crazy stuff happens in life.
Man I have a 7 year old and a 3 year old. This has me in my feels man. This is terrible [emoji]128549[/emoji]
9pm water play in a lagoon? Nah. That's irresponsible parenting.

Anyone think otherwise about this parent's mistake? Love hearing what forms of parenting you guys deem acceptable.

As the father of a 4 year old, swimming/water play in a lagoon (where signs are posted to NOT do so) at 9pm is terrible judgment. It's something I would never have her do.

I never said anything about going to a pool or anything else along those lines while on vacation. Of course while on vacation you go lax on your normal bedtime routine for your kid(s). However, this is just irresponsible.
Sounds like they were just relaxing at the end of the day. Not really thinking and were caught slipping. Probably thought the water was so shallow and their kids were close by, weren't at risk. Terrible situation, daughter was in the water with him. Just terrible.
Nile crocodile, they are usually saltwater crocs
Salties and Niles are two different species of crocodiles...

Nile Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus), endemic to map below...

Saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus, larger of the two), endemic to areas below...

sorry, slow day at work...
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Unfortunate event...but can't really be angry.

The gator did what it lives to a ferocious agressive hunter when hungry.

They are some of the most complex beautiful reptiles on earth
Sounds like TERRIBLE judgement. How do you have a 2 year old just wade in water alone, regardless of where you are? Doesnt matter if youre in gator land or a beach in Santa Monica, if a 2 year old is near a body of water you should be GLUED to him/her.
9pm water play in a lagoon? Nah. That's irresponsible parenting.

Anyone think otherwise about this parent's mistake? Love hearing what forms of parenting you guys deem acceptable.
Naw that is irresponsible. I don't think anyone would be "wading" there at 2pm also. But 9pm when the sun is probably down, naw you don't do that. Plus it's not like the water is clear or blue anyway.
Rip to the child

Turrible parenting. But im familiar with FL and their reptiles maybe they didnt know... And were also illiterate?
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Sounds like TERRIBLE judgement. How do you have a 2 year old just wade in water alone, regardless of where you are? Doesnt matter if youre in gator land or a beach in Santa Monica, if a 2 year old is near a body of water you should be GLUED to him/her.


You cant comprehend this or handle the responsible... there are many foster families that would LOVE to raise your seed
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