Gay Dude at NYSC Vol: Jock Strap Grooming

Mar 25, 2007
So, i decided to get a gym membership for the new york sports club, i went all last week in the morning. been waking up at 6am, getting on the subway by 620,and lifting with a friend of mine from like 645 7ish till 8. and than running for 30 minutes. its been great and addictive to start exercising regularly again.HOWEVER there was an interesting/ridiculous story from the other day that i feel it wouldnt be right not to share.

so this is on friday after my run, i go into the locker room, hop in the steam room for 7 minutes, than take a shower. so im putting my cloths on in the lockerroom, got my sweatpants on and a wifebeater, but i know if i just toss on my t-shirt with reckless abandon, ill be sweating in it nonstop on the subway. so imstanding infront of 1 of those huge industrial fans, cooling off before i toss my +@!% on.

a 50 year old dude walks up to me and is like "just getting started?" as in my workout, since i was wearing sweats (a side note, majority of thepeople this early in the morning for the gym are professionals that have a job and workout before work, so they usually are coming and leaving in suits)

im like "nah finished."

he says "oh what, you dont work?"

"nah im a student", this whole time im not even looking at this guy just trying to cool off and not really pay attention to him

so than i guess once this dude found out i was a student, i didnt really pick up on this immediately, but he says some +@!% like this
"ahhh, my uncle was an architect, he designed most of the buildings in the area, real rich guy. long gone tho"

"cool", at this point i walk away to grab my +@!% and leave, thinking 'why the **%@ is this guy telling me that'

i toss my headphones on, rest of my cloths, throw my +@!% in a bag, getting ready to walk out, than i feel someones presence over my right shoulder, i turn andthe guy asks "hey can you hear me?" i take my headphpones off

"whats up"

"well, i got plenty of these, i wondered if you needed any, they are great when lifting real heavy weights"

i look at his hand, hes holding out a brand new packaged jock strap

im like "uhhh, what?"

"i got plenty of these they are great, you want any?"

in his other hand, he has a large paper shopping bag, full of packaged male underwear, like briefs and athletic shorts.

"you need any of these"

at this point i looked at him, shook my head and said "nah, gotta go"

and got the **%@ out of there. %%$. what kind of weirdo is going to the new york sports club with a bag full of male underwear to approach men with? is thiseven something i can make a complaint about? is this normal? i heard the gyms in NYC were a hotspot for gay meetups but what the hell lol

also what the hell, this guy had the audacity to offer me the jock strap first of all things he had.

-got a gym membership
-going in the morning early
-50 year old man approached/hit on me in the locker room
-saw i was a student, put it out there hes rich
-offered me underwear, had a bag full of packaged new underwear

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J23S wrote:
It didnt necessarily mean he was gay

true...for whatever reason that i can't think of he may have just has extra straps...

if he was 20-something it may have been strange but older people do stuff like that and don't think twice about it being weird or embarrassing...
wow lol old dudes are weird at the gym, they always walking around butt naked at the rec center near me...
You can actually smash that you know, this could be the first thread where NTers wont go "YNS"
lol old women have naked conversations in the gym all the time and never think twice about it. i just look at my locker.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

J23S wrote:
It didnt necessarily mean he was gay

true...for whatever reason that i can't think of he may have just has extra straps...

if he was 20-something it may have been strange but older people do stuff like that and don't think twice about it being weird or embarrassing...

so u think when a 50 year old man approaches you in a locker room, tells you hes rich, and offers you a jockstrap and male underwear for no reason, u think hesjust being nice? lol
Originally Posted by Iansmk

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

J23S wrote:
It didnt necessarily mean he was gay

true...for whatever reason that i can't think of he may have just has extra straps...

if he was 20-something it may have been strange but older people do stuff like that and don't think twice about it being weird or embarrassing...

so u think when a 50 year old man approaches you in a locker room, tells you hes rich, and offers you a jockstrap and male underwear for no reason, u think hes just being nice? lol
when did he say he was rich?
if anything dude is probably broke tryna hustle jock straps.
in his other hand, he has a large paper shopping bag, full of packaged male underwear, like briefs and athletic shorts.

"you need any of these"
Free is free, plus you said they were packaged

I would have grabbed a couple and dipped
Originally Posted by Jehul

in his other hand, he has a large paper shopping bag, full of packaged male underwear, like briefs and athletic shorts.

"you need any of these"
Free is free, plus you said they were packaged

I would have grabbed a couple and dipped

i just followed prison rules, dont accept any favors. im tryin to keep my fruit cup.
I was a "victim" @ Ballys Yonkers 3 years ago *I can fully remember this because the wifey and I turned 2 years on thatday*

Basically same situation, I was in the locker room changing. Got changed already and all of a sudden this dude (no more than 50 I think) came up to me and hada small chat...askin where I'm from, routine, regimen, supplementing, etc. so when the convo was dead already...guy suddenly asks me:

"Do you like boys?" *while grabbing his piece*

and I swear, my face went from

I just walked away and just waited for my cousin to figure out I was waiting at the front desk. Boy I was so disgusted after that I didn't even botherdrinking or eating anything after.
Originally Posted by Iansmk

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

J23S wrote:
It didnt necessarily mean he was gay

true...for whatever reason that i can't think of he may have just has extra straps...

if he was 20-something it may have been strange but older people do stuff like that and don't think twice about it being weird or embarrassing...

so u think when a 50 year old man approaches you in a locker room, tells you hes rich, and offers you a jockstrap and male underwear for no reason, u think hes just being nice? lol

my first thought would be why is this pervert in the women's locker i said...older people don't put that much thought into thisstuff...they'll walk around naked while we're looking at them like 'ewww thats so gay pause blah blah blah'
Originally Posted by C o IVI p L e X

Originally Posted by Iansmk

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

J23S wrote:
It didnt necessarily mean he was gay

true...for whatever reason that i can't think of he may have just has extra straps...

if he was 20-something it may have been strange but older people do stuff like that and don't think twice about it being weird or embarrassing...

so u think when a 50 year old man approaches you in a locker room, tells you hes rich, and offers you a jockstrap and male underwear for no reason, u think hes just being nice? lol
when did he say he was rich?
if anything dude is probably broke tryna hustle jock straps.

gym membership is around 75 to 85 dollars a month, depending on your deal or if your job helps pay for it. so hes def not broke. and he implied he was rich byrandomly telling me he had a late rich uncle that designed the buildings in the area. he was offering them just to be 'nice', not trying to peddleunderwear. im shocked that theres confusion on a 50 year old dude approaching a 23 year old with a jockstrap and other assorted briefs, in a large paper bag.that means this guy has that with him regularly, or he bought them before he came and decided to share the wealth, or he had a plan in his head to approachdudes with free underwear. we dont need chris hansen on this 1 its an open and shut case.
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