Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

Dec 10, 2001
Kobe Bryant's homophobic outburst "perpetuates a culture of discrimination and hate" ... so says a gay rights group which has deemed last night's incident as "horribly offensive."�Human Rights Campaign�-- who told us, "What a disgrace for Kobe Bryant to use such horribly offensive and distasteful language, especially when millions of people are watching."

The group adds, "Hopefully Mr. Bryant will recognize that as a person with such fame and influence, the use of such language not only offends millions of LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] people around the world, but also perpetuates a culture of discrimination and hate that all of us, most notably Mr. Bryant, should be working to eradicate."

As we previously reported, Kobe appeared to have mouthed the words "f**king f**got" towards an NBA ref last night after he was hit with a technical foul.
�� � 37 seconds in
Kobe Bryant's homophobic outburst "perpetuates a culture of discrimination and hate" ... so says a gay rights group which has deemed last night's incident as "horribly offensive."�Human Rights Campaign�-- who told us, "What a disgrace for Kobe Bryant to use such horribly offensive and distasteful language, especially when millions of people are watching."

The group adds, "Hopefully Mr. Bryant will recognize that as a person with such fame and influence, the use of such language not only offends millions of LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] people around the world, but also perpetuates a culture of discrimination and hate that all of us, most notably Mr. Bryant, should be working to eradicate."

As we previously reported, Kobe appeared to have mouthed the words "f**king f**got" towards an NBA ref last night after he was hit with a technical foul.
�� � 37 seconds in
not even sure thats what bean said....
wow never seen him so mad...they can curse at refs without getting ejected. he thru a minifit. what was the call? a tech for what?

teammate took that hit like a champ. lol
wow never seen him so mad...they can curse at refs without getting ejected. he thru a minifit. what was the call? a tech for what?

teammate took that hit like a champ. lol
^Think he got a tech for clapping and he was probably yelling to. And you can see he said %+%%%*! #%%@+!.
^Think he got a tech for clapping and he was probably yelling to. And you can see he said %+%%%*! #%%@+!.
Originally Posted by ColdCity

not even sure thats what bean said....

reading lips isnt your strong suit huh..?

my thing is calling him a #+*$#% doesnt mean he's disrespecting his sexuality...more so, he's just callin him a %@$. lol. maybe he rides a motorcycle loud as *@@#. lol.

homosexuals all the time are saying they dont want to be called that word. and that they dont accept it as a word about them. so how come when the word is used, in a completely different context...they claim it to be a shot towards them? sounds like they want attention.
Originally Posted by ColdCity

not even sure thats what bean said....

reading lips isnt your strong suit huh..?

my thing is calling him a #+*$#% doesnt mean he's disrespecting his sexuality...more so, he's just callin him a %@$. lol. maybe he rides a motorcycle loud as *@@#. lol.

homosexuals all the time are saying they dont want to be called that word. and that they dont accept it as a word about them. so how come when the word is used, in a completely different context...they claim it to be a shot towards them? sounds like they want attention.
I dislike the Lakers so i'm not even on dude's side, but it's just a god damn word. stop crying over it
I dislike the Lakers so i'm not even on dude's side, but it's just a god damn word. stop crying over it
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