Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

i don't understand the "overreacting" comments.. how do we (NT) constantly churn up random 50+ page race threads.. and completely dismiss this as "no big deal"?
i don't understand the "overreacting" comments.. how do we (NT) constantly churn up random 50+ page race threads.. and completely dismiss this as "no big deal"?
^ because +@#$+@ doesnt mean just gay anymore. its very much just a general insult now. hence why they're overreacting like ##$%.
^ because +@#$+@ doesnt mean just gay anymore. its very much just a general insult now. hence why they're overreacting like ##$%.
so you are dismissing a minority group because you deem it as no big deal?... gotcha.
how is that different from a white kid in the suburbs saying any variation of the N word? n***er or n***a?
so you are dismissing a minority group because you deem it as no big deal?... gotcha.
how is that different from a white kid in the suburbs saying any variation of the N word? n***er or n***a?
Originally Posted by Freeze

^ because +@#$+@ doesnt mean just gay anymore. its very much just a general insult now. hence why they're overreacting like ##$%.

It still means gay to gays and they are the ones who are hurt by this.

Just because you deem it not to mean gay doesn't mean everyone else does the same.  I agree with properenglish funny that there are epic fights over the N-word on here but no sympathy is given for the homosexuals out there
Originally Posted by Freeze

^ because +@#$+@ doesnt mean just gay anymore. its very much just a general insult now. hence why they're overreacting like ##$%.

It still means gay to gays and they are the ones who are hurt by this.

Just because you deem it not to mean gay doesn't mean everyone else does the same.  I agree with properenglish funny that there are epic fights over the N-word on here but no sympathy is given for the homosexuals out there
Dude was heated... words came out.. not a big deal. Sensitive cats crying over a word that was or wasn't said. Give me a break.
Dude was heated... words came out.. not a big deal. Sensitive cats crying over a word that was or wasn't said. Give me a break.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Dude was heated... words came out.. not a big deal. Sensitive cats crying over a word that was or wasn't said. Give me a break.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Dude was heated... words came out.. not a big deal. Sensitive cats crying over a word that was or wasn't said. Give me a break.
If he'd said it in an interview or press conference I can understand them being angry, but I'm sure this and worse are said in games all the time. the ref gay? if he isn't, then kobe wasnt challenging his sexuality by using the word. i understand what you're saying and i agree. I'm not trying to argue. it was a word he should'nt have used, agreed. but i will say the gay rights organization associated themselves with it in this case.
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