Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

[h1]Kobe Bryant: I Used To Beat Up Kids In High School Who Teased My Gay Friends[/h1]


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by Dan Fogarty | 4:37 pm, April 17th, 2011

Last week, Kobe Bryant was caught on camera directing a gay slur at a referee who had tee’d him up. After issuing an underwhelming apology, Bryant was fined $100,000 by David Stern for using the word (which starts with an F, and is the worst thing you can call a gay person).

In an eloquent New York Times response to Bryant’s slur, gay former NBA player John Amaechi discussed the damage done. The most poignant part of the piece was when Amaechi talked about an email he got from a gay high school basketball player.
He watched every game you played this season on television, but this week he feels less safe and less positive about himself because he stared adoringly into your face as you said the word that haunts him in school every single day.

The ramifications of the incident are still being felt. Case in point: during Game 1 of today’s Lakers/Hornets game, ESPN’s Lisa Salters reported on a conversation she had with Bryant before tipoff.

“I used to beat up a lot of kids even in high school who used to tease my friends,
He should just take the L on this one and try to get that 3peat.
But, who are we to second-guess the way he characterized his high school days.
Ive found myself in similar situations on the school bus taking up for someone with a mental handicap.
But, I'd be lying if I say I've never used the word ****** in my life #jussaying

Either way, some of you have stamina to be still debating this subject or any of the sub-topics that haved spawned from it.
He should just take the L on this one and try to get that 3peat.
But, who are we to second-guess the way he characterized his high school days.
Ive found myself in similar situations on the school bus taking up for someone with a mental handicap.
But, I'd be lying if I say I've never used the word ****** in my life #jussaying

Either way, some of you have stamina to be still debating this subject or any of the sub-topics that haved spawned from it.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I never said that, you're the fool that is comparing the levels of hardship of one "ism" to another. My original assertion was that all struggles for civil rights are important. Gay people died during the holocaust and continue to die today because of their sexual orientation. Learn some history and current events outside your one block radius. I'm not the one ranting about who's had it better or worse
. Every struggle for humanity and civil rights can inspire one another.

I clearly brought up the teacher to show that it isn't as hard to spot a homosexual as you're making it out to be (which is ironic cause people saying this in this thread will be the first to list gay mannerism and stereotypes), never ever ever did I say black people haven't lost jobs simply because they're black. No one lacks this much reading comprehension/interpretation. Funny thing is you're the only one in this argument making any assertions about who has it worse...or better. I refuse to stoop to that level of ignorance, it defeats the purpose of my stance against discrimination and prejudice.

For a lot of those other "isms" I brought up, I could go on ignorant rants like you did about how they can "HIDE THEMSELVES". Skin color is a lot more obvious a trait than religion or even ethnicity-yes ethnicity and race aren't synonymous but you don't see me ranting about how the palestinians can save themselves by simply not being muslim anymore.

Cliff notes: I'm not the one saying whose struggle is more important than whose....don't try to pin that ignorance on me.

Why are you making it out to seem like I'm saying that if it's not racial discrimination then it doesn't matter?  All I'm saying is, it's tough to believe that discrimination against someone's sexual orientation is comparable to discrimination against someone's race or ethnicity.  In today's world, people get killed over anything, not just being gay, but for looking different as well.  Gays were a target in the holocaust, yes, but so was anyone that didn't fit the "ideal" Nazi mold.  The main target were the Jewish people in Europe, whose entire race was to be exterminated.  I've taken part in actual Gay Rights protests in San Francisco because I have Gay friends, and I believe they deserve the same rights as any other individual.  What exactly have you done Anton?  You seem to feel strongly about this subject, I'm just curious as to what you do other than writing paragraphs trying to belittle anyone that has a different opinion than yours.

- Sorry, I misread your barbershop story
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I never said that, you're the fool that is comparing the levels of hardship of one "ism" to another. My original assertion was that all struggles for civil rights are important. Gay people died during the holocaust and continue to die today because of their sexual orientation. Learn some history and current events outside your one block radius. I'm not the one ranting about who's had it better or worse
. Every struggle for humanity and civil rights can inspire one another.

I clearly brought up the teacher to show that it isn't as hard to spot a homosexual as you're making it out to be (which is ironic cause people saying this in this thread will be the first to list gay mannerism and stereotypes), never ever ever did I say black people haven't lost jobs simply because they're black. No one lacks this much reading comprehension/interpretation. Funny thing is you're the only one in this argument making any assertions about who has it worse...or better. I refuse to stoop to that level of ignorance, it defeats the purpose of my stance against discrimination and prejudice.

For a lot of those other "isms" I brought up, I could go on ignorant rants like you did about how they can "HIDE THEMSELVES". Skin color is a lot more obvious a trait than religion or even ethnicity-yes ethnicity and race aren't synonymous but you don't see me ranting about how the palestinians can save themselves by simply not being muslim anymore.

Cliff notes: I'm not the one saying whose struggle is more important than whose....don't try to pin that ignorance on me.

Why are you making it out to seem like I'm saying that if it's not racial discrimination then it doesn't matter?  All I'm saying is, it's tough to believe that discrimination against someone's sexual orientation is comparable to discrimination against someone's race or ethnicity.  In today's world, people get killed over anything, not just being gay, but for looking different as well.  Gays were a target in the holocaust, yes, but so was anyone that didn't fit the "ideal" Nazi mold.  The main target were the Jewish people in Europe, whose entire race was to be exterminated.  I've taken part in actual Gay Rights protests in San Francisco because I have Gay friends, and I believe they deserve the same rights as any other individual.  What exactly have you done Anton?  You seem to feel strongly about this subject, I'm just curious as to what you do other than writing paragraphs trying to belittle anyone that has a different opinion than yours.

- Sorry, I misread your barbershop story
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I never said that, you're the fool that is comparing the levels of hardship of one "ism" to another. My original assertion was that all struggles for civil rights are important. Gay people died during the holocaust and continue to die today because of their sexual orientation. Learn some history and current events outside your one block radius. I'm not the one ranting about who's had it better or worse
. Every struggle for humanity and civil rights can inspire one another.

I clearly brought up the teacher to show that it isn't as hard to spot a homosexual as you're making it out to be (which is ironic cause people saying this in this thread will be the first to list gay mannerism and stereotypes), never ever ever did I say black people haven't lost jobs simply because they're black. No one lacks this much reading comprehension/interpretation. Funny thing is you're the only one in this argument making any assertions about who has it worse...or better. I refuse to stoop to that level of ignorance, it defeats the purpose of my stance against discrimination and prejudice.

For a lot of those other "isms" I brought up, I could go on ignorant rants like you did about how they can "HIDE THEMSELVES". Skin color is a lot more obvious a trait than religion or even ethnicity-yes ethnicity and race aren't synonymous but you don't see me ranting about how the palestinians can save themselves by simply not being muslim anymore.

Cliff notes: I'm not the one saying whose struggle is more important than whose....don't try to pin that ignorance on me.

Why are you making it out to seem like I'm saying that if it's not racial discrimination then it doesn't matter?  All I'm saying is, it's tough to believe that discrimination against someone's sexual orientation is comparable to discrimination against someone's race or ethnicity.  In today's world, people get killed over anything, not just being gay, but for looking different as well.  Gays were a target in the holocaust, yes, but so was anyone that didn't fit the "ideal" Nazi mold.  The main target were the Jewish people in Europe, whose entire race was to be exterminated.  I've taken part in actual Gay Rights protests in San Francisco because I have Gay friends, and I believe they deserve the same rights as any other individual.  What exactly have you done Anton?  You seem to feel strongly about this subject, I'm just curious as to what you do other than writing paragraphs trying to belittle anyone that has a different opinion than yours.

- Sorry, I misread your barbershop story
I'm saying there's no need to make any comparisons.....why is that so hard to comprehend. If a thread was made about issues affecting mexicans or any other disenfranchised groups in this country I wouldn't go in there ranting about slavery or the holocaust or how the Native Americans had it worse. That would be disrespectful.

I don't need to do anything, but if it makes any diff I was a member of my college's LGBT society and I hung out in the rainbow house.
I can't be actively involved in every movement to promote humanity i feel strongly about....I do plan on using my career to pursue some humanitarian endeavors tho but I can't save everyone I ain't superman.

I love how everyone's approach in this thread is, yea the %#%+# take Ls but these people took Ls as well maybe more. WTH is wrong with you people?

I clearly know what the purpose of the holocaust was, what's your point? The fact that jews were targeted doesn't mitigate the suffering endured by other groups that didn't fit the Nazi "mold".

Yea the enslavement of African Americans and the holocaust was horrible, but all the Native Americans got killed......see how stupid that #$$# sounds?

BDW it's cool that you actually went out to support gay rights.
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I never said that, you're the fool that is comparing the levels of hardship of one "ism" to another. My original assertion was that all struggles for civil rights are important. Gay people died during the holocaust and continue to die today because of their sexual orientation. Learn some history and current events outside your one block radius. I'm not the one ranting about who's had it better or worse
. Every struggle for humanity and civil rights can inspire one another.

I clearly brought up the teacher to show that it isn't as hard to spot a homosexual as you're making it out to be (which is ironic cause people saying this in this thread will be the first to list gay mannerism and stereotypes), never ever ever did I say black people haven't lost jobs simply because they're black. No one lacks this much reading comprehension/interpretation. Funny thing is you're the only one in this argument making any assertions about who has it worse...or better. I refuse to stoop to that level of ignorance, it defeats the purpose of my stance against discrimination and prejudice.

For a lot of those other "isms" I brought up, I could go on ignorant rants like you did about how they can "HIDE THEMSELVES". Skin color is a lot more obvious a trait than religion or even ethnicity-yes ethnicity and race aren't synonymous but you don't see me ranting about how the palestinians can save themselves by simply not being muslim anymore.

Cliff notes: I'm not the one saying whose struggle is more important than whose....don't try to pin that ignorance on me.

Why are you making it out to seem like I'm saying that if it's not racial discrimination then it doesn't matter?  All I'm saying is, it's tough to believe that discrimination against someone's sexual orientation is comparable to discrimination against someone's race or ethnicity.  In today's world, people get killed over anything, not just being gay, but for looking different as well.  Gays were a target in the holocaust, yes, but so was anyone that didn't fit the "ideal" Nazi mold.  The main target were the Jewish people in Europe, whose entire race was to be exterminated.  I've taken part in actual Gay Rights protests in San Francisco because I have Gay friends, and I believe they deserve the same rights as any other individual.  What exactly have you done Anton?  You seem to feel strongly about this subject, I'm just curious as to what you do other than writing paragraphs trying to belittle anyone that has a different opinion than yours.

- Sorry, I misread your barbershop story
I'm saying there's no need to make any comparisons.....why is that so hard to comprehend. If a thread was made about issues affecting mexicans or any other disenfranchised groups in this country I wouldn't go in there ranting about slavery or the holocaust or how the Native Americans had it worse. That would be disrespectful.

I don't need to do anything, but if it makes any diff I was a member of my college's LGBT society and I hung out in the rainbow house.
I can't be actively involved in every movement to promote humanity i feel strongly about....I do plan on using my career to pursue some humanitarian endeavors tho but I can't save everyone I ain't superman.

I love how everyone's approach in this thread is, yea the %#%+# take Ls but these people took Ls as well maybe more. WTH is wrong with you people?

I clearly know what the purpose of the holocaust was, what's your point? The fact that jews were targeted doesn't mitigate the suffering endured by other groups that didn't fit the Nazi "mold".

Yea the enslavement of African Americans and the holocaust was horrible, but all the Native Americans got killed......see how stupid that #$$# sounds?

BDW it's cool that you actually went out to support gay rights.
@ Kobe...That's like making a racial slur and trying to defend it with "But I have many friends who are ________________".

And damn @ yellow.
@ Kobe...That's like making a racial slur and trying to defend it with "But I have many friends who are ________________".

And damn @ yellow.
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