Gay Rights slams Kobe-- "what a disgrace" Kobe gets fined 100k

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by Pump Fake

People are hating on Ninjahood for saying that he doesn't think being Gay is normal? I just skimmed the end.

My opinion is I don't mind gay people. Wnat them to have rights, want them to be able to marry, etc etc. It doesn't bother me at all. But I do not find it normal. But hey who cares if I find it normal all that matters to them is that they get the same rights. But in my mind that is not normal. There is a reason there are two sexes.

And on this Kobe issue, these Gay rights organizations are just using this as an excuse to get publicity. Simple as that. Kobe isn't the disgrace. They are for using this to get their name across.


I agree absolutely
Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by Pump Fake

People are hating on Ninjahood for saying that he doesn't think being Gay is normal? I just skimmed the end.

My opinion is I don't mind gay people. Wnat them to have rights, want them to be able to marry, etc etc. It doesn't bother me at all. But I do not find it normal. But hey who cares if I find it normal all that matters to them is that they get the same rights. But in my mind that is not normal. There is a reason there are two sexes.

And on this Kobe issue, these Gay rights organizations are just using this as an excuse to get publicity. Simple as that. Kobe isn't the disgrace. They are for using this to get their name across.


I agree absolutely
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

@ claiming people didn't go to college cuz of their stance on homosexuality...

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by Pump Fake

People are hating on Ninjahood for saying that he doesn't think being Gay is normal? I just skimmed the end.

My opinion is I don't mind gay people. Wnat them to have rights, want them to be able to marry, etc etc. It doesn't bother me at all. But I do not find it normal. But hey who cares if I find it normal all that matters to them is that they get the same rights. But in my mind that is not normal. There is a reason there are two sexes.

And on this Kobe issue, these Gay rights organizations are just using this as an excuse to get publicity. Simple as that. Kobe isn't the disgrace. They are for using this to get their name across.


I agree absolutely

publicity for what, though?

for publicity's sake?
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by Pump Fake

People are hating on Ninjahood for saying that he doesn't think being Gay is normal? I just skimmed the end.

My opinion is I don't mind gay people. Wnat them to have rights, want them to be able to marry, etc etc. It doesn't bother me at all. But I do not find it normal. But hey who cares if I find it normal all that matters to them is that they get the same rights. But in my mind that is not normal. There is a reason there are two sexes.

And on this Kobe issue, these Gay rights organizations are just using this as an excuse to get publicity. Simple as that. Kobe isn't the disgrace. They are for using this to get their name across.


I agree absolutely

publicity for what, though?

for publicity's sake?
No I'm not homosexual but I know a few people who are. What you do is your life no doubt its just i don't see as many hate crimes towards gays. I just think racisim and a few other things are more important than a slang word thrown around towards men. Like today everyone calls each other the N word. Words are what you make of them. Live life you are your own universe.
No I'm not homosexual but I know a few people who are. What you do is your life no doubt its just i don't see as many hate crimes towards gays. I just think racisim and a few other things are more important than a slang word thrown around towards men. Like today everyone calls each other the N word. Words are what you make of them. Live life you are your own universe.
Words are what you make of them. Live life you are your own universe.

You have the right to decide if you would be offended by a particular slur, but you don't have the right to decide if I should be offended by it.  

What Kobe said was offensive to millions of people.  It's a word that, currently and historically, has been used to attack and degrade others on the basis of their sexuality.  Knowing that, if you choose to say that word then you should be prepared to accept the consequences of the pain and offense it has, for generations, served to produce. 

Am I the only one that saw this?  Seriously?  Seriously?!?!!? 

No, you're not.  I just didn't want to call attention to it.  It sounds like a feature you'd find on an action figure:  "Yo, I just got the GI Joe with the poseable thumbs!"

The funny part is that about 30 pages ago you quoted a portion of my reply where I used the same "racial slur" you deleted my post for... you let it rock then and delete it pages later is beyond me, but whatever.

Unfortunately, I didn't pay enough attention to catch that.  If you like, I'll be happy to go back and remove that, too.  You've already been warned for that exact same violation three times now, and I'm not interested in issuing a forth.  You should consider yourself lucky you were suspended/banned on the spot for a repeat offense.  Instead, you're crying about being cut a break and just having your post removed.
I don't know why you're acting like the missing post was just too real for me to allow on NikeTalk.  What, you think that you typed the most amazing, incontrovertible proof that gay men don't deserve respect, which I had to keep hidden from the general public at all costs?  You're still posting, aren't you?  (Albeit not for much longer if you keep this up.)

I'm not sure why you associate posting a picture online with bravery.  Next I suppose you're gonna prove your masculinity by giving out your address and credit card number.  Nobody's impressed by your empty bravado.  The truth of the matter is that there isn't a single compelling reason for me to post my picture here.  You'll just have to get over it. 

...and I don't know what that ISS/Hotwheels %@** has to do with anything 

It's a glimpse of your future unless you stop spouting racial slurs and e-thuggin'.  Go sit down.
I'm not derailing this thread because you're tight over an obvious rule violation.  If you have something more to say to me, send me a PM.  
Words are what you make of them. Live life you are your own universe.

You have the right to decide if you would be offended by a particular slur, but you don't have the right to decide if I should be offended by it.  

What Kobe said was offensive to millions of people.  It's a word that, currently and historically, has been used to attack and degrade others on the basis of their sexuality.  Knowing that, if you choose to say that word then you should be prepared to accept the consequences of the pain and offense it has, for generations, served to produce. 

Am I the only one that saw this?  Seriously?  Seriously?!?!!? 

No, you're not.  I just didn't want to call attention to it.  It sounds like a feature you'd find on an action figure:  "Yo, I just got the GI Joe with the poseable thumbs!"

The funny part is that about 30 pages ago you quoted a portion of my reply where I used the same "racial slur" you deleted my post for... you let it rock then and delete it pages later is beyond me, but whatever.

Unfortunately, I didn't pay enough attention to catch that.  If you like, I'll be happy to go back and remove that, too.  You've already been warned for that exact same violation three times now, and I'm not interested in issuing a forth.  You should consider yourself lucky you were suspended/banned on the spot for a repeat offense.  Instead, you're crying about being cut a break and just having your post removed.
I don't know why you're acting like the missing post was just too real for me to allow on NikeTalk.  What, you think that you typed the most amazing, incontrovertible proof that gay men don't deserve respect, which I had to keep hidden from the general public at all costs?  You're still posting, aren't you?  (Albeit not for much longer if you keep this up.)

I'm not sure why you associate posting a picture online with bravery.  Next I suppose you're gonna prove your masculinity by giving out your address and credit card number.  Nobody's impressed by your empty bravado.  The truth of the matter is that there isn't a single compelling reason for me to post my picture here.  You'll just have to get over it. 

...and I don't know what that ISS/Hotwheels %@** has to do with anything 

It's a glimpse of your future unless you stop spouting racial slurs and e-thuggin'.  Go sit down.
I'm not derailing this thread because you're tight over an obvious rule violation.  If you have something more to say to me, send me a PM.  
Meth, can I talk to you for a minute?
Me and the other NT members was wondering'.. could you do a lil somethin..
Somethin beautiful
Somethin that the kids gon love when they see it
Thas gon make them start jumpin up and down and sharin' candy and stuff...
Think you could probably do something for the kids to see at graduation?

If that's not compelling, I don't know what is.
Meth, can I talk to you for a minute?
Me and the other NT members was wondering'.. could you do a lil somethin..
Somethin beautiful
Somethin that the kids gon love when they see it
Thas gon make them start jumpin up and down and sharin' candy and stuff...
Think you could probably do something for the kids to see at graduation?

If that's not compelling, I don't know what is.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by BK201

My only qualm in this thread is that some people really think it's okay to denounce gays because they don't agree with their lifestyle one way or another.

My question to the people that think this is why do you deserve rights that gays don't get upheld?

I think this will say alot about NTers that disagree with homosexuality.

*goes back to lurking*

This is a very good question about entitlement.....I think it deserves an answer but you're not going to get one, at least not an answer that makes sense. Waits for someone to rant about Adam and Steve, or something equally trivial.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by BK201

My only qualm in this thread is that some people really think it's okay to denounce gays because they don't agree with their lifestyle one way or another.

My question to the people that think this is why do you deserve rights that gays don't get upheld?

I think this will say alot about NTers that disagree with homosexuality.

*goes back to lurking*

This is a very good question about entitlement.....I think it deserves an answer but you're not going to get one, at least not an answer that makes sense. Waits for someone to rant about Adam and Steve, or something equally trivial.
not like i condone saying it, but i think we've all used it many a time. espescially in the heat of the moment. im glad he didn't get suspended, but i still think 100k is a little steep. not like itll hurt his wallet at all though.
not like i condone saying it, but i think we've all used it many a time. espescially in the heat of the moment. im glad he didn't get suspended, but i still think 100k is a little steep. not like itll hurt his wallet at all though.
^There's no clear or concise way to answer that asking a christian and atheist to share similar views.
^There's no clear or concise way to answer that asking a christian and atheist to share similar views.
I had to stop reading about 10 pages before this. My thoughts:

When you're an athlete/celebrity, you're in the public eye and right or wrong, the camera's always on you. You get caught using a slur and it's going to be magnified.

Kobe shouldn't have said it whether the camera stayed on him for too long or not, the fine was probably excessive and should be reviewed but I understand the NBA/Stern making a point. He apologized and that's the 1st step, I believe he realizes his mistake and will learn from it but the debate is bigger than that.

The Civil Rights movement and gay rights are not the same but if you can't see the similarities and the fact that both are widely discriminated against and either are or were viewed by many as second class citizens who do not deserved to be subjected to slurs, it's because of your own biases. People are different, you're not going to change that fact and although there will never be a day when EVERYONE accepts that, it will be better when more and more people can learn that it's not okay to discriminate.

It's not okay to use the two slurs mainly discussed in this thread, however you try to justify it. Both can be hurtful whether they're used with intent or not, so it's best just to take them out of your vocabulary. To me, it's not about being too sensitive, just understanding.

I won't attempt to make comments about individuals or their comments, hopefully both sides of the argument can just try to open their minds, learn and grow.
I had to stop reading about 10 pages before this. My thoughts:

When you're an athlete/celebrity, you're in the public eye and right or wrong, the camera's always on you. You get caught using a slur and it's going to be magnified.

Kobe shouldn't have said it whether the camera stayed on him for too long or not, the fine was probably excessive and should be reviewed but I understand the NBA/Stern making a point. He apologized and that's the 1st step, I believe he realizes his mistake and will learn from it but the debate is bigger than that.

The Civil Rights movement and gay rights are not the same but if you can't see the similarities and the fact that both are widely discriminated against and either are or were viewed by many as second class citizens who do not deserved to be subjected to slurs, it's because of your own biases. People are different, you're not going to change that fact and although there will never be a day when EVERYONE accepts that, it will be better when more and more people can learn that it's not okay to discriminate.

It's not okay to use the two slurs mainly discussed in this thread, however you try to justify it. Both can be hurtful whether they're used with intent or not, so it's best just to take them out of your vocabulary. To me, it's not about being too sensitive, just understanding.

I won't attempt to make comments about individuals or their comments, hopefully both sides of the argument can just try to open their minds, learn and grow.
Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

He apologized and that's the 1st step, I believe he realizes his mistake and will learn from it but the debate is bigger than that.
i think this is an important point.

obviously the discussion started with kobe, but i think most of us have moved past him.  he's apologized, and hopefully he means what he said.

now we have the opportunity to delve deeper into the underlying issue here: what constructs are present in our society that allow such language/behavior to remain commonplace?

from many of the responses in here, this language is not only still acceptable, but even excusable.
Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

He apologized and that's the 1st step, I believe he realizes his mistake and will learn from it but the debate is bigger than that.
i think this is an important point.

obviously the discussion started with kobe, but i think most of us have moved past him.  he's apologized, and hopefully he means what he said.

now we have the opportunity to delve deeper into the underlying issue here: what constructs are present in our society that allow such language/behavior to remain commonplace?

from many of the responses in here, this language is not only still acceptable, but even excusable.
[h1]Kobe Bryant: I Used To Beat Up Kids In High School Who Teased My Gay Friends[/h1]


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by Dan Fogarty | 4:37 pm, April 17th, 2011

Last week, Kobe Bryant was caught on camera directing a gay slur at a referee who had tee’d him up. After issuing an underwhelming apology, Bryant was fined $100,000 by David Stern for using the word (which starts with an F, and is the worst thing you can call a gay person).

In an eloquent New York Times response to Bryant’s slur, gay former NBA player John Amaechi discussed the damage done. The most poignant part of the piece was when Amaechi talked about an email he got from a gay high school basketball player.
He watched every game you played this season on television, but this week he feels less safe and less positive about himself because he stared adoringly into your face as you said the word that haunts him in school every single day.

The ramifications of the incident are still being felt. Case in point: during Game 1 of today’s Lakers/Hornets game, ESPN’s Lisa Salters reported on a conversation she had with Bryant before tipoff.

“I used to beat up a lot of kids even in high school who used to tease my friends,
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