General Anxiety? Anyone Suffer?

Jan 15, 2009
Sup NT,

I believe I have General Anxiety Disorder. I've been seeing a doctor and speaking about how my life is not right. I am constantly worrying about something, even if it's the most insignificant thing. If something happens that I believe can have bad repercussions, I stress and stress and stress about them.

I also get real anxious about things that I have no control over. Say I'm driving for a long time, I feel my car will break down or I'll end with a flat, etc. Normal people don't think like that, they just roll with the punches and do what they gotta do.

Much of my anxiety is due in large part to how others perceive me as well. Everytime a girl and I have broken up, I automatically worry that I did something wrong or didn't do something right. I constantly fear that there was something about me that made the relationship end. For instance, I worry that maybe I was to anxious around them, to fearful of the future, worrying about going on a road trip, was it the sex? Was it my anger sometimes, which was rare. No matter the case, I constantly get anxious and worry.

Even if I'm out with friends and say my best friend introduces me to a friend. We'll chill and shoot the @!!# and what not, but the next day I'll be like what did that kid think of me? Did I look like an idiot? Did I say something that might have offended him?

THE WORST ANXIETY though comes when I think about the future and money. I will be having a great day and all of a sudden I'll stop and think, I should be buying a a house in a couple years how am I going to do that? And I'll worry and it'll ruin the rest of my day. Literally, you can feel it in your chest when your anxious about something and I feel that A LOT.

I want to start living a life without worry. I feel it's shaving years off my life the way I worry and stress about things so much. None of my friends are like this. I feel I lost friends and girlfriends due to this.

Has anyone had this anxiety? How did you overcome? Can it be treated?
A couple years ago someone very close to me died and ever since I have been dealing with anxiety. It doesn't penetrate into my everyday life as you describe, but I definitely think about the consequences of my actions more often. I fear death, not because I'm afraid of what is on the other side, but because I want to be on this earth to provide for my family as long as I can. I often think about what my fiance would do if something happened to me.

I can't shake the anxiety over death. All I can tell you is to try and figure out things that make you happy on a regular basis and do them frequently.
OP, it sounds like you have a severe lack in self confidence, which feeds your fears (anxiety).
My suggestion would be to start building yourself up:  Think about the positive things you have going on in your life and all the stuff that has worked out.

-You are alive and have your health.

-You are gainfully employed.

-You have the ability and wherewithal to improve your situation.

-This life we live is filled with infinite possibilities.  Some not so pleasant, but most are wonderful and beneficial.

Send me a PM if you would like to discuss this further.
You probably should try and get on medication such as Lexapro, Zoloft etc. Too worry about the little insignificant things and how it stresses you should not hold back your happiness. Worrying about the future and money is very common for most people especially the way these current markets are moving. You can't worry about what is going to happen in a few years because you don't know what can happen tomorrow. Just realize you have your health and a good surrounding cast and a supportive family and you should be fine. If you do ever have a really bad anxiety attack, discuss this with a pyschologist and see if an anti-anxiety medicine can work such as xanax.That will calm you down and put your stress to rest. Once you cope with this and build up your confidence there will not be a need for this medication.

Remember what you have and keep confidence.
Thanks for the replies. TupacsBack...this has nothing do to with "man" up. So save your smartest replies.
Weird thing is OP I have also have been struggling with general anxiety; it's been two years now and the feeling of my lungs tightening and depersonalization is still a constant struggle for me. Its funny I was never like this until I met this one friend who basically wanted to mimic every thing I did (way I dressed, way I talked, the things I was into; he was like another me...every facet of his life to be as similar as mine). For obvious reasons that irked me but I never had it in me to tell him straight up it was annoying, so I instead just bottled it up (this led to me building up alot of anger and annoyance). Not until later did I tell him straight up about every thing...he took offense to it and he said I should be flattered by fact he is inspired by me and that I was a "coward" for avoiding his calls and what not. I was super pissed once he said all this nonsense, so I cut all connections with him from that point on. Honestly, as ridiculous as it may sound; this dude has taken the form of general anxiety for me ( I know its a childish reason, but that fact makes the anxiety worse because I tell myself, "%$% why am I so bothered by this."). The fact that there's a dude out there trying to be like me in a creepy manner bothers my head, the brain chatter keeps reminding me he exists and that it was my fault to have ever befriended him. Its like an endless cycle of that thought in my subconscious. I thought telling him straight up would be the remedy to the haunting sensations (the feeling of lungs tightening, feelings of detachment and depersonalization) that I feel from general anxiety but it didn't.
OP, I always wanted to speak out to my fam here; wondering if there were people suffering from general anxiety like me! I too am wishing more than anything to feel like the way I use too before. Even to me, the way general anxiety was formed in me is beyond stupid, but I feel there is a constant battle between my conscious and subconscious! Now I have this paranoia about befriending new people, and them either mimicking me or using me... maybe I just have serious self esteem issues and I need my fam to straighten me out!
I don't have GAD, but I do deal with Anxiety (so does everybody). Always worried about the future. I have Anxiety Attacks a few times a year, but I understand why I have them and control them with breathing exercises I learned doing Yoga over the past 5-6 years. I use to have it the worst when I had an exam or a practical during Grad school.

Going to the gym and doing yoga, eating nutrient rich dense foods helps out A LOT.

Honestly dude, you just need to do things that keep your mind off thinking of the things that trigger the anxiety. Do whatever you can not to get on Anti-Depressants, they are not your friend.
No medicine. Find other ways. Feeling like a zombie is not what's good fam. Plenty of other NTers can tell you the same, horror stories for days. I don't even understand how that *#+! is legal.
I tend to have similar anxiety problems OP. You smoke? If not, you should.
Originally Posted by TupacsBack

Yea... Then I man up.

i kinda have to agree with this.... you're just looking for some pill you can take to stop yourself from thinking bad thoughts...
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

No medicine. Find other ways. Feeling like a zombie is not what's good fam. Plenty of other NTers can tell you the same, horror stories for days. I don't even understand how that *#+! is legal.

please elaborate.
I have that somewhat.

Do you drink a lot of caffine? If so, my advice is try to minimize your intake of it. Also, try to focus as much as possible on the positives going on.

This may sound hard to do, but do get rest and try to sleep. A good night's sleep will always do you good. Before going to bed, try to think about the good things that happened in the day. In the morning, keep positive and not worry about what could happen, but focus on something you have been looking forward to.

If you have someone you can trust and talk to especially when you feel most anxious it helps. Not necessarily one that will coddle you, but one that will give you another perspective.

Keep on fighting and working at it.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

No medicine. Find other ways. Feeling like a zombie is not what's good fam. Plenty of other NTers can tell you the same, horror stories for days. I don't even understand how that *#+! is legal.

please elaborate.

Overprescribed but not completely ineffective.
75% of Americans deal with Anxiety issues at some point of their life. It's normal, that's the first thing you should realize. Personally, I suffer from GAD (general anxiety disorder), which nearly 6.8 million American adults suffer from GAD each year. It is important to understand that IT IS NORMAL.

Many people also believe GAD is inherited and runs in the family. Do your parents/siblings suffer from anxiety issues?

I went to a psychologist for my anxiety and was put on Lexapro (an SSRI) which increases the serotonin in the brain. For many people suffering from anxiety and depression, it is due to a chemical imbalance in their brain, which they have no control over. Therefore, medication can be helpful for an extended period of time. In addition to Lexapro, I was put on Klonopin, which is a part of the benzo family (much like Xanax).  These medications have definitely helped with my anxiety and I encourage you to see a doctor and see if it is something that can help you out.  The whole "man up" thing is a bunch of BS IMO.  These people don't understand that some people LITERALLY have a chemical imbalance and have no control over their anxiety/depression. Thus, medication can be helpful.

Someone earlier in this thread said "good luck having sex" if you are on Lexapro.  It effects every person differently.  For me, it has lowered my libido slightly but I am still fully able to have sex. The only sexual side effect I've experienced is a slight lack in libido and more of a difficulty achieving orgasm.  I am sexually active with my girl and can still bust my nuts but it takes longer than normal and as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing wrong with that. However, these SSRI medications affect everyone differently. If you have any other questions feel free to contact me.
i used to have anxiety problems that affected my everyday way of living. i had one panic attack 7-8 years ago and was on medication (seratonin reuptake pills like prozac, paxil, etc) for a few years. i'm still on meds today, but a lower dosage. i remember feeling like my head was always cloudy and life, in general, was just uncomfortable. although i didnt think about killing myself, my research shows that sometimes anxiety peeps resort through that the AWFUL alternative. so please, speak to your doctor and don't be ashamed to take meds. it's helped me and everyone i've talked to with anxiety. it's a total chemical imbalance in your brain. meds will help. there's no reason to NOT consider meds... for example, people with diabetes have to take insulin shots. picture this as your daily supplement (ie insulin shot). PM me if you need more info.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

No medicine. Find other ways. Feeling like a zombie is not what's good fam. Plenty of other NTers can tell you the same, horror stories for days. I don't even understand how that *#+! is legal.

please elaborate.

On what exactly? Antidepressants and anti anxiety medication did me more harm than good. Suicidal moods, random raging, developed insomnia because of alprazolam overmedication. Empty feeling all day, every day.
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

On what exactly? Antidepressants and anti anxiety medication did me more harm than good. Suicidal moods, random raging, developed insomnia because of alprazolam overmedication. Empty feeling all day, every day.

that sucks. i've had nothing but good experiences with antidepressants. how long were you on them and how old were you?
how are you feeling nowadays?
Originally Posted by pianoman52

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

On what exactly? Antidepressants and anti anxiety medication did me more harm than good. Suicidal moods, random raging, developed insomnia because of alprazolam overmedication. Empty feeling all day, every day.
that sucks. i've had nothing but good experiences with antidepressants. how long were you on them and how old were you?
how are you feeling nowadays?

Varies person to person, I know a few people who are doing better after meds. Myself and my dude an dee are strong advocates of the no pills policy.

I was on them through high school. Had good days and bad days but the bad ones were hell for me. I'm feeling a lot better these days. I medicate with marijuana, and on my worst days a .25mg Xanax (the little yellow ones) will mellow me out. I'm done with therapy now and I'm in a much better place.
Reminds me of my co-worker.  This guy has an extreme case of anxiety and depression.
Dude never had a real girlfriend cause he lacks the skills to talk to a female and is beyond shy.  Once we were at my friend's house and instead of asking where the bathroom is, he just wanders around the house cause he didn't want to ask. When we are eating out at a restaurant, instead of asking the waiter for something, he goes and gets it himself like the ketchup or hot sauce at another table. 

He worries about the dumbest things like... the ATM stealing his money when he deposits a check or refuses to talk on the phone while driving cause the cops are after him. He doesn't want to get frustrated so he doesn't know how to use his smart phone properly like using the freaking GPS or downloading apps. I tell him then go to Verizon and they can explain it to you but he refuses because he thinks the employees don't like him cause they make him wait. 

So how does he deal with this?  He binge drinks. I tell him to go see a Doctor because our employer provides us great health insurance and to get prescribed medications in order to control it... however dude is either too cheap or too stupid to realize this as a solution.  He is also a slacker by always saying he will do this or that, but he never does.  

I remember once we were heading to this bar and it was our first time going there.  My boy was driving and he didn't know exactly where the spot was and my co-worker needed to give directions to his friend who was meeting us there.  I kept telling him hold up... let us get there first and then I can tell his friend the directions.  However my co-worker was in the back seat going crazy like well they are coming from here and I need to tell him how to get there by going on this street and that street.  I said chill the %@** out... but he doesn't, he just kept going on and on how his buddies are going to get lost because he can't give them directions right away.  

I try my best to help the guy out but really... what can I do other than to suggest seeing a Professional which I have done over and over again? 
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by pianoman52

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones
that sucks. i've had nothing but good experiences with antidepressants. how long were you on them and how old were you?
how are you feeling nowadays?

Varies person to person, I know a few people who are doing better after meds. Myself and my dude an dee are strong advocates of the no pills policy.

I was on them through high school. Had good days and bad days but the bad ones were hell for me. I'm feeling a lot better these days. I medicate with marijuana, and on my worst days a .25mg Xanax (the little yellow ones) will mellow me out. I'm done with therapy now and I'm in a much better place.
OP, I had a similar phase hit me my Freshmen year of college. It was a mix of anxiety and depression, and some ADD issues that I was never aware of.
First off, to those who are telling him to man up or to learn to deal with it, you have no idea how ignorant you sound. Do you know how crippling an anxiety disorder can be? No you don't, so sit down.

I went through Paxil, Lexapro, Pristiq, and Prozac.......None of them helped me at all. Honestly some either made me worse or just made me numb.

Eventually I tried Wellbutrin XL and I take that every day and have for the past 2 years. Ive never felt better. Do not be mistaken though, I went though some psychotherapy too as they call it and saw a therapist once every two weeks for about a year.

I also take Xanax and an Amiben at night and I sleep soundly every night no matter what....very blessed to have found a combination of meds. If you met me, you would never know I take anything of that nature. PM me if you need anything or just reply in here.
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