Generic Boy problems thread Vol. 2- You Men are difficult

Originally Posted by ljlukelj

when we smash I tell her I like her in her ear

i just assume that all men want the same thing (sex). i refrain to give it to them, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but at least they don't getto walk away saying they "got it"
then i don't have to spend countless moments analyzing his every word or action he's made toward me. i think any "grand gesture" they makeprevious to smashing is all apart of the game. my mom has given me the simplest yet most genious advice i've ever heard "if a guy likes you, he willtell you, until he verbalizes it, assume he doesn't and do nothing to compromise who you are to make them happy"

i've taken my L's with that one one time too many, but never again MAN.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

If he's 30+, it's genuine. Under that, we're trying to smash and dash. Wam! Bam! Thank You Ma'am.
WOW, who wants to wait that long for a dude to get it together

Thanks Simply ... interested in the responses as well.
there is no tell-all on how a guy shows he likes you. Guys are just like women in terms of emotions...EVERYONE has hard times communicating and expressing howthey feel. So basically you just have to play the hand you are dealt. Not all of your cards will be the same.
The girl I actually like, I'll hold off on sexual relations just because I respect her and I let her know that from the beginning.

If she just throwing it out there, I'm taking that pass straight to the endzone
-Nonverbal communication speaks volumes.
-if he introduces you to his friends/family, male or female
-the way he looks @ you
-if he's objective with you
For some reason, all the chicks that I truly liked and wanted a relationship with, it never went anywhere. But chicks that I just tried to smash usuallyhappened.
So I'm kinda stuck in the mindset of putting in work doesnt matter and any chick that I talk to I'm just tryin 2 beat.

Its pretty simple to tell if he's tryin 2 wife you tho. If he brings you around female friends and takes you to places that he normally goes to thenyou're good
You really cant tell tell until AFTER the guy pipes anyway.

My G is so tight I believe the the stuff I say.
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

The girl I actually like, I'll hold off on sexual relations just because I respect her and I let her know that from the beginning.

If she just throwing it out there, I'm taking that pass straight to the endzone
I tend to move in the same direction, most girls I trulylike...I dont pursue the sexual side asap. I give it time, let it breathe and allow the mental, emotional and personality play to come in first.

I like to let a girl know that I truly like, Its isnt about sex although I want it eventually It's nowhere near first priority
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

-Nonverbal communication speaks volumes.
-if he introduces you to his friends/family, male or female
-the way he looks @ you
-if he's objective with you

WHOA. Who just said that??
It's actually quite simple, Simply. When he ends up spending his free time with you... he would consider a relationship. This includes hanging with yourfriends and you hanging with his. If he doesn't invite you out with his friends for more than one occasion, it's a no go. If you notice he only callswhen he wants to hang out at night, it is a no go. If you two hang out solo during the DAY often, he will consider a monogamous long term relationship.Remember: Deeds not words.
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

If you've had a convo longer than 10 minutes at a decent time of day, chances are he wants something more.

If all you get are texts or real quick phone calls at late hours of the night, he's trying to promote you to J.O. status.
thats the truth.. if dude only texts you.. he just tryna keep in contact for one of them lonely nights
my advice : Use your intuition to see what his motives are and what your chemistry is like.

Don't use the "holding out" method to see if he will stay around if you don't put out. it only worksagainst you. If we did want a rayshunship with you and you wouldn't be intimate with us we would lose interest indefinitely. You have to try themilk before you buy the cow (no pun)
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

-Nonverbal communication speaks volumes.
-if he introduces you to his friends/family, male or female
-the way he looks @ you
-if he's objective with you

Coming from a guy, I wouldn't place too much weight on the way we look at you. Setting yourself up to get played with that one.
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