George Zimmerman arrested for aggravated assault

This dude better beat this case too cause if he goes to jail a1. He might end up dead 2. He might join the nation and a mass gang war is going to break out which ultimetly is going to get him killed 3. He might be celebrated and shortly became a leader.

the nation? what nation? The Aryan Brotherhood?

:lol: They wouldn't even spit on him. He's not even 100% white.

He'd be a race traitor in their eyes which is even worse than a black man to them.
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This dude better beat this case too cause if he goes to jail a1. He might end up dead 2. He might join the nation and a mass gang war is going to break out which ultimetly is going to get him killed 3. He might be celebrated and shortly became a leader.
His name is Zimmerman. Aint no way he joining no Aryan brotherhood :lol:

His best chance is to pass the bar and start doing everybody's taxes for them. Word to Shawshank.
A "bad egg" is one who misrepresents his culture, race, religion, etc.

IMO, with GZ's recent actions, they're both "bad eggs" (I know at least 50% of the people on here has seen the "bad egg" bully, antagonize a man to fight him, while the man wants nothing of said altercation. He just wants to be left alone. Be it a YouTube video, real-life experience or whatever). One of those "bad eggs" was legally able to shoot a gun to protect his life. It was an unfortunate event. But, it does take 2 to tango, and with all of the evidence presented in a court of law, the decision was made. (Not trying to be sarcastic, but unless a qualified defense attorney who is legally able to practice law in whatever state he passed the bar in care to chime in, it would be more than appreciated).

Like I said, it's an unfortunate event. Was it justified? It was. Was it moral? That's a different story.

My deepest condolences to Trayvon and his Family. You have to live defensively, just like you should be driving defensively. You never know what kind of nut will be able to kill you, due to your own negligence , as well as his/her ignorance.

Educated yourself as much as possible, respect others so that they may repect you.
And most importantly, tread carefully and remain humble.

Regardless of your skin color, race, net worth, class, etc.


Some of you kill me with this.

What about Trayvon's right to defend himself from the adult with the gun? Live defensively?

The bad egg walking down the street from the store :smh:
Bro, he did. They both engaged in an unnecessary altercation and one was more prepared than the other.

It's an unfortunate event. Under a court of law, it was justified. It was in Florida.

I'm not trying to go to school to be a defense attorney. With my engineering background, I'm qualified for the Patent Bar Exam. I have to take 2 Bar exams in my law school career. So, I'm no expert in this. I'm simply analyzing the evidence with common sense.

Common sense?

Who initiated the altercation?
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Someone who threatened his life, according to an overwhelming amount of evidence?

Dude, just stop. And let's try to have a civil discussion on the outcome.
You will not win this one.

The overwhelming evidence :lol: You have to be trolling.

The civil discussion was over, when you called a dead kid without a criminal record a bad egg.

You say you aren't a lawyer, yet you know what was to become of his life. So you're God?

Then you thought with your insincere condolences comment that masked your statements.
You don't know if he stopped the kid. There's no evidence whatsoever on who initiated it. It's all speculation from both sides, racists will side with Zimmerman, black people who hate police will side with the kid.

George Zimmerman is a policeman?
LOL WUT? His Racism is why he stopped the kid, if he never stopped the kid nobody would have been shot.

You don't know if he stopped the kid. There's no evidence whatsoever on who initiated it. It's all speculation from both sides, racists will side with Zimmerman, black people who hate police will side with the kid.

I'm a level headed individual who is always fair and it's pretty obvious Zimmerman engaged Trayvon.
Someone who threatened his life, according to an overwhelming amount of evidence?

Dude, just stop. And let's try to have a civil discussion on the outcome.
You will not win this one.

The overwhelming evidence :lol: You have to be trolling.

The civil discussion was over, when you called a dead kid without a criminal record a bad egg.

You say you aren't a lawyer, yet you know what was to become of his life. So you're God?

Then you thought with your insincere condolences comment that masked your statements.
Son is a hypocrite man. Don't engage.
Orenthal James 2.0
No lie. I had a few high white buddies coming up with conspiracies saying Zimmerman was payback for OJ like there isn't a bunch of other historical cases where the justice system hasn't failed the black community. **** made me think though, the way he's going it's really only a matter of time before he ends up in prison or dead.

This doesnt add up to Zimmerman story and you best believe if trayvon made it home he would come back with his dad and beat up george he wouldnt come alone lol

Some of you kill me with this.

What about Trayvon's right to defend himself from the adult with the gun? Live defensively?

The bad egg walking down the street from the store
If Trayon was defending himself against a gun pulled on him, Zimmerman wouldn't have let him beat his face in and crack his head on the pavement before attempting to shoot. 

There would have been more than one shot, and of course all evidence leads to self defense in Zimmermans favor.  
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