George Zimmerman arrested for aggravated assault

I'll never understand the hate.

How ****** could life possibly be for you that it filled you with this much hated? I wanna see what it's like in these houses were parents just pump their kids full of hate, like do mom and dad sit you down and run off reasons not to like black people or is it more picked up from overhearing them?

My dad was teaching us fun ****, how to throw footballs and ****, I would've been so confused if dude sat me down like "here's why we hate son..."
WS is a religion for some of these households. In some minority households they think hating blacks will get them pats on the back from white folks :lol:
If Trayon was defending himself against a gun pulled on him, Zimmerman wouldn't have let him beat his face in and crack his head on the pavement before attempting to shoot. 

There would have been more than one shot, and of course all evidence leads to self defense in Zimmermans favor.  

Or...Trayvon was giving him the hands and that ***** Zimmerman realized he bit off more than he could chew, and pulled his gun out and shot him.

Yea, I think that's what happened.
"Joined in on a criminal act"
What the **** are you talking about?

The criminal act of walking home only to have somebody **** with you?

Or the one where somebody messes with you and you give them the hands?
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Isn't George Zimmerman on the 911 calls saying he sees someone and wants to confront them and the 911 operator tells him explicitly not to? 

Does that not show that Zimmerman went up to Trayvon and initiated the entire incident?

I don't understand the back and forth on this matter. 

This was all rhetorical. Do no quote me or respond to me. I forbid it.
Do no quote me or respond to me. I forbid it.
Please share the court case where Trayvon Martin was on trial for assault and found guilty.
Please share the court case where Zimmerman was convicted of murder. Oh wait, you don't care about the facts surrounding the case. Just your feelings and the two individual skin colors of those involved. Social justice warriors are ruining America. 
This guy went to court too, guess he's innocent. 
Wow, are these dudes calling the unnecessarily provoked 16 yr old with teen angst and testosterone peaking a bad egg for responding how damn near most teen males would? For damn sure at least that military nut job. A "bad egg" c'mon man these dudes are trolling, though Some of these kids pump estrogen. You're completely full of **** if you say you would've reacted like a calm adult. I'm still not certain why we're attacking a dead child.
It's almost as if you didn't read the thread, or you'd know I didn't say that ITT. 

Oh wait, you clearly didn't read the thread. Stop talking. 
Wow, are these dudes calling the unnecessarily provoked 16 yr old with teen angst and testosterone peaking a bad egg for responding how damn near most teen males would? For damn sure at least that military nut job. A "bad egg" c'mon man these dudes are trolling, though Some of these kids pump estrogen. You're completely full of **** if you say you would've reacted like a calm adult. I'm still not certain why we're attacking a dead child.

It's almost as if you didn't read the thread, or you'd know I didn't say that ITT. 

Oh wait, you clearly didn't read the thread. Stop talking. :stoneface:

Did I say you said that genius?

Used you as an example slow poke that I'm willing to bet your looney tunes self would respond similarly at 16 to some strange non police fat *** harassing you.
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Wow, are these dudes calling the unnecessarily provoked 16 yr old with teen angst and testosterone peaking a bad egg for responding how damn near most teen males would? For damn sure at least that military nut job.
It'a like you can't even read or something. 

Keep these childish comments to yourself, please.
Used you as an example slow poke that I'm willing to bet your looney tunes self would respond similarly at 16 to some strange non police fat *** harassing you.
Sorry, some of us were raised with better sense than to attack strangers out of nowhere. 
I wish Zimmerman was.
Seems quite clear that Trayvon started it. Let's also ignore all the witnesses who saw Trayvon on top of GZ beating him. 

You guys are ridiculous with the race baiting, so much so that you ignore all the clear evidence. 
Seems quite clear that Trayvon started it. Let's also ignore all the witnesses who saw Trayvon on top of GZ beating him. 

You guys are ridiculous with the race baiting, so much so that you ignore all the clear evidence. 

Troll game three hunnid right now.
I been approaching this thing all wrong.

I been letting ME66 rustle my angus when I really should've been loling at the troll job.

This one is my bad.
Play on ME666. I see your schtick.

You still a racist son of a gun though.
this guy is going to get killed by someone, its just a matter of time.
Nothing is going to happen to him. Homie still live in the same county the TM issue took place. Meanwhile hood people are still killing others over a $20 bag of weed but hate GZ
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Either way if zimmerman started it and bit off more than he can chew and was getting beat up like you guys said , he still can defend himself defined under florida law. I'm not saying its right that he started the fight but of he starts getting swung on even if he hit the kid first he can shoot. Its just how the law works in florida and with stand your ground laws. It dosnt matter the intent of starting the fight or who starts it first , if your under bodily harm you can shoot to defend yourself. Im not defending either side its just the law.
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