Get ready for your gas/oil prices to go up...


I dont mind it going up as long as its not 5 bucks a gallon. But they need to stop this monopoly, price gouging at its finest.
The cut is just an attempt to stop the slide in prices (to prop them up) not necessarily to drive them higher.
Oil prices will hover around the $40 mark for a while.
i ride a bike, and have been for the last 3 years. gas only hurts me when i wanna road trip.


[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [table][tr][td] [/td] [td]PRICE*[/td] [td]CHANGE[/td] [td]% CHANGE[/td] [td]TIME[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Nymex Crude Future[/td] [td]40.41[/td] [td]-3.19[/td] [td]-7.32[/td] [td]16:08[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Dated Brent Spot[/td] [td]43.30[/td] [td]-.64[/td] [td]-1.46[/td] [td]16:37[/td] [/tr][tr][td]WTI Cushing Spot[/td] [td]40.06[/td] [td]-3.54[/td] [td]-8.12[/td] [td]15:52[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by LAzianBoi

i literally got buckets of buckers of gas.. cuz its so cheap.. u guys should do the same.. just to save some money

If I had somewhere safe to store it I'd do the same.
Originally Posted by LAzianBoi

i literally got buckets of buckers of gas.. cuz its so cheap.. u guys should do the same.. just to save some money
when your $%!# blows up, post pics on NT
Just a matter of time.

Oh well, worst comes to worst, i live less than 2 miles from my job, i will walk or bike it out.
Originally Posted by LAzianBoi

i literally got buckets of buckers of gas.. cuz its so cheap.. u guys should do the same.. just to save some money
anyone ever see that its always sunny in philidelphiaepisode were the gang decides to buy gas and sell it. idk why but this made me think of it.
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