getting my first credit card

Originally Posted by tmoney85

dude, its free money, that you dont have to pay back. just buy and once you max out, get a new one. just keep doing that. imagine all the JORDANS in the world! iphones, blackberry, throwbacks, all the fubu money can buy. do it!

I mean really, who wants FUBU when you can copp some KARL KANI


be responsible and try and put your bills on it if you can earn points.......just make sure you are NEVER late on ANY payment
Find one thing that costs you roughly the same amount each month and just pay it off with the CC. Otherwise use cash and DC.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Had a 1k limit cap 1, maxed out and payed it off and maxed out, then macys sent me a 2k one, maxedout paid it off maxed out....basically i owe 2k+ and been struggling to pay it off....2 jobs, 1.5k a month, by summer time i should be good[/color]
i finally paid off about $3500 of credit card debt and now i have the cards hidden away and they will not be touched unless a serious emergency happens.

i did go ahead and cop a ps3 and a few games with my best buy card after paying everything off though only because theres no interest for 18 months, i alwayspay my bills on time so paying it off won't be an issue, i'm looking to pay if off in 9 months though.
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