Ghetto stories/habbits

-still mostly order chicken wings and french fries from the chinese spot. honestly i think 90% of their menu is lies. my boy tried to order shrimp w/ mixed veggies one day...sure enough they said they "removed" that item from the menu

-still only get 50 cent lemon iceys during the summer from the ice cream truck. you can keep your gelatto.

-still use a bunch of mismatched silverware and plates

-still sleep on the bottom part of a bunk bed me and my sister had as kids. as a result i can't sleep in anything else but a curled up position

-still put batteries in the freezer

-still save EVERYTHING "in case i need it"

-still walk around the mall food court 2-3 seperate times to collect free samples

-still not lovin police/still got love for the streets
mustard sandwiches
gas got shut off so we had to boiled water to take baths
forget buying new pair of jeans. we just re-died the to look new
Buy a fresh roll $.25
Buy a bag of BBQ Fritos $.50

Proceed to "gut" said roll.

Fill with BBQ Fritos.

Top with yellow mustard.

There you have a ghetto burger.

We ate these every day after school for years.
Used to buy a bag of fries for 1.25, put ketchup- shake the bag and eat it while riding down my block on my bike with no hands
Damn I got trash bags on the door right now
I've never ever heard of that before. Why do people hang plastic bags off door knobs? is it to substitute trash bins or something?
Yea whenever i buy something i save all the plastic bags and use them as trash don't have to buy as many trash bags and its quick and convenient just grabbing and tossing it out on your way out the door :pimp:
Still drink quarter juices

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We called them Teenies in the suburbs. :smokin

Paper towels? Lucky dude.

when I'm out, I'm out...

I go for the yellow pages or newspaper and keeping crinkling it, till it's soft...

Yeah, I grew up poor.

Worst I ever did was rip the wife beater I was wearing from armpit down until it looked like a belly shirt and use the scraps to wipe :x
Microwaved bologna on the wonder bread

Hot water out? Boil a pot of hot water and put it in a bucket with normal temp. Warm shower ....sort of :lol:
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