Ghosts in California, Post your city [Link]


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San Bernardino - San Bernardino high auditorium - Doors close, lights go on by themselves. Stories heard by teachers that use to be students from the school have seen weird figures in the Auditorium. It was heard that one of the students were fixing the lights on the second floor balcony, they fell off it falling to the first fall dying. Cold spots have also been reported by students that head to the second floor balcony.
Riverside - UCR Lothian Dining services - Custodial and late-night staff have complained of feeling cold drafts and "spots" at nights. Some doors have been said to close unexpectedly, and plates and silverware have been found to be missing or re-arranged. In spring 2006, a student unfortunately hung himself in the Lothian dormitory late at night.. there have been stories of people seeing or feeling his presence.

Riverside - University of California Rivera Library - Most of the very large Rivera Library was remodeled during 2000-2001. Parts of it were left untouched however, upon entering the main entrance turn left, it will be clear which parts are older. It is said a female ghost haunts these parts, on the first and second floors, mainly at night and after patrons have left and in the early morning hours. Janitors working after midnight have reported sounds and cold spots. Short lasting obnoxious odors have been smelled in the basement. A great time to go would be during finals week as the library is open until 2am.

I heard about these things.
I lived in A and I my freshman year at UCR. That place gave me the creeps. We had instances where girls would run out of the girls bathrooms screaming and crying because, from what they said, they would sporadically see the ghost of a little girl. There were also times where our dorm rooms doors would slam. I remember staying up late one night writing my paper and my roomate was on the phone. We had our door open for anyone who wanted to come in and chat. Then it slammed. I got out of my chair and looked at my roomate. We both opened our door and looked both ways. Mind you, the halls in A and I are long and narrow with only two small lights illuminating the hallway. Anyways, we looked to the left and we see a figure running down the hall and it turned into the guy's bathroom. We ran down the hall and followed it but we couldn't find anything in the bathroom. I've also had friends who would hear there names being called from outside there windows or inside the vents.

Supposedly, the dorm was a hospital for the Air Force or Army because back in the day UCR was a Military base before the University bought the land. I've never experienced anything inside Rivera though, but I have heard stories.
That website is incredibly old. There are about 5-7 haunted places posted that are around my house and I don't think any are true. The misspelled words and incorrect grammar used on the site also questions the credibility of the site.
I'm countin' those M's now/ Those O's come straight off the Benz now...not the 550, more like the 65/​
^I have heard about the ghost at ucr library and San Bernardino high school when I attended there 8 years ago. I preferred not to find out myself if it's true or not. That is old but they keep adding new stuff.

Riverside - UCR Lothian Dining services - Custodial and late-night staff have complained of feeling cold drafts and "spots" at nights. Some doors have been said to close unexpectedly, and plates and silverware have been found to be missing or re-arranged. In spring 2006, a student unfortunately hung himself in the Lothian dormitory late at night.. there have been stories of people seeing or feeling his presence.

San Francisco - Golden Gate Park - There's a police officer ghost that roams Golden Gate Park. People will get pulled over and get speeding tickets by this guy, but when they go to file it through the courts they'll find out that the officer listed doesn't exist. He's been dead for 10 years. Anyway, the story goes that if a cop in the park is trailing you, you need to go outside of the park first before you pull over. And once you do, the ghost cop will disappear.
Someone in SF said this is true.
Los Angeles - Loyola High School - Reported noises and movement at night in the field house. A classroom, which used to be a dormitory for students in the 60's, is haunted by a student who killed himself in a trap door located on the ceiling of the room. Students and even the teacher who uses the room report an eerie presence there. The living quarters for the Jesuits is reportedly visited by an apparition of a nun. The school itself is over 150 years old.
Team M.B.S.W.
Duarte - Spaghetti Factory - Employees of the Spaghetti Factory claim to hear children playing in the rest room areas in the basement, dishes also fall to the floor, said to be the children playing games. - September 2004 Update - emblem on the entrance that reads Duarte High School 1904. It was originally built in the early 1900's as a High School and in the 60's it was abandoned because Duarte high school was built and everyone was sent there instead.

I dont "look outside the box" anymore. if i happen to find myself outside the box, so be it. if im still in it, i wouldnt know. because i dont care, im not looking to impress anyone or outdo anything.Methamphibian NYC
hmmm nothing in there about san marino....supposedly theres a red dress lady that walks around on foggy nights and there are supposedly a few haunted houses
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Originally Posted by b1gdaddyh

hmmm nothing in there about san marino....supposedly theres a red dress lady that walks around on foggy nights and there are supposedly a few haunted houses

dayum, i live down the street from san marino. people who live in san marino like their streets pitch black dark at night with no lights. I would hate tolive in the haunted neighborhood part of town.
RIP Haven's Bakery in the east county of San Diego. I heard it burned down in last years crazy October fires. Most of the videos on youtube of it arekinda whack but when I went with my homies we went in with some random mexican crew that was also there and some trippy stuff happened. There was 20 heads deepof filipinos and mexicans and we was all screaming with weapons in our hands.
The history behind it is on the net somewhere but I'm too chicken to read it.
Canyon country/Santa Clarita i heard... you see your mother in red and blood all over her face and she calls out your name.
Originally Posted by Sportsnutrition85

Heard about the bridge close to GAHR HS?...studebaker and artesia blvd.

I was with my friends there like 5 years ago we sat there for hours just chillin nothing scary happen
Originally Posted by never wear them

Canyon country/Santa Clarita i heard... you see your mother in red and blood all over her face and she calls out your name.

what part of scv? and ive never even heard of this before.
my girl lives in westminster, and supposedly the corner house on euclid and hazard is haunted. she hasn't told me the complete story, but she doesn'teven like driving by the house. it looks like they built up 2 new houses on the land not too long ago. the scariest thing about it is the huge potholes goingdown hazard. fix the streets city of westminster!
Originally Posted by carL0Wm3yng

Originally Posted by never wear them

Canyon country/Santa Clarita i heard... you see your mother in red and blood all over her face and she calls out your name.

what part of scv? and ive never even heard of this before.
ay %#@@ ghost for reals. You want some %!#% that will blow your minds? Aliens haha, not sammy cassell, but aliens. There has been numerous accounts of peopleout in the pacific ocean seeing wierd objects flying around. A lot of people believe that aliens already found a home on earth. this isn't your ordinaryUFLYINGO's But your USUBMERGEDO's. People believe that aliens are already in our waters. There has been cases where people would boat from Long Beachto Catalina and see wierd lights under water. Around 2001 there was a case were someone from Malibu called the police station talking about "i'm kindaembarrassed to say this, but i just seen something flying in and out of the water..." down the coast a few miles another person seen the same %!#% from adifferen't angle. They said they pick the waters in the pacific because it's so deep (no $+%%) and easy to navigate as it is pretty smooth. Check itout on youtube. BUT ghost? I don't really know of any.

But check it, not on some racist %!#% but WHY! do white ppl get abducted by aliens, asians see ghost, and blacks and mexicans get beat up by cops! Not on anyracist %!#% but WHY! hahah
People will get pulled over and get speeding tickets by this guy, but when they go to file it through the courts they'll find out that the officer listed doesn't exist. He's been dead for 10 years. Anyway, the story goes that if a cop in the park is trailing you, you need to go outside of the park first before you pull over

LOL this is ridiculous. Not believable at all. I'm from SF and never heard about this nonsense.
Utter non sense and this site is as old as dirt. But it's always entertaining to read about places you're familiar with.
The city of Fullerton has a walking haunted tour every October. I went last year and it was fun, but nothing weird happened. But the tour does take you to alocal HS auditorium where some guy that's been working there for years tells you about his personal encounters with the ghosts of the HS. Also, I went toTiffany Amber Thiessen's house about 2 1/2 years ago and she lives in the old Warner Brothers estate. It was haunted and they saw ghosts of old workersfrom like the 50's in and around the lot all the time. I love haunted stuff. Thanks for that website!!!
Originally Posted by Sportsnutrition85

Heard about the bridge close to GAHR HS?...studebaker and artesia blvd.
how funny. i was driving by that bridge. the one i think ur talking about is on gridley over the 91 fwy rite? i heard the swings move up and down atfull speed at night. wowow btw, go to labels!!
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