Gilbert Arenas and Crittenton draw guns at each other in locker room

Originally Posted by youngcheezy

[chris berman] Gilbert "guns in the" Arenas [/Chris Berman]


If you say this in the Chris Berman voice it's
Not only has Arenas denied he pointed the unloaded gun, he denies he was gambling. Still, sources insist Arenas is a relentless high-stakes gambler, that he loves the action of it. One league source told Yahoo! Sports he approximated Arenas had lost as much as $70,000 to $80,000 in an evening betting on PlayStation games against a friend of former teammate Donnell Taylor.

"The guy went out the next day, bought a real nice car in cash the next day and still had money left over. Gil gave him his money."

News of Arenas being a gambler isn't anything new...this is the same guy who admitted to playing online poker at halftime of games. In addition, he'sthe same dude who on youtube had a 3pt contest w. Deshawn Stevenson for like 10g's...'s my take on Arenas at this point:

Frist of all, Gilbert Arenas is stupid (as we all know) for bringing heat in to the Verizon Center. His excuse about getting them out of his house because ofhis daughter's birth is flat out laughable. I don't know how ANYONE could be that stupid in bringing guns into the place where you work. He could haveeasily called the FCPD and either had and officer come to his house to get the guns, or he could have dropped them off at the precinct. That's neither herenor there....

Now, when exactly was Gil being investigated for having firearms in the VC? Was that before or after the 21st? Because the guns weren't confiscated,something tells me that he didn't relay any information about his heat being at the VC until AFTER the incident with Crittendon. Maybe he did want the gunsout of his house due to his newborn baby, but that reason didn't go public until after his altercation w. Critt. This is where the problem is.

Arenas said he told employees at the VC that he had the guns when he brought them in initially...or did he? If he did, why would he still have access to hislockbox after a West Coast trip? If the employees at the VC did know about the guns, I would think they would have confiscated them upon learning that theywere on the arena grounds.

This situation is a mess. I HOPE he gets suspended for the remainder of the season and his contract is eventually voided. I'm sick of this clown. Even withhim trying to deflect the attention and seriousness of what when down, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GOOFING AROUND WHEN IT COMES TO GUNS...ESPECIALLY in a placeof employment.

He deserves whatever comes his way. If it's jailtime, I'm not going to feel sorry for him one bit. He brought it upon himself with stupid decisions,and if he's made an example of...he has no one to blame but himself. DC has STRICT gun laws, and had it been you or me in the same situation, I doubt therewould be many people showing compassion or sympathy for being so stupid. Being a celebrity or athlete doesn't give him a right or pass to excuse moronicbehavior/decisions. This is a serious matter, and I expect the league and Washington DC to come down harshly.

He's an embarrassment to the city and the franchise. It's a shame that it's come to this point, but again....he has no one to blame but himself.

Originally Posted by DubA169

when people make a mistake after signing a 100 MILLION DOLLAR deal, i have no sympathy when the mistake involves them PULLING A GUN ON A TEAMMATE ON PREMISES and it's consequently voided. he didn't get caught smoking a blunt or cheating on his wife he pulled out loaded freaking weapons.


This is how rumors spiral out of control
Originally Posted by Jehul

Originally Posted by DubA169

when people make a mistake after signing a 100 MILLION DOLLAR deal, i have no sympathy when the mistake involves them PULLING A GUN ON A TEAMMATE ON PREMISES and it's consequently voided. he didn't get caught smoking a blunt or cheating on his wife he pulled out loaded freaking weapons.


This is how rumors spiral out of control

there were like 8 stories coming out at the time. i should have waited till all the facts got out. but loaded or unloaded i can understand why his contractwould get terminated.
This is what really happened they were playing a card game which involved a high sum of money and gil lost. Gil lost before and paid $70,000 to a formerteammate. He said his payment plan to JC will be zero down payments zero future payments. JC said on the team plane that he would shoot gil in his bad knee ifhe dont pay him. So in the locker room gil had 3 guns sitting out on a bench. JC walked in and gil said pick one and do it. JC picked on up and slammed it onthe ground and starting yelling back and fourth with gil before it was broken up. NO GUNS WERE POINTED AT ANYONE.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Not only has Arenas denied he pointed the unloaded gun, he denies he was gambling. Still, sources insist Arenas is a relentless high-stakes gambler, that he loves the action of it. One league source told Yahoo! Sports he approximated Arenas had lost as much as $70,000 to $80,000 in an evening betting on PlayStation games against a friend of former teammate Donnell Taylor.

"The guy went out the next day, bought a real nice car in cash the next day and still had money left over. Gil gave him his money."

News of Arenas being a gambler isn't anything new...this is the same guy who admitted to playing online poker at halftime of games. In addition, he's the same dude who on youtube had a 3pt contest w. Deshawn Stevenson for like 10g's...'s my take on Arenas at this point:

Frist of all, Gilbert Arenas is stupid (as we all know) for bringing heat in to the Verizon Center. His excuse about getting them out of his house because of his daughter's birth is flat out laughable. I don't know how ANYONE could be that stupid in bringing guns into the place where you work. He could have easily called the FCPD and either had and officer come to his house to get the guns, or he could have dropped them off at the precinct. That's neither here nor there....

Now, when exactly was Gil being investigated for having firearms in the VC? Was that before or after the 21st? Because the guns weren't confiscated, something tells me that he didn't relay any information about his heat being at the VC until AFTER the incident with Crittendon. Maybe he did want the guns out of his house due to his newborn baby, but that reason didn't go public until after his altercation w. Critt. This is where the problem is.

Arenas said he told employees at the VC that he had the guns when he brought them in initially...or did he? If he did, why would he still have access to his lockbox after a West Coast trip? If the employees at the VC did know about the guns, I would think they would have confiscated them upon learning that they were on the arena grounds.

This situation is a mess. I HOPE he gets suspended for the remainder of the season and his contract is eventually voided. I'm sick of this clown. Even with him trying to deflect the attention and seriousness of what when down, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GOOFING AROUND WHEN IT COMES TO GUNS...ESPECIALLY in a place of employment.

He deserves whatever comes his way. If it's jailtime, I'm not going to feel sorry for him one bit. He brought it upon himself with stupid decisions, and if he's made an example of...he has no one to blame but himself. DC has STRICT gun laws, and had it been you or me in the same situation, I doubt there would be many people showing compassion or sympathy for being so stupid. Being a celebrity or athlete doesn't give him a right or pass to excuse moronic behavior/decisions. This is a serious matter, and I expect the league and Washington DC to come down harshly.

He's an embarrassment to the city and the franchise. It's a shame that it's come to this point, but again....he has no one to blame but himself.


donnel taylor is one crazy dude, gil knew better than to pull that stuff

apparently this is what happened

[h3]Mike Jones provides a very clear picture of what happened[/h3]
The cliffnotes version:

-Gilbert owed money to JaVale McGee, not Javaris Crittenton.
-Arenas bailed on the game and they lobbed insults back at each other on the team plane.
-On the 21st, Arenas brought his guns and told Crittenton to pick one. He was messing around, but eventually tempers flared and Crittenton hurled one of Arenas' guns on the ground and said he had one of his own.
-Ernie Grunfeld found out immediately, reported him to the league office and considered voiding his contract on the spot. He's since calmed down. So, no cover-up.
-If Arenas was indeed just joking around and unaware of DC gun laws, he could get off easy. If not, and he's convicted of a felony, the Wizards will try to void his contract using the "moral turpitude" clause we've discussed.
-The Wizards were close to making several moves anyway, most of which I don't like. We'll discuss those later.

Im just going to wait on what the final decision stern will make.

too many stories left and right
Mike Jones used to be the beat writer for the Washington Times before they shut down the sports section. Dude's legit. Much better than the sorry sacksemployed by the Washington Post.
THE DIRTY ARMY: Nik, I have an incredible story for you today. On Christmas Eve, the Washington Wizards expereinced some team chemistry issues. The team'sstar +$100 million point gaurd, Gilbert Arenas, owed some unknown amount of money, to the team's back up gaurd, Javaris Crittenton. The debt was because ofgambling. Javaris entered the locker room. Wanting to collect his money, he asked Gilbert to make good on their bet. Gilbert Arenas refused to comply, givingnew meaning to his nickname "Agent Zero". Crittenton, according to his long-time child-hood friend Kendrick Long, responded by saying, "I am notyour punk!" So, how would Arenas respond to Crittenton standing up for himself? Like any normal deranged fake-gangster, by pulling a gun on Javaris, outof his locker! Crittenton, then responded by pulling out a gun on Arenas! So here they were, 2 NBA athletes making millions, on Christmas-eve, having astand-off in their locker room, like some sort of Clint Eastwood western. I have no idea how the situation was defused. As you can tell, some details are stillsketchy at this point. When Gilbert was questioned by the media about it, he denied it. Arenas will have to deal with tougher questions in the future, becauseboth the Washington D.C. police and the U.S. Attorney's Office (the feds) are looking into it. Nik, is any amount of money worth getting into a disputelike this? How big of idiots are they? Lastly, what does Judge Richie think would be an appropriate punishment?

This makes perfect sense considering other players have been telling me Gilbert has "over extended" himself financially. Word around the NBA is thathe is broke and is in major debt right now. I think his punishment should be a demotion to the And1 tour where guns in the locker room are a way of life.- nik

I know this isn't from a credible news source but this dude nik richie always gets the real deal scoops somehow.
Gilbert sounds like those lames that don't pay when they lose a bet, but are on your *$+ if you owe them.
How is he in that much debt when he is still OWED 80 mil? Dude has money coming in from Adidias and the NBA....I don't doubt that he gambles a lot, but Idon't believe that he's that financially strapped.
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