Gilbert Arenas and Crittenton draw guns at each other in locker room

Memphis is not giving up Rudy and Marc in a trade
David Aldridge is one of the most credible guys in the business but he just wrote a long article full of speculation and hypotheticals

This will be a huge blessing in disguise for the Wiz organization if these allegations are true and they are able to void Gil's contract. You know thatthis team has been shopping him around for a while now but they now have the chance to save themselves $20+ mill a year and have a ton of cap flexibility.

I remember back when Arenas was putting up 30 ppg I was getting into fights with Wiz fans because I kept telling them the team would never amount to anythingwith the team they had. Fast forward a few years later and you find a team that has generally been healthy (other than Mike Miller) and with a better headcoach, yet they are WORSE than they were just a few years earlier. Things aren't looking good in the short term but there is reason for optimism if you canget rid of Arenas soon.
Multiple sources told that an argument commenced during a card game on the team's overnight flight back to Washington from Phoenix on Dec. 19 and escalated into a heated exchange between Arenas and Crittenton. The Wizards had Dec. 20 off, but sources say the hostilities resumed Dec. 21 in the locker room on a practice day.

Sources say that Arenas, in response to what was said on the flight, placed three guns he owns on a chair near Crittenton's locker stall and invited him to pick one before practice on Dec. 21. Sources said that Crittenton subsequently let Arenas know that he had his own gun.

this is like blazers 2.0
time to rebuild and clean house. this is an embarrassing team on and off the court. for the wiz, it would be a blessing if they can void gil's contract.
the incident happend on the Dec 21st and it was first reported on the 24th of dec that the police and NBA had been looking into why gilbert had guns in hislocker. so where in that time did the wiz try to cover it up? cause it seems to me the police where told right away

and all those trades are ****%+# stupid
dude on ESPNnews right now is saying

after crittenton and Arenas had got into on the plane ride home crittenton told areans i will shoot you in your bed knee, so the next day in the locker roomareans bring out 4 guns as a joke and said pick one to crittenton

so what a shock areans playing around thinking everything is funny is going to cost him millions
As more newshound reporters dig in following the Yahoo! Sports and New York Post pistol-packing-point-guard stories which broke yesterday morning, the circumstances surrounding Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton and their spat are starting to become more clear.

ESPN's Marc Stein reported this morning that Arenas laid three guns on a chair next to Javaris Crittenton's locker and told him to pick one, and that this was the continuation from their dispute surrounding a card game they engaged in during the Dec. 20th flight back from Phoenix. The Washington Post's Michael Lee wrote today that sources that spoke to Arenas about the incident said it was "horse play." And's David Aldridge broke down the serious consequences Arenas could face over this matter.

I've spoken with a few sources close to the situation -- including one individual that was in the locker room at the time and Arenas, as he tweeted yesterday had no malicious intent. And like Lee said, horse play was involved. That doesn't make this any less serious, however. If your franchise player is horsing around with guns on team property, no matter how good a mood he is in, it's still in violation of league policy and D.C. gun possession laws.

From what I've gathered, Arenas, Crittenton and some teammates were indeed playing a card game on the flight back from Phoenix, and both Crittenton and Arenas were coming up on the losing end, but Arenas didn't owe $25,000, and the amount wasn't owed to Crittenton, but to JaVale McGee. Arenas bailed on the game unhappy with the rules, and Crittenton was left to pay the pot, much to his displeasure, so he was trying earnestly to get Arenas to pay his part. Tempers flared during this dispute and I'm told Crittenton wanted to fight Arenas for backing out of paying up. Arenas, meanwhile, said he would burn Crittenton's car, and Crittenton said he would shoot Arenas in his bad left knee.

That brings us to practice on Dec. 21 when Arenas placed four guns -- the ones he had brought into the locker room to store in his locked box, according to him to keep from his children-- on the chair of Crittenton with a note 'pick one' on top. Crittenton came into the locker room where Arenas was waiting and ready for a good laugh, but Crittenton wasn't as amused as Arenas continued joking around. A source says teammates told Crittenton not to take the taunts from Arenas so seriously, but the younger guard didn't appreciate being made fun of and chucked one of Arenas' guns across the locker room and said "I have a gun of my own." The situation was soon diffused I'm told Ernie Grunfeld learned of the spat and first heard Arenas pulled a gun in the locker room and then reported him to the league office. At that time, I'm told Grunfeld began considering either voiding Arenas' contract or trading him. Upon further investigation, Grunfeld learned more of the facts and has cooled slightly and is in a wait and see mode. The NBA is watching and waiting as well, allowing the D.C. police and U.S. Attorney's office to proceed with their investigation before David Stern hands out any suspension and fines.

A source who has spoken to Arenas, who yesterday continually downplayed the seriousness of the incident, said if the authorities buy his story of joking around and unloaded guns, and him being unaware of the D.C. gun laws, they could simply hand out a fine and community service. But, if they don't and he receives a felony charge, the maximum punishment is a five-year prison term and/or a $5,000 fine.

If that happened, the Wizards would execute the "morality clause" in Arenas' contract -- every player's contract has this -- and they would get the remaining three years, $67.7 million owed to him off their books.

Even if this hadn't happened, the Wizards were considering making a move, and I'm told they would like to do so within the next 14 days. One of the scenarios mentioned has been Arenas and Mike James to Houston, but I'm told by a source "that deal is unrealistic." A source close to Arenas said he has no desire to leave the Wizards, but his bosses could be growing tired of his antics, and teammates, I'm hearing, are beyond over having to explain for him and would like more maturity in the locker room. It could be a challenge to find a team willing to take on not only that contract, but also Arenas' strong personality and off-court baggage he has right now.

The Wizards might not have a hard time dealing Caron Butler in a package deal with James, however, but not to Houston. I'm hearing Butler and James could be headed to either Miami or Chicago. Some of the pieces Washington could be trying to get back from Chicago, the source said, could be Kirk Hinrich and Jerome James. Before, the Wizards hadn't wanted to take on more money, but it appears that as they grow more desperate to turn things around, their main motivation is bringing in new life to kick-start a rebound.

Despite all the distractions, I'm told Arenas will play tonight. Flip Saunders had said yesterday that the guard might not play because of soreness in his left knee, but the knee isn't that bad today. It will be interesting to see how well the Wizards do against the Spurs with all this going on, and I'm sure it will be a circus at Verizon Center tonight.

So, what say ye? Should the Wizards trade Arenas? Should they void his contract and start fresh next season? Or, should they stick it out with him and instead trade Butler?
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

the incident happend on the Dec 21st and it was first reported on the 24th of dec that the police and NBA had been looking into why gilbert had guns in his locker. so where in that time did the wiz try to cover it up? cause it seems to me the police where told right away

and all those trades are ****%+# stupid

The Washington Wizards never told the NBA that two of its players drew guns on each other in a locker-room dispute over a gambling debt, sources said yesterday.

It was only after The Post's inquiries more than a week after the Dec. 21 incident that league officials found out about the unprecedented alleged armed standoff between All-Star Gilbert Arenas and teammate Javaris Crittenton inside the Verizon Center in DC.

That stunning gun duel now threatens to end the Wizard careers of not only the two point guards -- who stand to lose millions of dollars in pay -- but also of general manager Ernie Grunfeld , a former star Knicks player and president.

"This is gonna cost Ernie Grunfeld his job," a former NBA team president told The Post. "Because the buck stops at the top."

The situation was soon diffused I'm told Ernie Grunfeld learned of the spat and first heard Arenas pulled a gun in the locker room and then reported him to the league office. At that time, I'm told Grunfeld began considering either voiding Arenas' contract or trading him. Upon further investigation, Grunfeld learned more of the facts and has cooled slightly and is in a wait and see mode. The NBA is watching and waiting as well, allowing the D.C. police and U.S. Attorney's office to proceed with their investigation before David Stern hands out any suspension and fines.
I mess with Gil, but that contract coming off the books for 2010 would be
. Wizards can hit reset on their whole franchise, and right on time too.
Damn I'm looking at the Wizards salaries.

If they can void Gil's contract and trade both Butler/Jamison for expirings, they'd only have like $15M on the books
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

The situation was soon diffused I'm told Ernie Grunfeld learned of the spat and first heard Arenas pulled a gun in the locker room and then reported him to the league office. At that time, I'm told Grunfeld began considering either voiding Arenas' contract or trading him. Upon further investigation, Grunfeld learned more of the facts and has cooled slightly and is in a wait and see mode. The NBA is watching and waiting as well, allowing the D.C. police and U.S. Attorney's office to proceed with their investigation before David Stern hands out any suspension and fines.

Mike....NOTHING about this situation is clear. We can go back and forth posting articles and what have you, but we're going to have to waitto see how this plays out.

IMO there is a definite PR spin on the whole ordeal, and this is something that the DC Police/Federal Gov't/NBA is going to have to sort out. No matter ifhe was joking or not, Gil is in a lot of %%#%.
This is beyond that pacman being stupid crap. You have to be stupid to get into arguments where guns are involved outside of the workplace like pacman. But todo that in your workplace? You get paid millions to play a child's game and you pull this +###? Damn
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