Girl Advise

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

how do you know this isn't just the rough spot all long term relationships hit?

i say you let the girl go to london and don't even bother with her...
Smash her..

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by iBlink

You serenade the other girl for the next two weeks. Make her fall madly in love with you. Ditch your current girlfriend. You won't need her by the end of this.

Spend as much time possible with the new girl. Share your most intimate secrets with her. Here's where it gets tricky.

Two days before she leaves for London, drive a couple towns over. Rob a bank (or a local convenience store, your choice). Make her your accomplice. Promise her that you two will be able to live happily ever after.

Make passionate love to her for the next day and a half. The next morning, leave her in the hotel room. Put a note beside her pillow. Tell her to take the cash and go to London. Let her know you're really a spy fro the French. Tell her you will meet her in London in exactly two days two blocks away from big Ben.

She leaves and takes the cash. You never go to London.  Fly to Amsterdam;
is legal. She gets caught at customs. You switched the money with marked bills.

She goes to jail. You live it up in Sweden; the girls are hotter over there.
My dude.
hahaha stupid %$@ story sounded like something out of a Nas rap

but OP, if you can smash with zero ZERO chance of getting caught... then why not?... but i think your gf is way hotter... can we have some MOAR pics? real or fake bewbs?
Originally Posted by iBlink

You serenade the other girl for the next two weeks. Make her fall madly in love with you. Ditch your current girlfriend. You won't need her by the end of this.

Spend as much time possible with the new girl. Share your most intimate secrets with her. Here's where it gets tricky.

Two days before she leaves for London, drive a couple towns over. Rob a bank (or a local convenience store, your choice). Make her your accomplice. Promise her that you two will be able to live happily ever after.

Make passionate love to her for the next day and a half. The next morning, leave her in the hotel room. Put a note beside her pillow. Tell her to take the cash and go to London. Let her know you're really a spy fro the French. Tell her you will meet her in London in exactly two days two blocks away from big Ben.

She leaves and takes the cash. You never go to London.  Fly to Amsterdam;
is legal. She gets caught at customs. You switched the money with marked bills.

She goes to jail. You live it up in Sweden; the girls are hotter over there.
This was seriously the most entertaining thing I've ever read on NT. 
stick with your girl
if things go south with her, keep in contact with the London chick Email,aim whatever
go from there

your girl is
OP your gf looks.... smart.

But if things are going south with that relationship, just smash the other girl. She's leaving the country man might as well get it in before some snaggle-toothed Brits do (only kidding).
Originally Posted by West2East

She's moving to London. Why would you break up with your girl just to have something you won't be able to really have? You're just going to swap the headaches of a 3 year relationship for the headaches of an international long distance relationship. You're better off just being alone and avoiding the headaches altogether.
i hate to sound redundant but what's the point of even trying anything with chick who's moving away? sounds to me like you & your gf are just going through some rough times right now, but if you don't have the energy to make things work then just end things w her. instead of introducing a new headache, rid yourself of your current one.
Originally Posted by I AM NAS

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by iBlink

You serenade the other girl for the next two weeks. Make her fall madly in love with you. Ditch your current girlfriend. You won't need her by the end of this.

Spend as much time possible with the new girl. Share your most intimate secrets with her. Here's where it gets tricky.

Two days before she leaves for London, drive a couple towns over. Rob a bank (or a local convenience store, your choice). Make her your accomplice. Promise her that you two will be able to live happily ever after.

Make passionate love to her for the next day and a half. The next morning, leave her in the hotel room. Put a note beside her pillow. Tell her to take the cash and go to London. Let her know you're really a spy fro the French. Tell her you will meet her in London in exactly two days two blocks away from big Ben.

She leaves and takes the cash. You never go to London.  Fly to Amsterdam;
is legal. She gets caught at customs. You switched the money with marked bills.

She goes to jail. You live it up in Sweden; the girls are hotter over there.
My dude.
hahaha stupid %$@ story sounded like something out of a Nas rap

but OP, if you can smash with zero ZERO chance of getting caught... then why not?... but i think your gf is way hotter... can we have some MOAR pics? real or fake bewbs?

Nas? The guy who's gonna go broke because of Kelis? That guy could never come up with such an elaborate scheme.
first of all...keep your lady
second...try to have lunch with your co-worker right before she leaves for london and see where that leads you...see if you have that spark you speak of then hit it but if not at least you have something to fall back on
finally...your co-worker is leaving for london so she may want to keep in touch with you and by all means avoid facebook or twitter and phone numbers
OP I don't know if you saw my thread, but I also had a girl which is now my ex of 3 years and towards the end she was becoming a bit of a nag and created a whole deal of unecessary arguments.

Because i'm probably a little older than you I would tell you the headaches that could arise from what your planning on doing could be bad. With that said IMHO if my girl was giving me a whole bunch of headaches without a good reason (she's bipolar, she just likes drama, she's crazy...etc.) I would still ask out this other girl not on the premise of necessarily tapping that but if that could happen I say go for it, but you should take her out and see what she's about. If it goes right maybe one day if she comes back and you and her are both single something could work out from that.

Bottomline if your girl is causing uncessary problems drop her, because sooner or later if she keeps it up your gonna have to do it...and ask this girl out under the premise of "hey let me take you out before you leave" and make a good impression. Cuz you know she'll be coming back to the states for vacation....
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