Girl dumps me cold turkey. Vol. Hard knock life (pics)

Originally Posted by air max 87

shouldve never cheated son, hope shes smashin someone else

Originally Posted by Lil Cardiac

So my girl goes out friday night, says shes gonna call me later. Never does. Call her a few times Sat. with no call back.  Stop by her apartment and she wont open the door, saying the relationship isnt healthy. I ask what happened and she wont say. So i bounce after she says she'll talk to me later. Still hasnt talked to me. Get a call from her dad on Sunday that he has my stuff from her apt and wants to drop it off to me.
Now, we have been together for 9 months. About 2-3 weeks in i smashed on a random that had no idea about her and my girl didnt know.  Come to find out that the girl i smashed has a friend that knows i have a gf and isnt happy about it.  So all these months have passed and now she decides to just tell my girl when she sees her at the club. 

So, i figure there isnt any way back. She wont answer phone calls or texts. Dropped flowers off at her work today. Not sure what i can do.

Advice NT?


Been dating 9 mo.

Cheated on her at the start

Just found out

Won't answer calls or texts

This chick looks like Jay Leno in drag
Lol.. 9 months and your little heart is broken?
Shouldn't have cheated..
Or should have been honest about it.

You're fault.
Leave her alone.
Originally Posted by J23S

She was getting smashed on the side, she didn't let you in cuz she had "company"

yup! prolly one of your boys too! 

Originally Posted by capone125

Start talking to her friend.  NT'ers make cheating sound like a serious heinous crime

I would have denied the whole thing and have been offended that she chose to believe some broad over me.  And if that doesn't work, who cares keep it her friend

"REALLY ?? U THINK I WOULD DO SOME STUFF LIKE THAT ?? #translation - i wouldn't think so, but i definitely did that stuff, lol
Her chin looks like a babies foot
or someones elbow.

LOL at is her dads name jay
I too was thinking it was gunna be girl on the left
--Yup. I LOL'd at "is her dad's name Jay?"
--Girl on the left > girl on the right.

--I'll be the 50th or so to say this OP: take the L and move along.
Good Ridance.  That chick looks  like a horse.  Chick on the left in the first pic is dope.
There's probably a reason why you cheated on her to begin with, just move on. I wouldn't stress about it.
just move on.

if she takes you back she's gonna hold a grudge and always hold the fact that you cheated on her over you. it wont ever be the same son
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