Girl dumps me cold turkey. Vol. Hard knock life (pics)

best thing to do is apologize with an email or a letter and ask to be friends again, dont send some sob story just give her time and if she gets back with you good for you and if she doesnt you totally deserve it
That jawline is sssssssseeeeerrriouussss kid.
If she's really serious about ending it, just let it go. Time heals all wounds and there are a bunch of other women out there. Get back at her by becoming rich and successful.
9 months isn't even that long.  Don't call her again, it's over.  She wasn't even that hot, you can do better
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by KatieJade4


Umm, dont be a friggin d-face. You're an idiot and you deserve to be alone.

I hope she tells all the girls in your town/city/state and you never get a girl again and you have to rely on and to find pushy.

You're pathetic.

P.S. This is a really stupid thread.
you mad?

A little bit. I cant lie.

Making a thread about a girl that broke up with you cuz she found out you cheated on her is fluckin ******ed!

Like honestly OP, what did you think she was going to do? Throw you a party? Suck your D?

Get real!


NT is striaght ruthless with homegirls chin
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