Girl Situaiton

May 14, 2002
Was just inspired by another post.... long story short, me and my girl broke up in February, didn't really talk or see each other for 6 weeks or so, I waspretty broken up, but soon enough got my stuff together. I'm sure some of you know the story. So We start hanging out quite a bit for the past 4 or 5weeks. The more and more I see her, I realize, I just dont see her the same way I used to, I could never be with her again, and I just don't feel quite thesame as I did.

So we still do the I love you thing, text a lot, I miss you and all that jazz. Well I started to think I shouldnt be saying it because I don't really feelit so much anymore. Saturday we are chillin at her house and she says "I love you" and I'm just sittin there with the
face in silence, finally she asks do you love me, and I hate when she does this,it bothers me so much, and I say to her I don't know anymore. So after her crying for a bit I lay it down straight and I tell her, I care about you a lot,you mean a lot to me, but I could never be in a relationship with you again. I think its fair that I'm telling you this now, so we don't keep doingthis and have you get closer to me just to get let down. Well even after me telling her this she decides she still wants us to continue hanging out, showingaffection, you know how it goes. Kinda odd....

Last night we hang out again, and of course I end up hitting it. So should I dead her all together, or continue to keep up this act until someone else comesalong? And theres more to it then the sex, sure its a friend with benefits, but its nice to have someone to go to dinner with or see a movie with when my boysare out with their girls.
well...if you decide to keep it going... just know this.
it'll be all ok until you start to try and date someone else.

while you're gonna have a lot of NTers say just keep it as FWB...I say dead it.
It's not worth the drama
Keep going I guess. She's sorta like a jumpoff now. Unless you're not allowed to see other girls. If you're comfortable with it keep going if notdead it ASAP before someone gets hurt!
I feel like its fair game since I warned her, I'd never be with her again. But true, lately shes been getting on my nerves like crazy... may not be worththe stress.

Right now I'm thinking its the right thing to go our seperate ways, and move on, its still hard to let go, but I know I need to.
it shouldnt be that hard to let go if you claim you dont love her...unless your just lying to yourself, to me it seem like yall bf and gf without i would say let it go because as time progress you will only get closer and it will be harder to walk away.
shouldnt have told her you love her if you didnt...although when you're getting sex, it's hard. been there done that.

just dead her..tell her you wanna keep it platonic from here on out. what's the worse she could do? if she's getting on your nerves and all that, justbe honest and tell her how you feel
I say keep her, its nice to have a chick that you can smash and like you said catch a movie and go to dinner and trust as well since you've been with herbefore on the relationship tip. If she bugs you to become more serious thats when you might have to drop it..
Hmmm just would you feel if you broke it off with her and a few weeks later you saw her hugged up on another dude making out?
That's the real test of whether you're really over her...
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Hmmm just would you feel if you broke it off with her and a few weeks later you saw her hugged up on another dude making out?
That's the real test of whether you're really over her...

I know I'd be heated..... but I know i'd be better off.

What ended our relationship was a lack of trust. So I never really trusted her completely.

And Don't get me wrong, I still love the girl, I'll always have some love for her, but more the way I would love a friend, not to the extent where Ifeel its necessary to say "I love you" on a daily basis
Dead her and move on word to dirty. Other females out there that's better then your ex/gf
End it man...............sumone did that 2 me....and im still heart broken..........i know we couldnt be together and we both liked each other....sadly i lovedthe girl and "she only really liked me ALOT" and we cut it off and we dont even talk anymore..........and i see her at work everyday
^I feel for you (nh) my dude, must have been bad if that's what compelled you to post for the first time.

To OP...keep her around if you're you said its nice to have a girl to go eat out with (nopun), but if its all headaches, then obviously itsnot worth it.
dead it.
you keep smashing, she's gonna stay attatched.
then you cop a new chick and she's gonna go crazy and blow your phone up.

find a new friend with benefits that you dont have a history with
Originally Posted by hella handsome

dead it.
you keep smashing, she's gonna stay attatched.
then you cop a new chick and she's gonna go crazy and blow your phone up.

find a new friend with benefits that you dont have a history with

WELL SAID... she seems to really care for you more and feel the L word more than you. Its really best to just dead it causeit will get worse if you keep smashin and not giving her the fairness to try and find what she really wants from someone else
GIVING ADVICE WITHOUT PIC?????¿?¿¿¿? WHAT ARE WE COMING TOO??????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ?????????????? ???????????? ??????????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ????? ??? ?? ?
that fwb would work if yall didnt already have a relationship at one time. imo I would dead it. errytime yall chill or you smash more of those feelings comeback which lead her to saying she loves you. next thing you know when your ready to move on and she aint she'll pull some foul stuff like oh im preggersnow or something like that. You never know wit girls today, Id leave it alone player
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

she says "I love you" and I'm just sittin there with the
face in silence, finally she asks do you love me, and I hate when she does this, it bothers me so much, and I say to her I don't know anymore. So after her crying for a bit I lay it down straight and I tell her, I care about you a lot, you mean a lot to me, but I could never be in a relationship with you again. I think its fair that I'm telling you this now, so we don't keep doing this and have you get closer to me just to get let down. Well even after me telling her this she decides she still wants us to continue hanging out, showing affection, you know how it goes. Kinda odd....

Last night we hang out again, and of course I end up hitting it. So should I dead her all together, or continue to keep up this act until someone else comes along? And theres more to it then the sex, sure its a friend with benefits, but its nice to have someone to go to dinner with or see a movie with when my boys are out with their girls.

She's preparing to give you an STD...

abort, abort
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