Girl Troubles.NT need your advice.Kinda long though..

May 27, 2005
Alright heres the deal. And i kno this sounds retarted but here goes nothing. Long ago i went to a school from kindergarden to 5th grade. during that time meand this girl started having a crush i guess u could say on eachother. But then my family moved to the whole opposite side of town and i had to go to adifferent school.We went to different highschools as well and saw eachother every once and awhile and games and stuff. But everytime i saw her i had thisfeeling like i still had feelings for this chick. So highschool has now been over for 3 years and i recently facebooked her and decided to set up a chance tochill. We went to the movies on sunday and had a good time. She has a bf that she just started dating, like a week or 2 ago. So with that said i was respectingher man and not making a move. she later on made a move on me and things have slowly been getting better and better.We've been hanging out everyday sincesunday. Last night i told her how i felt and stuff and she feels the same but she always has had a hard time breaking up with bf's and she just doesnt wantto do it yet to her bf
. Im taking her out to the beach to watch thesunset this weekend and im going to throw the rest out at her and see wat happens. NT i need your help. This is the first time i have ever come to you guysabout anything anyone have any good ideas for lil things to get her and any advice i can try to give her about just giving me a chance? Sorry for how long itwas. but im tripping about this chick and need to figure something about. Of course i got pics. But only one bc i gotta respect her. Shes on the riight in thepink... but thanks NT
It can't be that hard for her to break up with dude. She's only been with him a week or two like u said.
1. gimme the 1 to the left
2. check her facebook and if her bf is bigger or looks like he can mess you up keep things veryyyy hush. If not proceed [spellcheck] and nudge [spellcheck] hertowards you. Remind her of the past and how fun it was.

seriously pm me info on the left girl.
If you've been hanging out everyday, you probably dont need NT's help, most of these posts are like "ayo theres a girl sitting next to me in thecomputer lab NT, what should I do?"

but really, i would just keep doin what your doin, and let her know that the longer she stays with this guy, the harder its going to be to break it off, ifthats her problem.

good luck sir.
Just keep doin what you doin, let her worry about her boyfriend, you just worry about her . . . As long as you're doin your thing, treatin her right, ifshe's smart she's gonna roll with the winner . . . You good money, just don't let her know its bothering you because then you'd be messing itALL the way up for whateva you want . . .

Don't put any pressure on her, just do you, and if the oppurtunity presents itself GO FOR YOURS . . .
Um...if she start messin around on him in 2 weeks...what on God's green earth make you believe she gon stay with you more than that? Think about it, mydude...leave that scandalous broad alone...its many and plenty({!}) out there 4 ya...
if she's messing around with you behind her bf's back...that's something to keep in mind...she doesn't seem too trustworthy
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

if she's messing around with you behind her bf's back...that's something to keep in mind...she doesn't seem too trustworthy

Touche...would you want her seeing sunsets with another dude if you was the BF?
Like cucumber said ill take the one on the left. Besides that just think if she will mess around on her boyfriend for you then what makes you think she wont doyou the same to you. I know this from experience
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

if she's messing around with you behind her bf's back...that's something to keep in mind...she doesn't seem too trustworthy
This man speaks the truth..but i guess he is one of them loving dudes
i would just be friends with her and try to smash sometimes
Leave the loving to her and her dude she wit

Small gift ideas

You putting way too much thought into the situation
Just the beach and the sun set says alot right there...JUST CLOSE THE DEAL!
Yea i kno about the whole messing around thing but i guess theres somethings that u gotta take chances with. Plus i really think its just the past feelingsthat are making us do wat we are anyways. but idk. I do appreciate all the input so far though guys.
What about small gift ideas.What would u guys get agirl when if u toook her out to watch the sunset or something?
Originally Posted by Hotttshot34

Yea i kno about the whole messing around thing but i guess theres somethings that u gotta take chances with. Plus i really think its just the past feelings that are making us do wat we are anyways. but idk. I do appreciate all the input so far though guys.
What about small gift ideas.What would u guys get a girl when if u toook her out to watch the sunset or something?

gift? GIFT? you going about this all wrong, b. Her gift is you allowing her to be in your presence.
Originally Posted by Hotttshot34

Yea i kno about the whole messing around thing but i guess theres somethings that u gotta take chances with. Plus i really think its just the past feelings that are making us do wat we are anyways. but idk. I do appreciate all the input so far though guys.
What about small gift ideas.What would u guys get a girl when if u toook her out to watch the sunset or something?

You never buy a girl....take this's like a team buying players to get championships, you're not guarantee to win itall.....also, you don't want the girl to be with you just because you buy her stuff....only buy her stuff if she's your girlfriend but not a girl youwant to get with....
you're doing all of this because of feelings you had as a 5th grader?
dont do it fam

it just sounds like you need to let go.
Long ago i went to a school from kindergarden to 5th grade.
this sentence made me
but anyways , you're making a buncha mistakes :

1. dont ever ever EVER wine and dine another man's chick . ever
2. why would you ever wanna be with a girl who cheated on her original man to get with you ? not onlydid she cheat and is cheating on the regs , SHE was the one who made the first move
3. even if you still wanna be with her considering all that , you're going about it the wrong way. if you want this chick to leave her man , you gotta start acting like you dont really care about her . you gotta act like u have a good time kickin it andwhatever but shes just another one of the many chicks ur messin around with . have her find out you're dating another chick , or have her ask u to chilland tell her that you cant because another female is comin over to your spot . watch how quickly her attitude changes about leaving her man
Don't buy her *#+$ . . . Just make sure your game is tight . . . All this "trustworthy" talk, nevermind that bs, no ones 100% trustworthy, peoplejust want to be able to trust someone 100%, then they get burned in the end . . . Just do you, play by the rules, and get yours . . . Let her boyfriend buy hergifts, all you should be focused on is free(or VERY cheap) dates, anything else she wants, she should get from her boyfriend . . .
there is one thing to OP forgot to mention, but i'll let himdecide if he wants to say it
She's two timing you my brother. :/

Im sorry but "not knowing how to break it off with her boyfriend" is a b.s excuse to just have you both at the same time.
Trust me im a chick.

Might as well keep smashing tho, if that's what she's asking for. She likes it, she can get it, right?. Lmaooo.
Tell her you refuse to be the man on the side and if she doesn't break up with her BF by the weekend you're moving on.

Trust's Memorial Weekend.....this is the best time to break up with people. If she doesn't do it now then she won't ever. Which meansyou need to move on because she's playing you.

And buying stuff for a girl that belongs to somebody else is pure simpery.
She has a bf that she just started dating, like a week or 2 ago.

Dating for a week or two = relationship? Maybe in high-school, but y'all are three years removed from HS. It shouldn't be too hard for her to break upwith the other guy.
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