Girls saying something...that means another vol. GirlTalk

Stunna, you smashing kiesha too
Originally Posted by niquefreak94

i feel as though i have it figured out. idc what anyone says, this works for me. it took some time and MANY arguments w/ my girl, but i got it.

1. In the case of "we're not doing anything" obviously ignore THAT bs...start
2. In the case of not knowing what she wants. I tell her it's either this or that and if you don't choose then it's most DEFINITELY what i want.
3. In the case of them wanting you to listen w/ out giving advice (stupid and very annoying ideology imo) i just tell her the sweetest thing i can think of that she wants to hear. EXACTLY 60 seconds later i give a suggestion in the form of a question: "have you thought about..." in my softest voice.

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1. obvious but overlooked
2. this works well. They don't want the responsibility of picking but they want the courtesy of their thoughts being heard. But sometimes they just want you to pick the option that they want w/o them having to tell you.
3. this works well too. they want the opportunity to complain and vent. you also have to pull some inception type stuff so that they feel like they are solving the problem with your help vs you telling them exactly what to do. It makes them feel stupid especially if it's an easy/obvious solution.
women like to play mind games. They know what they want, they just want u to know too w/o them havin to tell u.
Worst is when your going to eat. You ask where they wanna eat they go "idc". But if you guess the wrong restaurant they flip. No fastfood, too cheap. Nothing fancy because they aren't "dressed". You gotta make sure you know her allergies. Guess which mode shes in seafood, or steak, or salad.
it's a lost battle.
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by LyonBC1

:lol:So true, its not even just trying to smash.... I can't even ask my girlfriend where she wants to eat without her thinking about it like its a life altering decison smh

Me: Hey we should go to Cheesecake Factory

Her: Ugh fine, you never go where I want to go...I dont want Cheesecake Factory

Me: Well ok, let's eat where you want to then, I'll let you decide

Her: Uhhh wellllll....hmmm I don't really know, we can go to Applebee's, Outback, oh but I kind of want Friday's too

Me: make up your mind where do you want to eat then?

Her: Ugh I dont know I really want Fridays but then I don't have a taste for it, so maybe Applebee's

Me: C'mon make up your mind

Her: Ugh why'd you ask me?! I don't think about these things

Me: You JUST got mad for me not asking your opinion

Her: Well I only did that because you've never asked me before...actually no you pick, I don't want to

**** it then we'll just go to Mickey D's smh
my girl stay on the same, i swear thats a convo verbatim
and if im just layin down she'll walk up like "whats wrong?" and im like "nothing" and she'll be like "idk what you have an attitude for" like really doe? you just gonna pull that out your hole 
the one thing that every man needs to know is that when at girl says maybe it always means YES!!
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