girls with deep voices?

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does voice play a big factor to yall? It aint that big of a deal to me. I heard some peeps say they cant talk to girls with deep voices.
It usually doesn't bother be too much if they have like a normal type voice, but if they got a michael clarke duncan voice, then
A deep or squeaky voice can really bother me. If I don't like the way you sound, I'm going to be able to talk to you
very long, which deads any chance of us being anything more than smash buddies.
There was this one girl I met in Brooklyn who was cute but i wasgenuinely perturbed by her deep voice. I kept dropping hints trying to discern her femininity and grabbing her crotch.
^ i was thinking the same thing, cause i truley believe that alicia keys has the sexiest voice in america
I'll pass. I can't be on the phone talking to my girl having James earl jones whisper sweet nothings in to my ear. That's not sexy.
Well, it could be worse, she could have the voice of an 8-year-old, which means she was probably sexually abused on the regular.
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