Given the opportunity to start your life over, with the knowledge you have now..

Originally Posted by goofy08

if someone says no- they are probably lying. real talk though you're doing your a future a disservice if you concentrate on the past, be it a good or bad one.

You're right.....there are a few thing I'd probably change and a few investments I'd make.
I think it'd be foolish not to, but having dealt with things in your past shapes how you live now and your plans for the future.

I'd do it tho, play more as a kid because grades don't matter till high school, maybe middle school anyway

high expectations ftl
I think the overwhelming majority of people should want to go back. Not because they did something regrettable, but just because you can always do better. Without getting too philosophical, there is the notion that your knowledge changes your actions, which affects how your life unfolds.

I'm ridiculously happy with where I am now, but there are still things that I would like to have done differently. A more appropriate question (for me, at least) is: what one thing would you change about your past? And what can you do to rectify it right now?
Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

part of life is learning to live with regrets.

with that said, i'd start it over in a heart beat just to share times with those who are no longer with me... and of course things would be much more easier.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I'd invest in google the moment it went public.

You would have been a lot better off invesing in Amazon.

Google is 4X worth more than what it's IPO was, Amazon is 100X.
i think most people would start over if given the chance.. but since this is reality theres no point in regretting your decisions because no one is perfect.. so just live your life as best you can and learn from any bad decisions you may have made
I'd have crazy $$$$

Smashed alot of broads that I have should have..

And avoided alot of broads an +*#+%* up situations..
Originally Posted by goofy08

if someone says no- they are probably lying. real talk though you're doing your a future a disservice if you concentrate on the past, be it a good or bad one.

This is something that has plague me for the longest. The past is all I seem to be able to focus on
You're surprised how many peopled said yes?? I'd say 90% of people would in a heart beat probably more.. Life would be easier for a lot of people if they could start over
I would do soooooooo many things differently

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

part of life is learning to live with regrets.

with that said, i'd start it over in a heart beat just to share times with those who are no longer with me... and of course things would be much more easier.

so if i went back... i would destroy high school and college, all while making massive amounts of $ and being loved by all. hrm...

nah i'm cool with where i'm at. the sweet ain't as sweet without the bitter.
how can you say no . I would look at the lottery number today , go back and buy that number. Boom set for life

at the question.
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

how can you say no . I would look at the lottery number today , go back and buy that number. Boom set for life

at the question.

As DUMB as this may sound, I wouldnt really want to do it for financial gains such as this. Like I said DUMB, but I wasnt thinking about something like that when I posed this question.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

how can you say no . I would look at the lottery number today , go back and buy that number. Boom set for life

at the question.

As DUMB as this may sound, I wouldnt really want to do it for financial gains such as this. Like I said DUMB, but I wasnt thinking about something like that when I posed this question.
I don't think that's dumb, at all. Who knows what strife will come with that winning lottery ticket or investment. I thought about putting ridiculous amounts of money into certain stocks. And regardless of the effects of becoming an overnight millionaire, who's to say you would be rational when scraping up the money to invest?
A lot of you guys say you would want to become better at basketball or w/e. But how many former professional athletes would give up millions to have stayed in college in their 20s? I don't know that its worth it to be ridiculously wealthy or have a great jump shot. There are a number of reasons to want to go back but I'm not sure that "success" is one that I would choose. How would it be satisfying to play the lottery when you know ahead of time you're going to win? <off topic> Actually, scratch that. How is playing the lottery ever satisfying? </off topic> I want to earn my success and know that I achieved it because I worked harder than the next guy, not because I had already lived out the future.
if i had the opportunity to start college over, i'd graduate with a GPA of at least 3.9. concepts that once seemed so abstract at the time makes so much more sense now. only if......
well, not lived with my pops and my mom still alive. in other case, I wish it was pops in the casket and not my mom. and not get caught with that dui that night last year. 
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