Giving Speeches and presentations??

Nov 14, 2008
I got an informative speech to give for my communications class in a couple weeks

Anybody have any experience or advice on giving a speech?

How to get over the nervousness etc etc...

Im thinking about choosing serial killers for my topic...that way i can have the audience's full undivided attention and it'll be around halloween time
best way is to just lgo into it with a cool attitude. say it over a few times, even better if you can present it to a few willing people before hand. if youget choked up, don't say umm. just pause for a second and restart your thought.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My way of getting over the nervous factor is to look at the class as if they'repeasants and beneath me.. it works for the most part.[/color]
When you get nervous your mouth will dry out. To counter this effect lightly bite your tongue and your mouth will produce saliva.
Take deep breaths. Practice your material before hand. Try to maintain eye contact. Project your voice. Talk at an understandable pace.
what helped me was the day before i went and got an ill hair cut, then on the day of the presentation i wore my best clothes....if you feel like a millionbucks on the inside it'll show on the outside...
i saw an interview with eva longoria saying she spells her name on the inside of her mouth with her tongue to relax, i tried it and it actually works soi've done it ever since
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My way of getting over the nervous factor is to look at the class as if they're peasants and beneath me.. it works for the most part.[/color]
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My way of getting over the nervous factor is to look at the class as if they're peasants and beneath me.. it works for the most part.[/color]

I gotta do a speech on Monday. I'm going to use this...
Look around the room when you speak. Basically say 1 point then turn to someone else for your next, etc.
If you're too nervous to stare at them directly, which you may very well be, stare at something besides their face, such as their shoulder but withoutmaking it obvious.
If you get to stand behind a podium, it might hide any nervous hand gitters if you hold on to it occasionally. My suggest would be to not though or else youmight develop a bad habit.
Never say "ummm." I'd rather stand up there and be silent then go "ummm" because it'll eventually turn into a bad habit.
Practice makes perfect.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My way of getting over the nervous factor is to look at the class as if they're peasants and beneath me.. it works for the most part.[/color]
This works though.
I always tell myself, even if I mess up, I look better than all of them.
I have an informative speech to give tomorrow. Procrastination FTL..
What used to work for me was just knowing the material.
The fear really is in looking stupid and dumb but if I have the material perfectly in my head, then the nervousness goes away.
A few days before the presentations, I would recite and memorize what I needed to say exactly how I was suppose to say it.
By the day of the presentation, it was practically like acting in front of the camera of some sorts, it worked for me and still does to this day when I have ameeting and presentations at work.
I took a speech class. Before, I HATED getting up there, and afterwards, I am a PRO at it. Don't act like you're just giving a speech/presentation, actlike you're actually talking to them.
Honestly, the first step to preparing for a presentation is accepting the fact that you will be nervous. As crazy as it sounds, it works. I procrastinated onmany a presentation my soph. year and I always just accepted the fact I would be nervous.

My first real oral presentation was 2 years ago and I remember my voice crackling for like the first 30 seconds but once you realize that you are into yourpresentation it just goes away. My classmates would always compliment me on my speeches after the class so that helped the anxiety over time.

Preparation in advance will always cut down the nervousness factor. But just accept the fact that you will be nervous in some way shape or form but once youstart it just goes away.
- know what you are are talking about
-try your best to memorize
-pick one spot your comfortable with and keep looking at that spot
-use the area your given
-avoid speaking in monotone
ive presented in front of hundreds of ppl multiple times, and this helps me alot. good luck
Practice your material first off. Go in the bathroom and do your speech to yourself in front of the this a few times and it really works. Also, takea little cup of water just in case your mouth gets dry. Also, if you have time do your speech to some friends and family and have them heckle a little, talk,laugh just to try to mess you the more you do it the better you will become. Pick a spot on the wall or whatever works for you and focus on thatgiven area and go in and bang out that speech..good luck.
Look above their heads and not into their eyes.

Don't stay in one spot, move around from time to time.
Originally Posted by chris steez

I got an informative speech to give for my communications class in a couple weeks

Anybody have any experience or advice on giving a speech?

How to get over the nervousness etc etc...

Im thinking about choosing serial killers for my topic...that way i can have the audience's full undivided attention and it'll be around halloween time

pick a subject that you're knowledgeable and feel comfortable talking about but at the same time intellectually stimulating to your audience. Yeayou'll be nervous for the first few seconds, but once you get deep into your presentation, all the nervousness just goes away.
Try to be cool with many kids there so it'll be just like talking to your friends and %!!%
and if you say something wrong, just go with it because they won't know what it's really supposed to be
I love doing presentations and speeches. I'm at my best when I do them. I get nervous leading up to it but I'm totally relaxed and get into a zone whenI actually start talking. I guess playing basketball in front of big crowds back in High School helped me out in that department. I don't look into eyesbut I look at faces and focus on the face for a few seconds and then turn to a totally different direction. Use hand gestures to emphasize what you are saying.BTW I never practice my speeches or presentations. I have notes written which I use to help me out if I forget something. Other than that I just go by topicand describe the points that I have on my PowerPoint presentation.

I remember one of my teachers last semester thought I was lazy and an underachiever. She told my partner that I was doing the presentation with that sheshouldn't expect much from me. Well lets say my teacher had a new sense of respect for me after she found out how much of the presentation I actually didand how I presented our topic of discussion. I look at presentations as a way to really turn someone to have a new profound respect for you. So do well. Ithelps for future interviews as well.
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