Giving Tip for Delivery?

****** really out here tipping garbagemen
I don't tip him but during holidays I make sure they are taken care off. I give them premium alcohol ... I have gave them turkeys ... Cigars ... Stuff that I'm replacing around the house. I can't count times that I forgotten to pull the dumpster to the curves and dude come in and get them for me. Or when I have yard trash and the recycle bags break they'll clean it for me. Dudes don't know the first thing about being courteous and generous. Smh ...
Tipping garbage makes sense. Aint nothing wrong with it. My dad stopped when he had to start helping them with the garbage at times they refused to take claiming it was too heavy or some bs. Of course the faces change over time (especially between recycle garbage and just regular garbage) so he's fluctuated.
 I don't tip them, talk to them or even know what they look like. They still pick up my trash and it doesn't cost me a bottle of Chardonnay and a box of cohibas.
Hmmm....bringing up barbers is interesting. Unless you own the shop or have a long client list, you're not making minimum wage, are you? Barbers...waitstaff....all the same, right?

Non-tippers, care to chime in?
Do ya'll tip the UPS/FEDEX drivers as well?
they don't take the job with an assumed inherent gratuity build in. Neither do doctors or whoever the heck else you guys are bringing up. you could bring up the whole do you tip xxxxxx? and if our society has deemed that said person should or shouldnt be tipped then your answer is already there...stop wasting posts. :o

Was a question you fool. I was curious if people actually do it because that's what it says on the first page. Get the sand out ya vag fam.
I'm about to start my shift in 45 minutes. Just to illustrate how it really goes down, I'm going to track my tips for every table and tell all of you what I got on every check, large and small.

Last night I had 16 tables and only 1 table tipped less than 15%. They gave me 8 on 80 (and they got VERY good service). Best believe I remembered their faces. No, I won't mess with their food (servers don't really do that). But....they will be LAST on my list of priorities the next time they come in, and I will let the other servers know if they sit in their station. I have 3 - 4 other tables potentially at a time, and most likely, tipping 18%-22%. So that's where my priorities lie. The bad tippers still get "service", but just the BARE minimum that is required of me, and probably a little less.

Just understand that if you tip tip less than 15% (which is already mediocre), you are in the vast minority. And if you tip 10%, you are in the bottom 5-8 percent of diners. You are most likely the ONLY table that waiter had all night that tipped anywhere near that bad. I averaged 20.52% so far in April. I take home about 16% (tipping out hosts, bartenders, foodrunners, and buss boys a total of 4%)
Looking forward to this. Also @AKsuited   are you calculating your % based on pre-tax or post-tax bills? Curious. Go get 'em. 
I can just imagine these dudes ordering.

Like how much is it 9.00 ... Dank what cost a dollar? LMAO
Staff goes on strike simple as that like every other field of work that's done the same. Different today but hey the employers will either hire illegals who will do it for cheap or negotiate until everyone is satisfied. It'd also help if tipping is deterred. Sign of do not tip or if it's become so routine all tips simply get donated to a ******* charity. I don't know why you're acting like every restaurant in the country takes tips cuz they don't.

Bringing up Obamacare is telling though. I'm just not willing to participate in such ******* for the sake of it being the "American thing to do"
Dude, the restaurants that "dont take tips" that you speak of, CLEARLY let their employees know their stance, and assuredly PAY THEM MORE....
Yes and I'm saying all restaurants should do that.

Then we could move on to not tipping somebody for carrying your bags or tipping drivers for drivers or w/e else y'all dudes usually tip for without second thought.

lulz @ staff goin on strike :{ super effective.... Hiring illegals to work waitstaff and other service jobs? hmmm I hope you can speak near every language if you want that steak medium rare, or would prefer light mayonnaise on your sandwich, gosh forbid you have any other more complicate dietary prerequisite.
I think you're confusing something. I said they should go on strike, unionize and negotiate to get better wages. By simply following world history let alone American history when the employers of a business go on strike over a dispute the employer will get the scabs to come in work in their place. All I was saying is a restaurant owners only other option would be to hire illegals (assuming they're not already) to work for probably even lower wages if not the same. Regardless that can't go on forever given they're illegals and eventually a compromise would have to be reached. I was just laying out how these things tend to go.

However, if you think paying them low wages and relying on tips is the best alternative then keep on tipping.
Plus hiring illegals, and more importantly paying anyone poorly with no built in incentive for growth, ESPECIALLY when they arent fit to work many jobs for various reason, is really perpetuating much of the problem that we have going on already...well thought out plan sir.
Yeah seems you really didn't get what I was saying but maybe that's my fault and it was too complicated.
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Yes and I'm saying all restaurants should do that.

Then we could move on to not tipping somebody for carrying your bags or tipping drivers for drivers or w/e else y'all dudes usually tip for without second thought.
I think you're confusing something. I said they should go on strike, unionize and negotiate to get better wages. By simply following world history let alone American history when the employers of a business go on strike over a dispute the employer will get the scabs to come in work in their place. All I was saying is a restaurant owners only other option would be to hire illegals (assuming they're not already) to work for probably even lower wages if not the same. Regardless that can go on forever given they're illegals and eventually a compromise would have to be reached. I was just laying out how these things tend to go.

However, if you think paying them low wages and relying on tips is the best alternative then keep on tipping.
Yeah seems you really didn't get what I was saying but maybe that's my fault and it was too complicated.
man, why try an revolutionize something that doesnt need change? So you can go ahead and pay 2 extra bucks for your salad, 3 extra on your sandwich, and another extra dollar on your drink, instead of just tipping the 6 bucks and making someone feel good about a somewhat thankless gig?

and perhaps i misread your emphasis on the illegals thing, and i do agree with your point, but thats assuming a LOT...why not just simplify things and not try to make a long winded point about not tipping or changing the way things are....some things in america are indeed broken, gratuity for service workers by all means is way low on the list (if on it at all IMO)
Do yall tip ya dealers? Srs question :lol
my old delivery guy would always bring me a little something extra to "try out" tried to tip him once, and he was like no no I do this for the patients, and sick people.
::immediately felt bad that my card was issued for "migraines"
Revolutionize? :lol Son I see where you're head is at. Don't fix it cuz it's not broke to you.

Paying wait staff criminally low wages is okay. Just force the customers to pick up the slack. Nothing needing changing in that system right? :{
Revolutionize? :lol Son I see where you're head is at. Don't fix it cuz it's not broke to you.

Paying wait staff criminally low wages is okay. Just force the customers to pick up the slack. Nothing needing changing in that system right? :{
it isn't criminal if the wages theyre paying have been deemed acceptable assuming the behavior that most of us exhibit... :{

better that way man...its service if you want to assure your service people a guaranteed wage, then who would strive to provide an excellent experience? or anything more than an "acceptable" level of service?
Revolutionize? :lol Son I see where you're head is at. Don't fix it cuz it's not broke to you.

Paying wait staff criminally low wages is okay. Just force the customers to pick up the slack. Nothing needing changing in that system right? :{
it isn't criminal if the wages theyre paying have been deemed acceptable assuming the behavior that most of us exhibit... :{

better that way man...its service if you want to assure your service people a guaranteed wage, then who would strive to provide an excellent experience? or anything more than an "acceptable" level of service?
The use of criminal was a hyperbole in that statement. Just to emphasize that that they get paid low wages even for minimum wage standards at some places where their income could not support their standard of living. I didn't think I had to type all of that at this point to convey that.

Also you got it ****** up if tips should determine the level of service. How about this. You raise wages, stop tipping and all service is excellent at all times? Excellent service shouldn't be something that needs to be strived to, THAT should be what's assumed and expected all the time. Anyone who doesn't do it that way get fired. Simple.

But I can see the argument of service is an entire different argument you want to get in to. You're kinda pushing the goal posts from going to tipping is American and apart of the accepted economic workings of business to it's nice and makes ppl happy to who will then strive to provide excellent service where then they'd be worthy of said tips.


I'm done. I aint tipping and I said why. I also provided very attainable and capable alt ways to address the real problem; low wages.
The use of criminal was a hyperbole in that statement. Just to emphasize that that they get paid low wages even for minimum wage standards at some places where their income could not support their standard of living. I didn't think I had to type all of that at this point to convey that.

Also you got it ****** up if tips should determine the level of service. How about this. You raise wages, stop tipping and all service is excellent at all times? Excellent service shouldn't be something that needs to be strived to, THAT should be what's assumed and expected all the time. Anyone who doesn't do it that way get fired. Simple.

But I can see the argument of service is an entire different argument you want to get in to. You're kinda pushing the goal posts from going to tipping is American and apart of the accepted economic workings of business to it's nice and makes ppl happy to who will then strive to provide excellent service where then they'd be worthy of said tips.


I'm done. I aint tipping and I said why. I also provided very attainable and capable alt ways to address the real problem; low wages.
alright, salty....and ill stop tipping too, when the great tide turns your way :lol until then, ill be american and follow the norms that are built into a society i love and appreciate AND make people happy at the same damn time :smokin
I think you guys are focusing on the waitress when there are other jobs that required tipping. In addition this is about delivery man.
alright, salty....and ill stop tipping too, when the great tide turns your way :lol until then, ill be american and follow the norms that are built into a society i love and appreciate AND make people happy at the same damn time :smokin
Salty, bitter, etc. Fam just cuz your satisfied with your level of ignorance don't mean I got to be too. Look at that list :lol You don't even realize how piss poor they are and you championing them like it's something to be proud of. I hope this is sarcasm cuz you can't really be that deluded to believe that

I think you guys are focusing on the waitress when there are other jobs that required tipping. In addition this is about delivery man.
Well my argument doesn't change for the delivery man. He most likely applied for that job and was aware of the wages. He knowingly did those things, the job is to deliver food. If ppl who do that want more they'll have to actually do what it takes to change that not just rely on other ppl to pick up the slack.

Feel free to bring up the other scenarios where you think tipping is required.
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I hate supports these multi-milion (billion?) dollar corporations that pay their employees pennies and then expect you to make up the difference after you already pay for overpriced food/drinks.

Worse part is ppl who work in the service industry who ***** and moan about people who don't tip enough instead of organizing and demanding from the **** company they work for that they need to be paid more than $2.77/hour
I hate supports these multi-milion (billion?) dollar corporations that pay their employees pennies and then expect you to make up the difference after you already pay for overpriced food/drinks.

The alternative is higher wages and higher food costs. So pick your poison.
Salty, bitter, etc. Fam just cuz your satisfied with your level of ignorance don't mean I got to be too. Look at that list :lol You don't even realize how piss poor they are and you championing them like it's something to be proud of. I hope this is sarcasm cuz you can't really be that deluded to believe that
Well my argument doesn't change for the delivery man. He most likely applied for that job and was aware of the wages. He knowingly did those things, the job is to deliver food. If ppl who do that want more they'll have to actually do what it takes to change that not just rely on other ppl to pick up the slack.

Feel free to bring up the other scenarios where you think tipping is required.
airport quick checking or baggage help.


kids or people that carry your mother's grocery home.
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I'm about to start my shift in 45 minutes. Just to illustrate how it really goes down, I'm going to track my tips for every table and tell all of you what I got on every check, large and small.

Last night I had 16 tables and only 1 table tipped less than 15%. They gave me 8 on 80 (and they got VERY good service). Best believe I remembered their faces. No, I won't mess with their food (servers don't really do that). But....they will be LAST on my list of priorities the next time they come in, and I will let the other servers know if they sit in their station. I have 3 - 4 other tables potentially at a time, and most likely, tipping 18%-22%. So that's where my priorities lie. The bad tippers still get "service", but just the BARE minimum that is required of me, and probably a little less.

Just understand that if you tip tip less than 15% (which is already mediocre), you are in the vast minority. And if you tip 10%, you are in the bottom 5-8 percent of diners. You are most likely the ONLY table that waiter had all night that tipped anywhere near that bad. I averaged 20.52% so far in April. I take home about 16% (tipping out hosts, bartenders, foodrunners, and buss boys a total of 4%)
This is what I have a problem with. If the tip wasn't up to your standard you going to throw shade on them next time they come in? Since they didn't tip good once, they never going to tip good? The could've left the restaurant and raved about the food and service (yours in particular) and sent more business (more tips for you) your way. Appreciation of service doesn't always have a set monetary value to it.
The alternative is higher wages and higher food costs. So pick your poison.

I'm perfectly fine with that. I only frequent sit-down restaurants maybe twice a month anyways.

Ppl need to realize that's a luxury not how you're supposed to eat on a regular basis anyways.
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I'm perfectly fine with that. I only frequent sit-down restaurants maybe twice a month anyways.

Ppl need to realize that's a luxury not how you're supposed to eat on a regular basis anyways.
luxury? Lmao ... Who said you aren't suppose to eat like that on the regular? That's news to me.
Salty, bitter, etc. Fam just cuz your satisfied with your level of ignorance don't mean I got to be too. Look at that list :lol You don't even realize how piss poor they are and you championing them like it's something to be proud of. I hope this is sarcasm cuz you can't really be that deluded to believe that
Well my argument doesn't change for the delivery man. He most likely applied for that job and was aware of the wages. He knowingly did those things, the job is to deliver food. If ppl who do that want more they'll have to actually do what it takes to change that not just rely on other ppl to pick up the slack.

Feel free to bring up the other scenarios where you think tipping is required.
airport quick checking or baggage help.
I got in a huge argument with dude who was out there charging $30 for one extra bag (some new fee they started or maybe just a hustle) for Delta airlines when I dropped my grandmother off at the airport. As far as I'm concerned **** all those air baggage lames.

kids or people that carry your mother's grocery home.
Is this the 1950s? :lol Kids still do this? I've actually tried to offer help not expecting any money when I see old ladies out there struggling but they usually think I'm about to rob them Mike Tyson style.

To me this is different though. If a kid offers help it's totally up to whoever accepts it to pay them for their labor. To me that aint really a tip. That's just paying you to do something. Of course whoever accepts this is entitled not to pay or tip those ppl.

Now if at grocery stores somewhere there are kids who are already employed by the store offering to carry bags they don't deserve a tip and if they do to me it wouldn't be anything more than loose change. I have never experienced this 1st or 2nd hand though.
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