Giving Tip for Delivery?

According to dude, you should tip them 8 to 12% for putting your food in a bag. How much do people, especially those of you in the "service" industry yourselves, think you should make if the whole tipping thing were abolished, and yes prices raised to compensate for the added expense taken on by the employer?
Hold up....I didn't say you should tiip 8-12% for take out. I said that's what they make at my restaurant. That's right...on average....they get about 10%. And the don't just put food in your bag. They make sure your order comes out correctly. When you arrive, they point out everything in the bag, with all of your modifications to you. 

If  you are a good tipper, they'll give you extra rolls for free (you're only supposed to get two for take out, and charge 30 cents each for additional rolls). They'll give you extra sides for free, they'll give you all sorts of extra stuff FOR FREE. If your meal isn't PERFECT, they'll have the chef make it again. 

Now if you stiff, then next time they just grab the boxes, and put em in the bag. THey don't check to make sure it's perfect, and there won't be any extra anything. If you call for curbside drop off to your vehicle, you're gonna wait till they have all of their other ducks in a row before they go out to your vehicle.

If you're a good tipper, they'll know your vehicle and automatically bring it out to you without you having to call when you get to the restaurant. They'll take your card or cash, bring it back in, then bring back the slip or change back to your car. All immediately, and very quickly, with an order that's had everything checked to make sure it's mega perfect, with all sorts of extra sides and rolls and what ever else. 

All that was needed for that service was a decent 4 bucks on a 30 dollar order. I don't work and have never worked take out...I'm just telling you all what I see and what I hear from the take out staff.
lol at acting like all that is extra. You're frankly a ****** employee if you aren't already doing these bare minimum things. They're not going to make sure they give a patron the correct order without a tip? Yea right. How about some personal pride in your work? And then to be the same people *****ing about pay :rolleyes
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Lol people always want to argue customs and courtesies. Like if you don't want to tip, it's fine. But don't try to justify it, accept that you are cheap and keep it moving.

If tips were not acceptable why are there a % calculated for good, great, outstanding service? Why when u have a larger party the gratuity automatically tacked on the bill?

Fight it all you want ... But you are just cheap.

I wonder how many of you that are firm on not tipping ever argue the gratuity tacked on your bill? What was the outcome.
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As opposed to people with jobs that require a 3rd grade education level justifying being intentionally bad at it, and further douchebaggery messing with people's food or possessions or services they paid for? Even threatening and bragging about it?
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People who don't tip don't eat in large groups that Gerry charged autograt because no one likes eating with them :lol
Why are waiters okay with not getting a decent wage from their employer?

I'm on the fence about tipping.

From my pov, it's the employer that created this ....y situation for waiters.

They've taken the blame of not paying a decent wage from themselves and transferred it onto their customers.

Douche move in my opinion, but it's genius.

Rather than the waiters being ticked off by their employer, they're mad at customers.

Like someone mentioned earlier, some employers pay their employees if they don't get enough tips.

Why don't more waiters want that to become the norm rather then expecting everyone they serve to tip them?
lol at acting like all that is extra. You're frankly a ****** employee if you aren't already doing these bare minimum things. They're not going to make sure they give a patron the correct order without a tip? Yea right. How about some personal pride in your work? And then to be the same people *****ing about pay
All that IS extra. What part of going above and beyond for people that tip better don't you understand? Why should I do more than is expected of me for someone I know isn't tipping well, when I have good tippers to attend to?

And frankly, as you put it, we ARE doing these bare minimum things. But for people like you....that's all your getting. The BARE MINIMUM.
The fact that some of you are cheap with tipping is a reason why restaurants automatically calculate the gravity when they bring the bill. Now you have to pay it regardless of how bad the service is

Not necessarily. I posted how I went with a group of friends, the service was the worst service I ever had eating at a restaurant. I got charged gratuity. I told the manager the situation, told him I was going to file a partial chargeback with my credit card company to get it removed because of how bad the service was. He refunded the gratuity charge and my meal because that server had a terrible track record.
As said earlier. Pick your poison. They get higher wages, the cost of the food increases to cover their pay raises.

Regarding tipping though, being a server isn't all that easy. These dudes a juggling 3-4 tables at a times carrying all those plates and constantly checking up on everyone, making sure their drinks are filled and what have you. You need to be real attentive. That job isn't for everyone.

Regarding the tipping. If you provide good service, you deserve a good tip. I expect much better service if I go to a sit down restaurant as opposed to a McDonald's where I go to the register, place my order, and fill my own drinks up.

For those who are bad tippers or don't tip. What type of service do you realistically expect? Do you expect to get the same above and beyond service as the guy who's a regular and well known tipper or do you expect the bare minimum?

I can't cosign the messing with people's food under any circumstances but I got no problem with bad tippers getting the bare minimum service which is asked of out of the employees. At the end of the day, the employee is doing what's asked from their job requirements, their just not going above and beyond, which is understandable. If you got a customer who you know tips very well, he should be a priority over the customer who never tips.

All that said, waiters and servers need to be on their p's and q's. if I go to a nice restaurant, I'm expecting a good expierence and good service and a quality time and a server who's attentive to my needs. I get that, I tip well.

Poor service shouldn't be tipped under any circumstance though. Here in Cali, they get paid minimum wage regardless which lets some of them slack off or feel entitled to the tip regardless if the service is subpar and that's not a good thing either.
tipping doesnt bother me...20% on a $30-40 bill is only a few more dollar...but pobre so i usually wont spend more than that

unless the service is outright disrespectful, it takes a lot to offend me and if im at a spot, im there for the food, not the service, so as long as i get mine within reason, sall good...
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lol at acting like all that is extra. You're frankly a ****** employee if you aren't already doing these bare minimum things. They're not going to make sure they give a patron the correct order without a tip? Yea right. How about some personal pride in your work? And then to be the same people *****ing about pay :rolleyes
All that IS extra. What part of going above and beyond for people that tip better don't you understand? Why should I do more than is expected of me for someone I know isn't tipping well, when I have good tippers to attend to?

And frankly, as you put it, we ARE doing these bare minimum things. But for people like you....that's all your getting. The BARE MINIMUM.
People like me? Ok boss, and getting the order right is a bare minimum thing. You trying to parade it out there like it's some sort of "above and beyond" service is hilarious
People like me? Ok boss, and getting the order right is a bare minimum thing. You trying to parade it out there like it's some sort of "above and beyond" service is hilarious
Yes sir...people like you. And you are right, getting the order right is a bare minimum thing. But everything else you need, will be fulfilled, AFTER all of my good tipping customers get their needs fulfilled first. I average about 20% every night. That means, all of my customers are pretty much tipping what they should. So they all get great service. You, however, will not be getting the same service. You'll be getting the BARE minimum. Because YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE not tipping properly.

When did I "parade" around saying that getting the order right is "above and beyond". You're sounding like a typical NTer, spouting off NTextremes. Lookin foolish. Getting the order right, IS THE BARE MINIMUM.

A table last night had several different allergies amongst 10 different guests. Some were gluten, others were dairy, some were both. I paid EXTRA attention to how their food was being prepared to make sure certain meats didn't get put on the same grill as others that had gluten ingredients, because they mentioned that the were sensitive to cross contamination on the grill.

Taking their order took over 10 minutes. The list of modifications was ENORMOUS. They were a VERY high maintenance table do to their dietary restrictions. A lot of servers wouldn't have been able to handle them. In the end, I stepped up to the plate, and went ABOVE AND BEYOND to make sure no cross contamination occurred in the kitchen, and I double checked every plate personally before it went out to the table to make sure every modification was correct. Normally, servers don't do that. You just enter the modifications in the computer. When the plate comes up in the window, any server available runs out the plate to the table  because we work as a team. YOU CLEARLY CAN'T CONTRIVE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BARE MINIMUM SERVICE AND SERVICE THAT GOES ABOVE AND BEYOND.  In the end, that table tipped me 40 dollars on 160. You'd probably have a heart attack tipping like that. But it happens, ALL. THE. TIME.
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Why u no tip cash papi... U know da government going to take a portion of dat MacBook Pro money
This is a common misconception. Cash or credit card tip doesn't matter. All servers claim about 10% of their sales as taxable income. However the tips come in, cash or credit, isn't really affected differently, since we are claiming a percentage of our sales, and not claiming how much we made in tips. So  we can't pretend that the cash tips never happened, since it's all based on percentage of sales anyway. Feel free to tip with credit, if you wanna keep the cash in your wallet. We really don't care either way you tip.
Tipping 20% seems generous to me. Didnt think thats the average.
15% seems right to me.
I'll be honest, I make about 2% more on average than an "average" server. But I'm good at it. 20% is not at all overly generous. For the most part, this is how servers generally react to a:

10% tip: WTF (customer goes into data file in your brain)

15% tip: Eh....not bad, def not good, but...not terrible. (customer will be forgotten)

18% tip: Cool, I'll take that. (customer will be forgotten)

20% tip: Nice tip, thanks...appreciated. (customer goes into data file in your brain)

25 - 30% tip: Oh hell yes!!!....THANK YOU SIR/MADAM (customer goes into data file, and notes are taken in server book about customers preferences for future reference).

100% tip: Sweet Moses I'm breaking all the rules next time this person comes in. Worth the risk.
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I bar tend and I'm always with the philosophy that a tip is a tip is a tip. I'm not one to complain as said over a customer giving a weak tip. I always try to think that "maybe thats all they had and the gesture is what counts. They'll take care of me next time."

On the flipside, I don't average 50-100+ bar tabs. Most of my customers are just average joe's having some beers so a couple bucks for each person is fine. 5 bucks is really good, and anything over that is just phenomenal.

If I know you're not a tipper though don't DARE ask for something extra. NOTHING. I can be miserable real fast, and quite frankly, don't care if you leave. I will go out of my way to make you uncomfortable. In my many years of bar tending its those that don't tip that ..

a.) buy one drink and milk it for an hour + thus wasting bar space, time, energy. This is a business first, hang out second.
b.) ask you for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING extra. Water, ice, straw, napkins, extra soda etc etc etc. (Generally this wouldn't be a problem for me, but again, if i know you're a serial NO TIP, walking back and forth for ONE sale is extremely annoying. I have customers that will order one shot, get a glass of water, a soda, use 25 napkins wiping their face, nose, LEAVE the napkins on the bar, ask to change the channels on the TV, play a few annoying songs on the jukebox then leave 2 pennies and dime that they just didn't feel like picking up.
c.) usually cause the most problems in the bar.
d.) RUDE. Period. Like I'm here to wait on you hand over feet.

On the same token, me being in the industry I always over tip even if the service isn't up to my standard. I always have the karma thought and think "well maybe they're having a bad night." Bar tenders especially get fantastic tips from me.
And for the non tippers on here I DARE you to work in the service industry for ONE week and not tip after that. WIthin ONE WEEK you'll become a tipper when you realize what work is put into making your stay enjoyable.
Tipping 20% seems generous to me. Didnt think thats the average.
15% seems right to me.
Let me rephrase what I just typed. 15% is by all means an acceptable tip. But it's at the very bottom of acceptable. 20% would be near the top of average. So 17-18% would be like average average. Like extra average. The only time I'd look at a 15% tip sideways was if  you were very high maintenance, I was AWESOME, and you were obviously very impressed with my service

But for the most part, if I give my usual better than average service, and I still get 15%...I'm not sweatin it. It's still cool. It's just a little low, that's all....but nothing that will damper my shift.
I bar tend and I'm always with the philosophy that a tip is a tip is a tip. I'm not one to complain as said over a customer giving a weak tip. I always try to think that "maybe thats all they had and the gesture is what counts. They'll take care of me next time."

On the flipside, I don't average 50-100+ bar tabs. Most of my customers are just average joe's having some beers so a couple bucks for each person is fine. 5 bucks is really good, and anything over that is just phenomenal.

If I know you're not a tipper though don't DARE ask for something extra. NOTHING. I can be miserable real fast, and quite frankly, don't care if you leave. I will go out of my way to make you uncomfortable. In my many years of bar tending its those that don't tip that ..

a.) buy one drink and milk it for an hour + thus wasting bar space, time, energy. This is a business first, hang out second.
b.) ask you for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING extra. Water, ice, straw, napkins, extra soda etc etc etc. (Generally this wouldn't be a problem for me, but again, if i know you're a serial NO TIP, walking back and forth for ONE sale is extremely annoying. I have customers that will order one shot, get a glass of water, a soda, use 25 napkins wiping their face, nose, LEAVE the napkins on the bar, ask to change the channels on the TV, play a few annoying songs on the jukebox then leave 2 pennies and dime that they just didn't feel like picking up.
c.) usually cause the most problems in the bar.
d.) RUDE. Period. Like I'm here to wait on you hand over feet.

On the same token, me being in the industry I always over tip even if the service isn't up to my standard. I always have the karma thought and think "well maybe they're having a bad night." Bar tenders especially get fantastic tips from me.
Bartenders are generally more ruthless than servers, so I don't fault you at all for speaking your mind. But it is true though, the higher maintenance a table is, and the more rude and unappreciative and classless they are, the less likely they are to tip well. Ironically most 20% tippers are VERY easy to serve, and you do the least work for them. You bust your *** usually for the 10% tippers and stiffers. It's like they TRY to have a bad time so they can justify the crappy tip.
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