Giving Tip for Delivery?

And for the non tippers on here I DARE you to work in the service industry for ONE week and not tip after that. WIthin ONE WEEK you'll become a tipper when you realize what work is put into making your stay enjoyable.
THIS!!!!! Once you've been a waiter you will forever be a good tipper. Most people have NO IDEA what goes on behind the dining room in order to make their stay exceptional. Out on the floor I'm cool as can be, the moment I turn the corner into the kitchen ITS GAME ON. I'm like the tazmanian devil trying to be as efficient as possible. Every second counts. Every step counts. EVERY MOVEMENT COUNTS.
And for the non tippers on here I DARE you to work in the service industry for ONE week and not tip after that. WIthin ONE WEEK you'll become a tipper when you realize what work is put into making your stay enjoyable.
This aint a putting yourself in their shoes situation. So no it's easy to still not tip.

I've done it before and I decided that **** aint for me. It didn't make me feel sorry for the ppl who chose to stick around and still do all that crap work for a little amount of pay.
I'm calculating my percentage on post tax bills...because that's how people tip. You take the total, then tip 20%. Then I'm happy, you're happy, everyone's happy.

It's 1:30 in the morning here, so I'm gonna post my findings tomorrow. I didn't have the greatest shift. My sales weren't as high as they could have been because I had some campers, and I got some parties of 2 or 3 on my tables that fit 6 easily. I normally sell between 1300-1600 on a saturday night. Tonight I only sold 1000. All things considered I still walked with 15%. That's after I tipped out the bartender, bussers, hosts, food runners, and drink runner the required total of 4.25%. So I averaged about 19 percent on my sales.

I'll post my findings tomorrow. As a fun little extra, I noted the age, gender, and race of every person that paid the check and left the tip. I figured NT would have fun with that, they always do.
My bad...been meaning to post this for a while but it's a lot so I've been putting it off. Make of this what you will. Separate post coming.
This aint a putting yourself in their shoes situation. So no it's easy to still not tip.

I've done it before and I decided that **** aint for me. It didn't make me feel sorry for the ppl who chose to stick around and still do all that crap work for a little amount of pay.

And you will continue to get crap service on places you frequent often. I'm not saying you PERSONALLY, but people like you the moment you walk in my door I immediately think JERK***. I will NEVER give you good service the moment I find out you're a non tipper.

You were probably a crap waiter like you're a crap customer thats why "it wasn't for you." The moment you bring home a few hundred cash for serving you're opinion would change.
To me there's no poison about it. This is how it should be. After that it's up to you if you want to pay that much to dine out.
But this would never work. You can't just pay the servers a flat rate. Then there would be no incentive to work hard or go above and beyond for the customer. Servers would all want the easy station with 3 tables instead of 5 in it. Every server would only do "waht is expected of them", instead of trying to excel. Servers would intentionally go MUCH slower since they are paid hourly. The tables wouldn't turn over as fast and productivity/revenue would plummet. Some servers suck, so they'd still get paid the same as servers that are wowing their customers. Prices of entrees would be RIDICULOUS. And you wouldn't be able to get a better price because your server sucked.

In the real world, if your servers sucks, you pay less. If your server was awesome, you pay more. It's just better this way.
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if the prices went up on food, i'm pretty sure alot of businesses, more so smaller mom and pop spots would go under as they wouldn't be able to compete and sales would go down quite a bit.

at the end of the day, i would say most people tip, a select few don't.     i'm not really sure how well waiters remember customers, but i see nothing wrong with them having their list of who they consider blacklisted cheap o's and provide them with the bare minimum service that's asked upon them in their job requirements.   i know if i was in that industry if i have one customer who's a regular and tips well he's a priority over the non tipping regular.  both will get served, just that one will get extremely good service and the other will get the bare minimum asked of me.

i just hate when restaurants pull that gratuity nonsense.   bad or minimal service should never be rewarded. 
And you will continue to get crap service on places you frequent often. I'm not saying you PERSONALLY, but people like you the moment you walk in my door I immediately think JERK***. I will NEVER give you good service the moment I find out you're a non tipper.

You were probably a crap waiter like you're a crap customer thats why "it wasn't for you." The moment you bring home a few hundred cash for serving you're opinion would change.
So much truth here. And once you get good at waiting, you can sense a bad tipper a mile away. 
I sometimes ordered from a restaurant that's relatively far away, around 10 to 15 minute drive. Years ago I ordered and I had given a small tip like $2 and the delivery guy says "You know it's really far coming to deliver here and it's just not worth it for a $2 tip"

Since then I normally go pick it up, which brings me to a similar question, do you/should you tip when you go pick up the order at the restaurant?
So much truth here. And once you get good at waiting, you can sense a bad tipper a mile away. 
i feel ya, but i'm not big on that whole sensing part.   you could have a first timer who comes in and presents themselves in whatever way may correctly or incorrectly give of the perception of a bad tipper and because of that their service off the bad isn't up to par and come to find out their a decent tipper.

i've heard stories about how waiters won't want to wait on black people or asians because of the bad tipper sterotypes and i'm not cool with that.    everyone should get good service on the first go around.  if that individual customer is rude or a bad tipper, then by all means just give them the bare minimum service after that though. 
if the prices went up on food, i'm pretty sure alot of businesses, more so smaller mom and pop spots would go under as they wouldn't be able to compete and sales would go down quite a bit.

at the end of the day, i would say most people tip, a select few don't.     i'm not really sure how well waiters remember customers, but i see nothing wrong with them having their list of who they consider blacklisted cheap o's and provide them with the bare minimum service that's asked upon them in their job requirements.   i know if i was in that industry if i have one customer who's a regular and tips well he's a priority over the non tipping regular.  both will get served, just that one will get extremely good service and the other will get the bare minimum asked of me.

i just hate when restaurants pull that gratuity nonsense.   bad or minimal service should never be rewarded. 
Your second paragraph echoes everything we've been saying. It only makes sense. ALL MY CUSTOMERS GET SERVED, but good tippers get better rolls because I pick the BEST out of the drawer one by one instead of grabbing the first 5 I see. That's just the FIRST step in a LONG LINE of preferential treatments good tippers get. If the food isn't perfect, like ******ed perfect, I have it made again. The list of other things I do for good tippers is endless, truly endless. Low/non tippers? Bare minimum. 
i feel ya, but i'm not big on that whole sensing part.   you could have a first timer who comes in and presents themselves in whatever way may correctly or incorrectly give of the perception of a bad tipper and because of that their service off the bad isn't up to par and come to find out their a decent tipper.

i've heard stories about how waiters won't want to wait on black people or asians because of the bad tipper sterotypes and i'm not cool with that.    everyone should get good service on the first go around.  if that individual customer is rude or a bad tipper, then by all means just give them the bare minimum service after that though. 
Im not talking about stereotypes. It's more about how a customer presents himself, carries himself, speaks. If they are all uncomfortable from the very second I greet them, can't make eye contact, is VISIBLY uncomfortable....there are endless tells. YOu can just smell the bad tip coming, regardless of demographic. If I walk up to an all black table, most servers cringe thinking "here we go, they're gonna be hard to serve, easily angered, ordering only off the appetizer menu, and they're gonna tip bad". I DONT DO THIS

I give everyone their fair chance. I've served many MANY tables of all latinos that would appear to tip very bad. But I still NAIL their service anyway....and a lot of times get tipped HIGHER THAN 20%'s worth it to try if the bill is larger, like over 100, even if you think the tip might not be great. Because you might get a crappy 13% tip instead of a really crappy 8% tip by trying harder.
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i feel ya, but i'm not big on that whole sensing part.   you could have a first timer who comes in and presents themselves in whatever way may correctly or incorrectly give of the perception of a bad tipper and because of that their service off the bad isn't up to par and come to find out their a decent tipper.

i've heard stories about how waiters won't want to wait on black people or asians because of the bad tipper sterotypes and i'm not cool with that.    everyone should get good service on the first go around.  if that individual customer is rude or a bad tipper, then by all means just give them the bare minimum service after that though. 

Yeah I don't do it the first go around. Like I said, anyone can have a bad day etc etc etc. Especially at the bar, many are there to drown out their sorrows. Its very easy to spot though who is going to annoy you just by the questions (DEMANDS) they immediately place.

If you sit at my bar on a cell phone, I'm walking away.

If you ask me what liquor I have and I do a quick rundown, SHOW YOU the bottles right behind me and you STILL ask for things I clearly don't have, I'm walking away.

I have no qualms being rude. ZERO. I'm in the bar business though so it kinda goes with the territory if needed. You're not gonna threaten me with a complaint or a talk with my boss. Doesn't work that way. I'm in control of the bar when I'm working.
This aint a putting yourself in their shoes situation. So no it's easy to still not tip.

I've done it before and I decided that **** aint for me. It didn't make me feel sorry for the ppl who chose to stick around and still do all that crap work for a little amount of pay.

And you will continue to get crap service on places you frequent often. I'm not saying you PERSONALLY, but people like you the moment you walk in my door I immediately think JERK***. I will NEVER give you good service the moment I find out you're a non tipper.

You were probably a crap waiter like you're a crap customer thats why "it wasn't for you." The moment you bring home a few hundred cash for serving you're opinion would change.
I don't get crap service though. I actually never said I got crap service so I don't tip.

It's fine for you and ppl like you to have your thoughts and focus your negative attention on ppl like me when it comes to being frustrated about not being tipped. Just know it's misplaced negativity.

I know you feel some type of way right now so you'll get a little emotional about it but you're not really thinking this through. I actually wasn't a crap waiter though. I simply looked at my paycheck at the end of the week and I quit. I did the same thing when I worked out the math working at another job based off commission. You can try and rationalize your situation, job and why you feel you deserved to be tipped but it aint changing the reality of things. You accept low pay and feel the customer should pick up for the rest of it when really you should be demanding to be paid more for all of the work you did and continue to do. I mean seriously, your attitude almost seems like entitlement at this point. Saying my opinion change if I got more in tip money isn't a good argument. Why not become a stripper then? No reason to knock prostitution if the money is good right? What would you do if tipping wasn't allowed at where you work?
Your second paragraph echoes everything we've been saying. It only makes sense. ALL MY CUSTOMERS GET SERVED, but good tippers get better rolls because I pick the BEST out of the drawer one by one instead of grabbing the first 5 I see. That's just the FIRST step in a LONG LINE of preferential treatments good tippers get. If the food isn't perfect, like ******ed perfect, I have it made again. The list of other things I do for good tippers is endless, truly endless. Low/non tippers? Bare minimum. 
i can't blame you on the bare minimum part one bit at all.  

i got friends who refuse to tip under any circumstances.  i consider them friends but disagree with their stance on that.   what they do is what they do, but they know tipping is a social norm here and refuse to do it so it's certain places i won't invite them to because of how they carry themselves.   it may sound shallow, but it's a bad look when you go eat, get real good service, the whole group tips except for them and they just come across as the one cheap dude out the group.

in my case, the friend im referring to is just cheap, he makes a decent income but is just cheap.    he won't go to the bar unless it's happy hour, won't go to the movies unless it's a matinee, won't go to a club or wherever unless it's free to get in.    that's just who he is, he's a grown man, i'm not going to try to change him, but at the same time, it's a bunch of places no one invites him to anymore because of his tendancies.    i wouldn't want to be seated at a table with the customer who's known as the restaurant cheapskate.
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I sometimes ordered from a restaurant that's relatively far away, around 10 to 15 minute drive. Years ago I ordered and I had given a small tip like $2 and the delivery guy says "You know it's really far coming to deliver here and it's just not worth it for a $2 tip"

Since then I normally go pick it up, which brings me to a similar question, do you/should you tip when you go pick up the order at the restaurant?
no tip for pickup. You're just telling them to make the food and then getting it yourself. They're not really doing extra work.

The only time I didn't tip on delivery was this one time where the delivery driver refused to come up to my apartment. There is security downstairs but they let delivery guys up all the time. This dude was also parked around the corner when the entrance to the building was in the middle of the block. I just handed him the exact amount and dipped for making me go out to pick the food up. Went on yelp & seamless to read the reviews and it turns out dude refused to go up to other ppl's places too, not too sure why.
I'll never understand being cheap with people that prepare or deliver your food just seems sooo dumb to me it's your FOOD fam

And your barber how dont you take care of the person the keeps your hair right

Just seems like common sense to me with the services these people provide why wouldn't you want to be on their good side?
To me there's no poison about it. This is how it should be. After that it's up to you if you want to pay that much to dine out.
But this would never work. You can't just pay the servers a flat rate. Then there would be no incentive to work hard or go above and beyond for the customer. Servers would all want the easy station with 3 tables instead of 5 in it. Every server would only do "waht is expected of them", instead of trying to excel. Servers would intentionally go MUCH slower since they are paid hourly. The tables wouldn't turn over as fast and productivity/revenue would plummet. Some servers suck, so they'd still get paid the same as servers that are wowing their customers. Prices of entrees would be RIDICULOUS. And you wouldn't be able to get a better price because your server sucked.

In the real world, if your servers sucks, you pay less. If your server was awesome, you pay more. It's just better this way.
Why would it never work? Prices raise all the time at the grocery store and when ppl don't have coupons to buy their cereal and steaks they don't buy them or they bite the bullet and pay. The increase entree price is not an argument. You're either willing to pay or you're not. I mean you gonna act like some restaurants aren't already adding gratuity to the bill and then waiters still expecting to get tipped?

This whole incentive to provide good service is bull ****. The job is to provide good service. That is what is expected. If you don't do it you fire the ones who don't and hire ppl who actually can. The incentive is I should provide good service or I'll lose my job just like any other job. I should get this work done by the deadline if I still want it. You seriously think a manager won't notice that after the staff gets a flat rate customers stop coming back? This logic makes no sense and seems reliant on this false sense of entitlement. Imagine if all mechanics expected tips the second a customer doesn't do it my wheel goes flying off on the highway :lol :{
I'll never understand being cheap with people that prepare or deliver your food just seems sooo dumb to me it's your FOOD fam

And your barber how dont you take care of the person the keeps your hair right

Just seems like common sense to me with the services these people provide why wouldn't you want to be on their good side?
This just that fear argument. I mean I probably wouldn't part take in any of that if I had to assume all of these ppl were scumbags and not professional in their jobs. I gotta pay you to stay on your good side just in case what? You do something to my food? Any ppl like that deserve to be in prison. Just straight up warped sense of morality.

My barber gonna have my line up look like a failed tetras game if I don't tip him now? The **** I want a petty *** ************ like that cutting mohair anyway?
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I don't get crap service though. I actually never said I got crap service so I don't tip.

It's fine for you and ppl like you to have your thoughts and focus your negative attention on ppl like me when it comes to being frustrated about not being tipped. Just know it's misplaced negativity.

I know you feel some type of way right now so you'll get a little emotional about it but you're not really thinking this through. I actually wasn't a crap waiter though. I simply looked at my paycheck at the end of the week and I quit. I did the same thing when I worked out the math working at another job based off commission. You can try and rationalize your situation, job and why you feel you deserved to be tipped but it aint changing the reality of things. You accept low pay and feel the customer should pick up for the rest of it when really you should be demanding to be paid more for all of the work you did and continue to do. I mean seriously, your attitude almost seems like entitlement at this point. Saying my opinion change if I got more in tip money isn't a good argument. Why not become a stripper then? No reason to knock prostitution if the money is good right? What would you do if tipping wasn't allowed at where you work?

I personally don't knock prostitution. I think its a crime that its illegal personally. Lets get that one out the way lol.

If tipping wasn't allowed where I work, I better make really good money every night or I wouldn't work there. Thats with any profession. Thats not the way it works though so you're argument is moot. It seems to me that people that have the most problems with commission based jobs simply weren't good at it so they knock it. I've had commission jobs my self that I sucked at and I caught myself bashing it because I wasn't good at it and I'm good at sales!

You're rationalizing NOT tipping because you think the workers should be paid more. Thats just an excuse for being cheap. Thats simply NOT gonna happen. Re word it anyway you like. You're cheap, period. And If you were a frequent customer of mine, I'd give you lousy service every single time.
Nothing wrong with tipping but Im  only tipping if you give good service or deliver my food fast and fresh. I dont tip just because your doing your job
Nothing wrong with tipping but Im  only tipping if you give good service or deliver my food fast and fresh. I dont tip just because your doing your job

And I agree with this statement. I don't think I should get tipped either if i'm performing terribly. Its people like ZIK that piss me off though that have that, "i'm not tipping regardless" attitude.

I do the same with my delivery guy. I always start off with a set amount, and continue to take $$ away for taking too long. Come in 30 mins, you get a FAT delivery tip. Come in an hour 20 and you MAY get a buck if you're lucky.
And I agree with this statement. I don't think I should get tipped either if i'm performing terribly. Its people like ZIK that piss me off though that have that, "i'm not tipping regardless" attitude.

I do the same with my delivery guy. I always start off with a set amount, and continue to take $$ away for taking too long. Come in 30 mins, you get a FAT delivery tip. Come in an hour 20 and you MAY get a buck if you're lucky.
See you said you wont expect tips if your doing terribly. You shouldnt expect it really if your just doing your job either even though you will prbably get a tip by customers but you shouldnt expect it for serving a person 2 drinks or bringing out their plates

If you bus my table when i ffinished with plates, check on me time to time, keep my drink refilled, napkins etc then I will give a tip

But i dont tip more then 10% anyway but I never go out to eat with large crowds usually it is just me and my girl so I dont work the waitress or waiter

I walked into the bar one day go to bar table and asked for 2 budlights, waiter was not busy, it took 1 mintue, I threw $1 in tip jar and she kind of got mad

I reached in and took my $1 right back
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question for non tippers,   do you expect to be treated the exact same and get the exact same service as the guy who has a reputation of being a good tipper and has is familiar with the employees?

in your line of work do you treat the people you have a good rapport with the same as the ones who are moreso a nuisance to deal with?   it don't matter if its retail, waiting, office work, or wherever you work at.
question for non tippers,   do you expect to be treated the exact same and get the exact same service as the guy who has a reputation of being a good tipper and has is familiar with the employees?

in your line of work do you treat the people you have a good rapport with the same as the ones who are moreso a nuisance to deal with?   it don't matter if its retail, waiting, office work, or wherever you work at.
That is the thing. I expect them to do their job regardless of if I tip or not and I'm 100% sure the business owner would agree

If Im a nuisance or my group then yes you should tip, that is what tipping is for. If i have a large crowd then yes i would tip

IF I go somewhere and order for my self, why should I tip you when all you did was bring me my food?
I don't get crap service though. I actually never said I got crap service so I don't tip.

It's fine for you and ppl like you to have your thoughts and focus your negative attention on ppl like me when it comes to being frustrated about not being tipped. Just know it's misplaced negativity.

I know you feel some type of way right now so you'll get a little emotional about it but you're not really thinking this through. I actually wasn't a crap waiter though. I simply looked at my paycheck at the end of the week and I quit. I did the same thing when I worked out the math working at another job based off commission. You can try and rationalize your situation, job and why you feel you deserved to be tipped but it aint changing the reality of things. You accept low pay and feel the customer should pick up for the rest of it when really you should be demanding to be paid more for all of the work you did and continue to do. I mean seriously, your attitude almost seems like entitlement at this point. Saying my opinion change if I got more in tip money isn't a good argument. Why not become a stripper then? No reason to knock prostitution if the money is good right? What would you do if tipping wasn't allowed at where you work?

I personally don't knock prostitution. I think its a crime that its illegal personally. Lets get that one out the way lol.
Prostituion was just an example. The point should be clear.
If tipping wasn't allowed where I work, I better make really good money every night or I wouldn't work there. Thats with any profession.
See this is where you're ****** up. This is not how it is in any profession. If a cop doesn't get a tip for doing his job he's not gonna stop doing his job. Defense attorneys don't quit cuz their clients don't tip them. That's not how it works. They get paid to do their job to the best of their abilities. Sure they can get by doing half assed work but eventually that'll be noticed by their superiors and they'll get fired or regulated to work worthy of their effort.
Thats not the way it works though so you're argument is moot.
It's not my fault you choose to accept unfair wages.
It seems to me that people that have the most problems with commission based jobs simply weren't good at it so they knock it. I've had commission jobs my self that I sucked at and I caught myself bashing it because I wasn't good at it and I'm good at sales!
Well I can say as this much, for what I was selling at the prices I was selling them and as much as I was selling the job simply didn't add up income wise. You can say it's cuz I wasn't good at it but like I said we all have our own choices. You may get bumps and incentives in working for commission (and that's from your employer) but you do not get tips for it. I was just stressing a simple thing to understand, that if you're doing work not proportional to your pay it's up to you whether you're gonna accept that or not. I chose not to accept it.

You're rationalizing NOT tipping because you think the workers should be paid more. Thats just an excuse for being cheap. Thats simply NOT gonna happen. Re word it anyway you like. You're cheap, period. And If you were a frequent customer of mine, I'd give you lousy service every single time.
You're wrong. That's not what I'm rationalizing. I don't tip because I do not believe ppl deserve to be paid for doing their job. You get paid by your employer to do your job. Just because your job involves serving a customer/client that pays for what you're serving does not mean you deserve to be given money by those being served on top of that.

As far as workers being paid more that's my reply to ppl who say those ppl should be tipped because they get paid low wages. You don't start asking for handouts if you're not getting paid enough as a nurse. You go on strike and negotiate for your benefits and increase in wages. So workers getting paid more is my simple reply to ppl saying tipping should be done because of low wages.

Also this whole cheap thing is not ending no argument. No matter what context you put it in or how you say it. At this point it just seems like another excuse and cop out not to face the reality of the situation. Call me cheap all you want. It don't change my argument which has nothing to do with being cheap.
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