Giving Tip for Delivery?

The sense of entitlement that many waiters have as seen in this thread is mind blowing. And no, I don't eat out.
The sense of entitlement that many customers have, as seen in this thread is mind blowing. Please, don't eat out.
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I'm entitled to good service because that's your job. Even though it doesn't require a skill, do you not take pride in what you do?
This is exactly why i dont tip. The mentaility...

I dont even want to speak on this. Got my blood boiling

basically the customer never asked for anything you did and you expect money. *****

U like I boxed their food,brought them extra bread,didnt make them wait fror their food.My goodness, you didnt make them wait for their food

bring me my box, i dont need you to box it Im sure they didnt either

15% is what your supposed to get, people tip more if they are being nice and your complaining

Mayne i,m done,im getting upset lol
The reading comprehension here is questionable. 
I'm entitled to good service because that's your job. Even though it doesn't require a skill, do you not take pride in what you do?

If you don't think serving the public food is a skill I don't know what to tell you.

If it was up to me everyone in America would have to work with the public before they graduated highschool.
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If you don't think serving the public food is a skill I don't know what to tell you.

If it was up to me everyone in America would have to work with the public before they graduated highschool.

And I have. I've worked with children and in healthcare. Want to try again? Matter of fact, when I see you post stuff like this:

Yall still thirsty to buy Jordan's though so it doesn't shock me.

you're not worth wasting keystrokes on.

And the point made earlier trying to compare tipping to tipping in other occupations is just throwing **** at the wall to see what sticks. I don't get a tip for doing what I do. My incentive to earn my pay is I take pride in what I do, I want my superiors and people I work with to think well of me and the work I do is seen by news organizations, sponsors as well as millions per day. I cannot slack or be mediocre because I'm not getting a tip. I'd be unemployed if I had the attitude that some servers have.
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I don't see at as entitlement. Tip or don't. I can give various levels of service. Why do you feel entitled to good service, when it isn't required?
Because it is your job.. trying working for a high end place besides the waffle house and give that subpar service and see what happens to you when you tell your boss they dont tip you enough

You signed up for the job, you know what it is

All i want you to do is take my orde, and bring me my food.

Anything extra you do dont mean your entitled to a tip when i didnt even ask for it. If I do tip you consider it a courtesy tip, if I dont , leave the jimmies intact
I know what average service is. When I try my *** off and give awesome service, and I get hit with that 10%, it just lets me know that next time, they get 10% service, which is all I'm required to give you anyway. All that trying my *** off isn't necessary, but is appreciated by all of my 20% tippers.
You cant get mad,Everyone cant afford big tips, some people religion wise dont belive in tipping big or even more % wise then the church ask for..somepeople want to eat out but may not have bog money to spend

Regardless those customers are keeping your job intact. no customers no job.

If your worked for me with that attitude you would be fired asap, but then again...NO WONDER YOUR A  ORDER TAKER!

probably bout all you will amount to with that attitude
The sense of entitlement that many waiters have as seen in this thread is mind blowing. And no, I don't eat out.
The sense of entitlement that many customers have, as seen in this thread is mind blowing. Please, don't eat out.

You think bussing tables is a $18/hr job?

Bussing tables doesn't pay 18/hr.

He made 18$ a hour that day and he said he usually makes more than that so how much does it pay?
I usually tip pretty good, when I'm out to eat I base it on how nice they are n ****. But I know a lot of people make a living off tips so I try to help out.
I normally tip pretty good, especially if I get good service. But about a week ago I gave my first $0 tip. Waitress was beyond horrible, even told her she was a crappy waitress she had me so mad. Just because you are serving people doesn't exactly entitle you to a tip, you have to earn it with the service you provide.

Delivery though I tip regardless, interaction with the delivery guy is minimal and he had to spend his time and effort to deliver that is enough right there.
You cant get mad,Everyone cant afford big tips, some people religion wise dont belive in tipping big or even more % wise then the church ask for..somepeople want to eat out but may not have bog money to spend

Regardless those customers are keeping your job intact. no customers no job.

If your worked for me with that attitude you would be fired asap, but then again...NO WONDER YOUR A  ORDER TAKER!

probably bout all you will amount to with that attitude
Makes no sense. If you can afford a 40 dollar meal, then you can afford an 8 dollar tip. If you can tip 4 making it 44 dollars....which would be terrible...then you can afford 8 making it 48 which would be great. A little more goes a long way. 

Gettin mad or nah? WHy are you typing  "NO WONDER YOU'RE AN ORDER TAKER!" in all caps and exclamation point? I make more than the managers there, so what's your point?

And no one would ever fire me. I've served in 3 restaurants, and I've been closer in all 3 immediately. I'm one of the top 3 servers there. I get whatever schedule I want, and whatever station I want...because I'm a damn good server. The only other servers that get that privilege are trainers. I don't let bad tips ruin my shift, whereas you'll see other servers crumble. I keep it moving. Crap customers like you just get filed in the data bank and I keep it moving. I average 20% all night every night. Literally 1 table out of about 100 will stiff me. Only 1 table in about 20 or so will tip as bad as 10%. EVERYONE is tipping me properly for the most part. Just keep in mind, that if you tip 10%, you are literally the bottom 5% of all my customers. WHY WOULD YOU GET THE SAME SERVICE? 
Makes no sense. If you can afford a 40 dollar meal, then you can afford an 8 dollar tip. If you can tip 4 making it 44 dollars....which would be terrible...then you can afford 8 making it 48 which would be great. A little more goes a long way. 

Makes no sense you average $18/hr in tips and get in your feelings over $4 to the point you make a mental note to do less if you see them again.
You think bussing tables is a $18/hr job?
NO....I think bussing tables is about 15 an hour, which is what they get, after all of us servers tip them out. I make about 25 an hour in tips, plus 8 an hour minimum wage. After taxes. After taxes I make about dollars an hour. One other thing to consider is that I handle a lot more volume per hour than most servers, with larger and more tables in my station. I'd say the average server in my restaurant makes 23 an hour, after taxes.
Makes no sense you average $18/hr in tips and get in your feelings over $4 to the point you make a mental note to do less if you see them again.
It's not about getting mad. I never get mad at my job. I like what I do. I just remember them for next time. Because I bust my *** constantly, every second of every minute on my shifts. If I know a crap tipper is in my station, I know to direct less effort there, and more effort towards my higher tipping customers. Fair is fair. Bare minimum is all I'm required to give them anyway. I just have to meet certain steps. All of the extra things I do is up to me. Where I choose to direct those efforts is at my discretion.
Because it is your job.. trying working for a high end place besides the waffle house and give that subpar service and see what happens to you when you tell your boss they dont tip you enough

You signed up for the job, you know what it is

All i want you to do is take my orde, and bring me my food.

Anything extra you do dont mean your entitled to a tip when i didnt even ask for it. If I do tip you consider it a courtesy tip, if I dont , leave the jimmies intact
Because it is your job.. trying working for a high end place besides the waffle house and give that subpar service and see what happens to you when you tell your boss they dont tip you enough

You signed up for the job, you know what it is

All i want you to do is take my orde, and bring me my food.

Anything extra you do dont mean your entitled to a tip when i didnt even ask for it. If I do tip you consider it a courtesy tip, if I dont , leave the jimmies intact is NOT my job to give exceptional service. That's just the service that I MYSELF choose to give. I am only required to give you a certain level of service. I generally far exceed that level. And the place I work for is higher end. It's not fine dining (money actually sucks in fine dining because of low volume), but it's definitely not a waffle house. It's steak, fish, and bbq grill. The per person average to dine at my restaurant is about 30 dollars. Most chain restaurants like Claim Jumpers, Macaroni Grill, or Cheesecake Factory, the per person average is about 23 dollars.

"you signed up for the job, you know what it is" - EXACTLY. EVERYONE for the most part tips me 20%. That's what I expect for the level of service I am personally giving. There are a few that tip 15% and a few that tip 25%. But very RARELY do i get tipped 10%. I understand that there are crap servers. I know quite a few at my restaurant. That's why they get more 15% tips then I do. Because they suck. That's why they get smaller stations with smaller tables, because they suck.
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Just another side note....If I sell 1500 (which is a busy, very hard working shift for me), I have to tip out 64 dollars to the supporting staff around me, which is a total of 4.25% of my sales. Most servers only sell about 800 - 1000. If everyone tipped only 10% the average server at my job would walk with about 55 bucks. There is NO WAY anyone would keep working that job for that way in hell. I'd rather hit up footlocker or radioshack where the workload and expectations are WAY LOWER for similiar pay.

This brings me to another point. Remember how I said tipping well actually helps you more than it hurts you? That doesn't just work when I'm a customer at a bar or also works as a waiter too. On 1500 sales I'm required to give my busboys 1.75% which would be 26 dollars. The busboys have access at any time to our sales through the computers where we enter orders. I usually round up to 2%, so i'd give 30 instead of 26. Just that little bit extra, and busboys are ALWAYS swarming my tables. Pulling plates for me, grabbing plates out of my hands to take  to the dishwashers. My tables never are needed to be bussed for more than 10 seconds before a busboy or 2 show up IMMEDIATELY. This allows me to turn my tables over faster, as well as spend more time serving my guests rather than running plates to the dishwasher. I still have to do that a lot, but nearly as much as I should, because they know I tip extra. 

There is this dead beat server that tips way lower than he's supposed to. If he's supposed to tip 20 to the bussers, he'll give like 13 or 15. He doesn't know that the bussers are checking the sales. His tables don't get bussed nearly as fast as mine, and they NEVER grab plates out of his hands. They aren't required to do that. But they will for me. I know this waterfall effects him from the bartenders and hosts, because they always ***** about how low he tips out. His drinks get made last by the bartenders, and he gets crap tables a lot in his station. All my tables are 5 or 6 people, he's getting 2's all the time. See how this works?
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Fair is fair. Bare minimum is all I'm required to give them anyway. I just have to meet certain steps. All of the extra things I do is up to me. Where I choose to direct those efforts is at my discretion.

You are correct, just like the bare minimum for your customer is to fulfill the bill the tip is up to their discretion. Now that I know servers could average $23/hr in tips like you said I don't even feel bad for them no more :lol thanks for clarifying for all the ones who wanted sympathy because they supposedly don't make minimum wage, out here making double minimum wage. :x
You are correct, just like the bare minimum for your customer is to fulfill the bill the tip is up to their discretion. Now that I know servers could average $23/hr in tips like you said I don't even feel bad for them no more
thanks for clarifying for all the ones who wanted sympathy because they supposedly don't make minimum wage, out here making double minimum wage.
No one is asking you to feel bad for us. All I'm telling you all is why we think the way we do. Everyone tips about that's what we expect. I don't expect people to tip me because they feel bad for me, I expect them to tip me 20% because that's what the going rate is. I didn't come up with that's just the way it is. You are welcome to tip less, just like I am welcome to give better service to some customers than others. That's the beauty of going above and beyond, I don't have to, for anyone. But I do, for almost everybody...EXCEPT people that aren't compensating me the same way EVERYONE ELSE is. Again, I average about 19.5% every month. That's my expected average going into every table. If they come up short, no big deal. If they come up WAY short, then they don't get my same level of service next time.

The funny part about it is you are balking at giving a few extra bucks. I'm assuming that even if you are a crappy tipper, you're giving about 10%. So if you're bill is 50, you're only giving 55, when all you need to do is kick in 3 or 5 more bucks and then you're a great tipper. I guess you could argue the other side and say that I'm only losing out 3 or 5 bucks. But if everyone tipped like that, I wouldn't serve tables. No one would. The job is way too hard for that.
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Oh ok, thanks for sharing the mind of a server.
Why is this news?

This is a job, and the restaurant is a business. I'm selling my service to my customers the best I can in order to get tipped as much as possible. Just like the restaurant tries to give you a product and experience you enjoy. Do you think the restaurant genuinely cares about you? When the manager comes by and asks how you enjoyed your you think they actually care? Or are they just acting profit minded? I'll answer it for you. They don't give two ***** about you as a person. You are a dollar sign to them, as you are to any business. They are playing the game.
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Makes no sense you average $18/hr in tips and get in your feelings over $4 to the point you make a mental note to do less if you see them again.
And you're right, for 4 dollars difference on a 40 dollar check it's like whatever. But if it's a 200 dollar check, then it matters a lot more. That table is 1/4 of most servers shift. They are counting on that table.
This is why I'm a proponent of raising prices of food and drink to offset tips. Servers would be against it though because they'd rather get paid next to nothing per hour and make it all up with tips than to have a steady, consistent pay rate. Customer service is not a skill, it's an attitude and your attitude sucks.
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