Giving Tip for Delivery?

This is why I'm a proponent of raising prices of food and drink to offset tips. Servers would be against it though because they'd rather get paid next to nothing per hour and make it all up with tips than to have a steady, consistent pay rate. Customer service is not a skill, it's an attitude and your attitude sucks.
If my attitude sucks, then why do I get preferred schedule and stations, and why am I averaging 20% nightly? Just because my motives are financially driven (which makes sense), that doesn't mean I have a bad attitude. I'm a damn good is what it is.
I don't give a damn what your schedule is so save it. You want a make a career out of being a waiter, do you. This false sense of entitlement you have and many servers have is why the idea of tipping is as divisive as it is. That's what the topic has been and you've proved it to a tee.
I don't give a damn what your schedule is so save it. You want a make a career out of being a waiter, do you. This false sense of entitlement you have and many servers have is why the idea of tipping is as divisive as it is. That's what the topic has been and you've proved it to a tee.
So what's your point? You're angry at the system?
And it's not a false sense of entitlement if it's being fulfilled constantly, by everyone, except for the bottom 5% of all customers. Sounds like you're more irritated by the fact that everyone else has no problem tipping us that much, which makes you feel like you're supposed to...which is causing you to feel a certain way.
:lol what's my point. You got it champ. You out here typing essays defending being ****. Go fetch me a glass of water.
lol...gladly....just hit me with that 20%. I know it hurts you to do
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yes...but everyone tips ME 20%....thx for proving my point. I average about 2-3% higher than most male servers. The rest are still making about 18%
I never tip by % :lol
I usually just tip $5-8. If you want to put me in your database go ahead :rollin nothing special about refiling my coke and getting my food

Exception: I always tip like $20 at Benihana, them dudes entertain like no other :smokin
Don't know why tipping is always a big topic on here. Nt'ers aren't normal. Only person I know who has a problem with tipping in real life is my dad. He's cheap as hell and tips like a dollar to the delivery guy.
Don't know why tipping is always a big topic on here. Nt'ers aren't normal. Only person I know who has a problem with tipping in real life is my dad. He's cheap as hell and tips like a dollar to the delivery guy.
Funny you say that...every time I get a guest wearing Retro Jordans or Foams especially in my station I cringe. They almost always tip bad. A lot of servers know that....when I go out to eat I catch myself sometimes sitting on the inside of the booth so the server can't see my kicks lol.

But yeah I feel's like in the real world 20% just happens automatically given the assumption that I give good service. But on's like "what the hell you thinkin I ain't tippin no 20%. For what? You ain't even do nuthin." LOL
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But yeah I feel's like in the real world 20% just happens automatically given the assumption that I give good service. But on's like "what the hell you thinkin I ain't tippin no 20%. For what? You ain't even do nuthin." LOL

More like "what the hell you thinkin I ain't tippin no 20%. For what? All you're doing is your job" **
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More like "what the hell you thinkin I ain't tippin no 20%. For what? All you're doing is your job" **
Yup...a job that all of my guests tip correctly for....which is why I do it. See the thing is Ive been on both sides. I've been a customer AND a server. So i understand both sides. You don't. If you served tables, you'd understand. But you don't, so you don't. Even a Chili's, or Denny's server, I wouldn't do that for minimum wage or anything near it. Once you get into nicer restaurants you expect more money because you've made your way through the crappier restaurants.

You can't just walk into my restaurant and apply to be a server. You need 2 years MINIMUM experience in serving. If you apply without serving experience, you start at the bottom. Hosting...and you work your way up to take out, then food runner, then server. You really do think this is a cake walk, dont you.
More like "what the hell you thinkin I ain't tippin no 20%. For what? All you're doing is your job" **
Yup...a job that all of my guests tip correctly for....which is why I do it. See the thing is Ive been on both sides. I've been a customer AND a server. So i understand both sides. You don't. If you served tables, you'd understand. But you don't, so you don't. Even a Chili's, or Denny's server, I wouldn't do that for minimum wage or anything near it. Once you get into nicer restaurants you expect more money because you've made your way through the crappier restaurants.

You can't just walk into my restaurant and apply to be a server. You need 2 years MINIMUM experience in serving. If you apply without serving experience, you start at the bottom. Hosting...and you work your way up to take out, then food runner, then server. You really do think this is a cake walk, dont you.

Don't bother reasoning with the non-tippers. They can always find a reason for why they shouldn't tip.
Don't bother reasoning with the non-tippers. They can always find a reason for why they shouldn't tip.
I know i's just baffling that they expect the same service as the 20% tippers. Like in what world does that make sense?
I will say this, while i support tipping bussers/servers I can think of more than a few jobs that people should be getting tips for.

Retail, yes retail. Now while not all retail positions are equal I can see how some in retail are being underpaid. Guys who work in shoe stores for example, you're tending to 3 or 4 customers at a time on a regular day, all while keeping the floor tidy, handling phone calls, working the register and working as a loss prevention specialist. Companies used to hire a cashier, used to hire a loss prevention specialist, and while a lot of bigger stores still do, a lot of smaller retailers don't. So retail employees are doing more work now than their classical counterparts would, and are actually being paid comparatively less if you take inflation into regard (3.35 as a minimum wage in 1980 would be about $9.50 dollars per hour now, $1.75 more than current minimum wage). I think retail employees are criminally underpaid and thus should be tipped.

Couriers. Damned right. I value a good courier. I love my FedEx guy but I tip all of my couriers (UPS, USPS) as well. A good courier is not unlike an attentive server or a reliable barber. A good courier goes the extra mile to ensure you get your package in a timely fashion. A good courier makes sure your belongings are safe. A good courier deserves a tip (even if they're not supposed to take them). And if they won't take the tip, at least make sure they're hydrated, give them a bottled water, give them a bag of chips, y' actually treat them with some regard.

Your weed guy. Yeah, your weed guy. Does he deliver? Does he bless on the count? Does he always keep it 100 with the potency? Is he always available? If so you've got yourself a stand up weed guy. And this is rare nowadays. Weed dealers have grown complacent, expecting customers to assume the risk by going to them. They're also not always available. A good bud man always lets his customers know that he's gonna be out of town for a while, and has his customers cop with that in mind. Also a good weed man isn't stingy with the pack, lets an associate take the mound if he's gotta be gone for a while. If he loses a customer to an associate he just chalks that up to the game. How do you show your bud man some love for always being there for you? Next time he delivers that 8th throw an extra $20 his way. You want dibs on all his best stuff? Well you've got to build a rapport and offer an incentive for him to put aside something special for you. Bud guys who shoot me texts talking about "I GOT DAT SUPER LOUD ON DECK" and it end up being some ******** learn real fast that I don't play that, they don't make their sale and they never see me again. But dudes who know what I like, take care to make sure I get my meds, well they get blessed with some extra paper. I know weed is already relatively expensive but at the same time dudes wanna smoke top shelf medicinal but not pay for proper service.....Wondering why their bag look skimpier than ******* outfits when the summertime hits in the Heights. Go smoke some schwag b.

I will say this however, I also think tips should be given out based on satisfaction. If you're inattentive and don't provide the service you're being employed to deliver, not even a modicum of proper service, I simply will be too "inattentive" to tip you. Oops.

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Makes no sense. If you can afford a 40 dollar meal, then you can afford an 8 dollar tip. If you can tip 4 making it 44 dollars....which would be terrible...then you can afford 8 making it 48 which would be great. A little more goes a long way. 

Gettin mad or nah? WHy are you typing  "NO WONDER YOU'RE AN ORDER TAKER!" in all caps and exclamation point? I make more than the managers there, so what's your point?

And no one would ever fire me. I've served in 3 restaurants, and I've been closer in all 3 immediately. I'm one of the top 3 servers there. I get whatever schedule I want, and whatever station I want...because I'm a damn good server. The only other servers that get that privilege are trainers. I don't let bad tips ruin my shift, whereas you'll see other servers crumble. I keep it moving. Crap customers like you just get filed in the data bank and I keep it moving. I average 20% all night every night. Literally 1 table out of about 100 will stiff me. Only 1 table in about 20 or so will tip as bad as 10%. EVERYONE is tipping me properly for the most part. Just keep in mind, that if you tip 10%, you are literally the bottom 5% of all my customers. WHY WOULD YOU GET THE SAME SERVICE? 
Whatever you say waiter..Hope that career works out for you.. Just serve me my food and shut up .....
Don't bother reasoning with the non-tippers. They can always find a reason for why they shouldn't tip.
I know i's just baffling that they expect the same service as the 20% tippers. Like in what world does that make sense?

Funny thing is my first post in this thread said I tip all the time, I just don't like the feeling of having to tip otherwise I face some type of "repercussion" next time around. Again tipping is out of courtesy, not a requirement, and you thirsty servers turned it into some kind of food/good service blackmail :lol :{ that's whats really baffling
Makes no sense. If you can afford a 40 dollar meal, then you can afford an 8 dollar tip. If you can tip 4 making it 44 dollars....which would be terrible...then you can afford 8 making it 48 which would be great. A little more goes a long way. 

Gettin mad or nah? WHy are you typing  "NO WONDER YOU'RE AN ORDER TAKER!" in all caps and exclamation point? I make more than the managers there, so what's your point?

And no one would ever fire me. I've served in 3 restaurants, and I've been closer in all 3 immediately. I'm one of the top 3 servers there. I get whatever schedule I want, and whatever station I want...because I'm a damn good server. The only other servers that get that privilege are trainers. I don't let bad tips ruin my shift, whereas you'll see other servers crumble. I keep it moving. Crap customers like you just get filed in the data bank and I keep it moving. I average 20% all night every night. Literally 1 table out of about 100 will stiff me. Only 1 table in about 20 or so will tip as bad as 10%. EVERYONE is tipping me properly for the most part. Just keep in mind, that if you tip 10%, you are literally the bottom 5% of all my customers. WHY WOULD YOU GET THE SAME SERVICE? 

Whatever you say waiter..Hope that career works out for you.. Just serve me my food and shut up .....:lol

Looking down on someone's legal way to make money? That's cool.

What's your career?
Whatever you say waiter..Hope that career works out for you.. Just serve me my food and shut up .....
You mad or nah? Don't be upset because everyone on this forum thinks you're the dumbest person on here. 36 likes and counting? LOLOLOL. I can see you're just frustrated at not being able to justify logically you're struggle cheapskateness, hence the cheap jabs at my job. 
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