Giving Tip for Delivery?

 I want the service you are required to do. Idc about a rental car worker upgrading me (if I really want an upgrade I will pay for it)

With all these examples you WANTED extra (some of these things that put their jobs on the line) so you willing paid extra....

While even if I get no extra or even poor service I still must pay at least 20% or I'm wrong.... All because YOU CHOSE to have a job where you don't have the incentives in promotion as firefighters and cops....

So should I tip my lawyer who I paid 5k to 20% so he can try to win my case harder?
I'm confused as to what your issue is. 

Why must  you tip 20%? 

Good lawyers are typically associated with costing more money, so you would reward a lawyer if you want your case won.
I want the service you are required to do. Idc about a rental car worker upgrading me (if I really want an upgrade I will pay for it)

With all these examples you WANTED extra (some of these things that put their jobs on the line) so you willing paid extra....

While even if I get no extra or even poor service I still must pay at least 20% or I'm wrong.... All because YOU CHOSE to have a job where you don't have the incentives in promotion as firefighters and cops....

So should I tip my lawyer who I paid 5k to 20% so he can try to win my case harder?
YES. You're lawyer is working multiple cases at one time. If you PAY HIM MORE, you don't think he'll spend more time on your case? Or try harder period? Seriously, how slow are you at this concept? 

When I go out to eat, or when I go out to a bar, I DO WANT EXTRA SERVICE. And I get it. When I walk into my local crowded car, bartender is automatically making my drink, strong as hell. When I need a second round, I just make eye contact and hold up my glass. He makes it instantly. Everyone else waits, a LONG TIME. The bar is crowded. The restaurants I frequent, I have regular servers at each. When I sit down, my drink is waiting for me, and every request is fulfilled IMMEDIATELY. This to me is worth the little bit more I tip compared to others. And it's only 25% generally. Except for the bartender, dude gets hooked up nasty...because my bill is ridiculously low. 

I drink 80 dollars worth of drinks between me, my girl, and a friend. My bill is 20 dollars. I tip 25 for a total of 45. My total with tip is like half of the actual bill BEFORE tip. AND I got much much MUCH better service and drinks than most of the other patrons at the bar. ( i said most because there are others there that tip like that as well, and get similar treatment).

Keep up with that low tipping mentality. It works for you. But mine works better. 
Son is in here jumping through hoops trying to make sense of being a poor employee and explain away his sense of entitlement to tips.
Son is in here jumping through hoops trying to make sense of being a poor employee and explain away his sense of entitlement to tips.
I'm one of the best servers at my restaurant. If i wasn't I wouldn't AVERAGE 20% nor would I get the stations I want or the set schedule I have. Son is in here trying to make sense of being a poor customer and explain away his sense of entitlement to the same service everyone else gets.
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Son is in here jumping through hoops trying to make sense of being a poor employee and explain away his sense of entitlement to tips.
I'm one of the best servers at my restaurant. If i wasn't I wouldn't AVERAGE 20% nor would I get the stations I want or the set schedule I have. Son is in here trying to make sense of being a poor customer and explain away his sense of entitlement to the same service everyone else gets.
By our own posts and explanations you describe yourself as a piss poor employee only giving actual effort when incentives are given.

You wouldn't have to be doing this much posting at this point in the thread if that wasn't the case.

:lol @ "poor customer" and trying to switch around what I said. The customers don't owe you anything, especially a tip. There is no sense of entitlement for the customer. If you truly behave how you say if I were in your restaurant I'd just get up and serve myself. Hopefully the embarrassment would deflate your ego and arrogance a bit. Keep in mind you've dug in to this stance after dismissing the real problem with this whole you needing ppl to give you extra money on top of what you're paid.
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the whole if you tip more you get "extras for free" is kinda dumb anyway. you really just paying for stuff that's not on the receipt. 

personally, when I dine out I'm going for the food and not for the service. if the service is good I tip accordingly, if its poor then I don't tip.

the only scenario @AKsuited  posted about where the extra tip was benefically was at the crowded bar.
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the whole if you tip more you get "extras for free" is kinda dumb anyway. you really just paying for stuff that's not on the receipt. 

personally, when I dine out I'm going for the food and not for the service. if the service is good I tip accordingly, if its poor then I don't tip.

the only scenario @AKsuited  posted about where the extra tip was benefically was at the crowded bar.
WRONG. Went out to eat with my girl on a Saturday night at El Compadre in Hollywood. The wait was 90 minutes. I tipped the hostess 10 bucks. BOOM, 10 minute wait.
I'm sayin'

Dude acting like ppl are putting in an investment by tipping $50 on a $20 meal.
LOL at NTextremes. It's all good....all you non tippers or bad tippers are the bottome 5% anyway. The rest of the 95% of the normal people take care of us just fine.
What's the value? You refill my cup a extra time or break the rules to bring me extra bread even if I don't ask? Oh jeez thanks
Like I said, you're too ignorant when it comes to different levels of service to make it comprehensible for you. You just don't get it. I'll leave it at that. Seriously, you can't tell the difference between really poor, average, and great service? No wonder you tip so bad.
the whole if you tip more you get "extras for free" is kinda dumb anyway. you really just paying for stuff that's not on the receipt. 

personally, when I dine out I'm going for the food and not for the service. if the service is good I tip accordingly, if its poor then I don't tip.

the only scenario @AKsuited  posted about where the extra tip was benefically was at the crowded bar.
WRONG. Went out to eat with my girl on a Saturday night at El Compadre in Hollywood. The wait was 90 minutes. I tipped the hostess 10 bucks. BOOM, 10 minute wait.
I don't live in L.A. so I cant say I have to deal with that. If extra tips get you your desired results then good for you man.

edit: on the rare occasion there was a long *** wait at a spot, me and my girl just ate somewhere else. 
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I don't live in L.A. so I cant say I have to deal with that. If extra tips get you your desired results then good for you man.
This works in a WIDE VARIETY of scenarios. People would rather argue and bicker and still not get their way, when all you have to do is tip. The hostess looked left and right all sneaky and said, under her breath, "Hosts aren't allowed to accept tips." I said, "No, it's okay, I saw you drop it." Would I tip her again if the same scenario presented itself? OF COURSE. 
What's the value? You refill my cup a extra time or break the rules to bring me extra bread even if I don't ask? Oh jeez thanks
Like I said, you're too ignorant when it comes to different levels of service to make it comprehensible for you. You just don't get it. I'll leave it at that. Seriously, you can't tell the difference between really poor, average, and great service? No wonder you tip so bad.

How much do I tip? Don't worry I'll wait
I just hope the non/bad tippers aren't hittin the same spot multiple times. They'll recognize your ***
This is VERY true. And like I said, we look out for each other. This job is hard as hell, and we aren't trying to waste time impressing the unimpressible with our service. 
Nah I actually tip by next whole number by ten and not percentage, it has nothing to do with service either I barely remember what they did unless it was horrendous.

For example, if the bill comes out to 51.25 and I'm tipping $9.75
That's actually a good tip. So if the bill was 58.25, you're giving 1.75?
Nah I actually tip by next whole number by ten and not percentage, it has nothing to do with service either I barely remember what they did unless it was horrendous.

For example, if the bill comes out to 51.25 and I'm tipping $9.75
That's actually a good tip. So if the bill was 58.25, you're giving 1.75?

Nope if the second digit is higher than 5 than I just give the last 3 digits so I'd probably tip $8.25 and I'm being dead honest :lol

If the bill was 81.25 I'm still tipping $9.75 .. I guess that's when the tippers union make a note about me
Nope if the second digit is higher than 5 than I just give the last 3 digits so I'd probably tip $8.25 and I'm being dead honest

If the bill was 81.25 I'm still tipping $9.75 .. I guess that's when the tippers union make a note about me
lol if the bill is 94.25, you're tipping 5.75? Dear God, what if the bill is 173, you're tipping 7?
I'm sayin' :lol

Dude acting like ppl are putting in an investment by tipping $50 on a $20 meal.
LOL at NTextremes. It's all good....all you non tippers or bad tippers are the bottome 5% anyway. The rest of the 95% of the normal people take care of us just fine.
Aint no extremes that's what your sense of entitlement has deluded you in to implying.
What's the value? You refill my cup a extra time or break the rules to bring me extra bread even if I don't ask? Oh jeez thanks
Like I said, you're too ignorant when it comes to different levels of service to make it comprehensible for you. You just don't get it. I'll leave it at that. Seriously, you can't tell the difference between really poor, average, and great service? No wonder you tip so bad.

How much do I tip? Don't worry I'll wait
That's just something he does that he can't take on the flip. Assume something about you but will deflect when the assumptions come his way.
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This works in a WIDE VARIETY of scenarios. People would rather argue and bicker and still not get their way, when all you have to do is tip. The hostess looked left and right all sneaky and said, under her breath, "Hosts aren't allowed to accept tips." I said, "No, it's okay, I saw you drop it." Would I tip her again if the same scenario presented itself? OF COURSE. 

Most of what you are saying isn't even tipping you are bribing people to put their job on the line and break the rules.... How are the other people waiting suppose to know it protocol to offer money to not have to wait? And then what if everyone attempted to bribe her? You all would have to show up and bid on who could be seated next....
Lets just say I came into the restaurant and you thought I wouldn't tip or would tip poorly and you had my table what should I expect????
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