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Regardless of the fact that he is a bench player playing starter minutes, did he demand those minutes? Or was he called upon by the team to do so? Ifthat's your only argument, then avert the negativity towards management and not the player.
^good point. duhon only signed with ny because donnie and the coaching staff guaranteed him a starter's role.
and did duhon not play well for us? dude did have a 20 assist game, as well as a few 10+.
he only started breaking down at the bottom half of the year due to fatigue...
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

Regardless of the fact that he is a bench player playing starter minutes, did he demand those minutes? Or was he called upon by the team to do so? If that's your only argument, then avert the negativity towards management and not the player.
Co-Sign. He was our best bet at PG. Both him and Nate are bench players but we promised Duhon the minutes and he thrived in it for a good while.He's a bench player and if we sign Sessions and let Nate walk Duhon is more then a servicable back up.
Duhon is a nice player and all. Its just that hes a role player. Nothing against him, i like the dude and all. Hes just not a starter. He was only brought intobe a starter because he is the opposite of what Marbury was and he was used to move him out. We still need a upgrade at the point and if we are smart it shouldbe Sessions. Because not only is he a starter but in this system i think a potential all-star.
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Originally Posted by Super Producer J

Regardless of the fact that he is a bench player playing starter minutes, did he demand those minutes? Or was he called upon by the team to do so? If that's your only argument, then avert the negativity towards management and not the player.
Co-Sign. He was our best bet at PG. Both him and Nate are bench players but we promised Duhon the minutes and he thrived in it for a good while. He's a bench player and if we sign Sessions and let Nate walk Duhon is more then a servicable back up.

Duhon served his purpose last year in a season where winning games was clearly not a priority. This upcoming season the goal is win games to avoid the lotteryand attract free agents for next year. A no matter how well Duhon plays this year, a bench player playing starter minutes isn't attract squat.

Regardless, if the knicks don't sign Ramon, Toney and Nate will probably end up playing more minutes than Duhon this season anyway. Whether he starts ornot.

Son is a bench player, playing starters' minutes.

Seriously. It aint even hate, he is who he is.

Pretty much sums it up.
Okay, so how is it Duhon's fault that he got starter minutes? You're saying everything I said and that Duhon isn't a starter, he's a good backup. How is he garbage when he was put into the wrong role? He broke down at the end of the season but when he was fresh he was great for us. And
@ Douglasgetting more minutes this year then Duhon. You want a rookie, score first PG to lead the charge in this offense, when Nate does the same thing (except withmore experince)? That's a recipe for disaster. It's been said many times before that D'Antoni's offense requires a floor general starting atpoint, and you think two score first points getting the majority of the minutes is gonna help us win games? Pssh. Point blank our roster was completely flawedlast season at the 1 and 2, but that's not a reflection of Duhon as a player. We had nothing but back ups at the one but if we let Nate walk and we'reable to get Sessions Duhon is MORE then capable to fill in that back up role at the 1. Dude is far from garbage. You guys act like I'm saying he would beour starter for years or something...
duhon was great for the first half of the year, hop off his nuts. We all know he's not the starter of the future.
from realgm...

On Thursday morning, point guard Troy Hudson will work out for the New York Knicks. Last week, Hudson held a work out in Las Vegas for the Oklahoma City Thunder, Memphis Grizzlies, Philadelphia 76ers, and Detroit Pistons. New York was pursuing free agent Ramon Sessions, but sources tell RealGM's Alex Kennedy that talks have broken down because the Knicks will not offer anything more than a one year contract. Hudson has averaged 9.0 points and 3.4 over the course of his eleven-year career.

at Hudson... REALLY???

at the bold... im +$+%@*# done with this %#*+
2nd half yall got no argument from me...but...

yall wana say duhon wasn't starter quality in the first half of the season?

again, if donnie STILL will NOT jeporadize 2010 plans...that is a good sign!
Originally Posted by Al3xis

2nd half yall got no argument from me...but...

yall wana say duhon wasn't starter quality in the first half of the season?

again, if donnie STILL will NOT jeporadize 2010 plans...that is a good sign!
It ain't hard to have starter quality numbers in this system, but he was nowhere ever close to being a quality starter.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

again, if donnie STILL will NOT jeporadize 2010 plans...that is a good sign!
IMO donnie is putting all his eggs into one basket (2010). u cant not make any moves because you hope to sign some huge free agent(s). what if wedont get anyone? now what? not signing players like sessions (who will make us better) to a long term deal is gonna hit us hard in the head. I dunno i justhave a feeling that summer 2010 is gonna be overrated. watch us end up with JJ at best while the rest of the free agents just sign extensions with theircurrent teams. i dunno if wade and and bron would want to come to a team whose core is chandler, hill, and gallo (unless they all have monster years). as for2011 and beyond, seriously are we always gonna be saying "maybe next year" ?

edit- no sessions, no nate extension........................but @$!**#$ jwill, tinsley, and hudson
smh. if you're gonna sign someone atleats make it someone that willSOMEWHAT contribute
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

Originally Posted by Al3xis

again, if donnie STILL will NOT jeporadize 2010 plans...that is a good sign!
IMO donnie is putting all his eggs into one basket (2010). u cant not make any moves because you hope to sign some huge free agent(s). what if we dont get anyone? now what? not signing players like sessions (who will make us better) to a long term deal is gonna hit us hard in the head. I dunno i just have a feeling that summer 2010 is gonna be overrated. watch us end up with JJ at best while the rest of the free agents just sign extensions with their current teams. i dunno if wade and and bron would want to come to a team whose core is chandler, hill, and gallo (unless they all have monster years). as for 2011 and beyond, seriously are we always gonna be saying "maybe next year" ?

edit- no sessions, no nate extension........................but @$!**#$ jwill, tinsley, and hudson
smh. if you're gonna sign someone atleats make it someone that will SOMEWHAT contribute
If you feel Donnie is putting all his eggs i one basket with 2010 then it is what it is. However, is there really a better plan?! And hell whenin the last decade have the Knicks actually had a plan that they have stuck to. If we don't get what we want in 2010 then we keep building and developingyoung talent and possibly look to acquire other big FA's in the next few years.

I honestly think the looks the Knicks are giving these below average point guards is just to appease the media and fans and make it look like they are doingsomething while trying to get the price lower on players like Sessions, Nate and Lee. I really do not think they will sign any of these bums.

Once again my fellow Knicks fans...we are rebuilding and we have to be patient!!
Ballinsam, I've been saying and thinking the same thing for a long @!% time now. In 2010, what major FA wants to sign with a Knicks squad that holds noweight in the league? These dude's know they can't do it by themselves. This current roster truly feels like a ragtag-put-together squad. I understandthat contracts played major roles in recent player movements, but at what point do you sacrifice attractive contracts to put out an attractive team?

Beyond all that, the fact of the matter is that we are still suffering from the Thomas era, and 2010 just happens to be right around the corner, creating afrantic race to dump contracts any way possible and ready the bank.
sorry, but you an find a ramon sesions quality talent and pay them 30 million whenever the hell you want. we are not missing out on a huge coup if we dont signhim.

and the knicks are working out said players, not signing them.

is there something wrong with doing due diligence now?

flatbush, ive been on the same wave lenght as you since donnie came aboard, i think and hope we will ultimately be right.
if we don't make a splash in 2010 we better hold that money and not throw it away to appease fans
Dont get me wrong im all for the 2010 plan. Ive been backing this *!%% up since day 1. But there is a limit. There is no reason that we should pass on a playerwho could be our PG of the future for 4 or so mil a year even if it goes past 2010. Im not saying go get a guy making $10+ mil or some *!%% but the ONLY waySessions hurts our 2010 plan is if the salary cap drops the most possible it could possibly drop AND we cannot trade Curry or Jeffries all season long. Imsorry, im all for 2010 but im not for letting a guy like Sessions go just because signing him long term gives us a 10% max chance that we may not be able tooffer a max contract. I mean Sess would make us THAT much better that you get him and hopefully the cap doesnt drop the max and even if it did im sure we canrid ourselves of Jeffries and/or Curry at some point during the season.
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