It takes a very special kind of incredulity to disregard what Stephen Hawking has to say. I feel somewhat sorry for those whose religious blinders are so effective that they have to deny the significance of one of the world's preeminent physicists words. It has to sting a bit; all these irrefutable facts and ongoing studies battling archaic religious babble. I imagine every time Hawking speaks the religious world has a "say it ain't so, Joe" cry.
It takes a very special kind of incredulity to disregard what Stephen Hawking has to say. I feel somewhat sorry for those whose religious blinders are so effective that they have to deny the significance of one of the world's preeminent physicists words. It has to sting a bit; all these irrefutable facts and ongoing studies battling archaic religious babble. I imagine every time Hawking speaks the religious world has a "say it ain't so, Joe" cry.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

I really can't understand how someone can be pessimistic enough to believe that the universe is so soulless. The universe is expanding and stars in the universe are travelling away from each other. That means that a long time from now, the universe will be completely dark with a bunch of extremely isolated dead rocks floating around it. I can't bring myself to believe that the origins and fate of the universe are so dull and without purpose. There must be something beyond this.
I think it's this exact "feeling", this belief by some humans that we're somehow more special or unique than anything else, that gives religion it's legs.

Exactly. It is a horrible feeling to think that our entire existence and history would eventually be wiped away. Not even humans, but animals, plants, and the entire galaxy would most likely just fade away.I assume that is how religion started as well, to give us, humans, a higher purpose.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

I really can't understand how someone can be pessimistic enough to believe that the universe is so soulless. The universe is expanding and stars in the universe are travelling away from each other. That means that a long time from now, the universe will be completely dark with a bunch of extremely isolated dead rocks floating around it. I can't bring myself to believe that the origins and fate of the universe are so dull and without purpose. There must be something beyond this.
I think it's this exact "feeling", this belief by some humans that we're somehow more special or unique than anything else, that gives religion it's legs.

Exactly. It is a horrible feeling to think that our entire existence and history would eventually be wiped away. Not even humans, but animals, plants, and the entire galaxy would most likely just fade away.I assume that is how religion started as well, to give us, humans, a higher purpose.
I still don't understand why some of you need God so badly. Would your life be so void if you didn't believe in a deity?
Can't you enjoy our reality and simply make the best of your time on this Earth?

Science again and again undermines this God fellow and yet some people can't come to grips with the idea of there not being a God.
Yes science isn't always right, and is constantly changing but that's the beauty of it. It evolves and tries to get it right, rather than being simply being satisfied with bs answers.
I still don't understand why some of you need God so badly. Would your life be so void if you didn't believe in a deity?
Can't you enjoy our reality and simply make the best of your time on this Earth?

Science again and again undermines this God fellow and yet some people can't come to grips with the idea of there not being a God.
Yes science isn't always right, and is constantly changing but that's the beauty of it. It evolves and tries to get it right, rather than being simply being satisfied with bs answers.
for those of you who discreditreligion or higher forces, riddle me this-

the universe is classified as flat, therefore that means it started at an initial point during the big bang and has been expanding ever since and will continue to expand for the rest of ..whenever.

okay... so exactly what is the universe expanding INTO? for instance with the big bang. say this period -> . <- is the initial starting point for the universe/big bang. it is surrounded by the black space of the niketalk background.. and when it expands, it expands into the black space .. so say this is the universe a billion years later -> O <- the way i see this is that as the universe expanded it either absorbed the space around it or pushed the surrounding space... somewhere.

so i guess my question really is: what is BEYOND the limits of the universe?
for those of you who discreditreligion or higher forces, riddle me this-

the universe is classified as flat, therefore that means it started at an initial point during the big bang and has been expanding ever since and will continue to expand for the rest of ..whenever.

okay... so exactly what is the universe expanding INTO? for instance with the big bang. say this period -> . <- is the initial starting point for the universe/big bang. it is surrounded by the black space of the niketalk background.. and when it expands, it expands into the black space .. so say this is the universe a billion years later -> O <- the way i see this is that as the universe expanded it either absorbed the space around it or pushed the surrounding space... somewhere.

so i guess my question really is: what is BEYOND the limits of the universe?
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

for those of you who discreditreligion or higher forces, riddle me this-

the universe is classified as flat, therefore that means it started at an initial point during the big bang and has been expanding ever since and will continue to expand for the rest of ..whenever.

okay... so exactly what is the universe expanding INTO? for instance with the big bang. say this period -> . <- is the initial starting point for the universe/big bang. it is surrounded by the black space of the niketalk background.. and when it expands, it expands into the black space .. so say this is the universe a billion years later -> O <- the way i see this is that as the universe expanded it either absorbed the space around it or pushed the surrounding space... somewhere.

so i guess my question really is: what is BEYOND the limits of the universe?

the universe is mental creation......much like the mind can expand infinitely so can the universe. Who's mind? well thats the starting point......

*cue the dinosaur pic
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

for those of you who discreditreligion or higher forces, riddle me this-

the universe is classified as flat, therefore that means it started at an initial point during the big bang and has been expanding ever since and will continue to expand for the rest of ..whenever.

okay... so exactly what is the universe expanding INTO? for instance with the big bang. say this period -> . <- is the initial starting point for the universe/big bang. it is surrounded by the black space of the niketalk background.. and when it expands, it expands into the black space .. so say this is the universe a billion years later -> O <- the way i see this is that as the universe expanded it either absorbed the space around it or pushed the surrounding space... somewhere.

so i guess my question really is: what is BEYOND the limits of the universe?

the universe is mental creation......much like the mind can expand infinitely so can the universe. Who's mind? well thats the starting point......

*cue the dinosaur pic
Originally Posted by Lamak

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

I really can't understand how someone can be pessimistic enough to believe that the universe is so soulless. The universe is expanding and stars in the universe are travelling away from each other. That means that a long time from now, the universe will be completely dark with a bunch of extremely isolated dead rocks floating around it. I can't bring myself to believe that the origins and fate of the universe are so dull and without purpose. There must be something beyond this.
I think it's this exact "feeling", this belief by some humans that we're somehow more special or unique than anything else, that gives religion it's legs.

Exactly. It is a horrible feeling to think that our entire existence and history would eventually be wiped away. Not even humans, but animals, plants, and the entire galaxy would most likely just fade away.I assume that is how religion started as well, to give us, humans, a higher purpose.

well also you have to take into account the time periods in which these religious stories were written... and who they were written by; primitive civilizations without scientific discoveries to explain why things are the way they are. if there was no science to justify the world, of course people would come up with religion as an answer. i think its just mans search for answers. science, religion- in essence they are not too different. the problem really is what religion has become.
Originally Posted by Lamak

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

I really can't understand how someone can be pessimistic enough to believe that the universe is so soulless. The universe is expanding and stars in the universe are travelling away from each other. That means that a long time from now, the universe will be completely dark with a bunch of extremely isolated dead rocks floating around it. I can't bring myself to believe that the origins and fate of the universe are so dull and without purpose. There must be something beyond this.
I think it's this exact "feeling", this belief by some humans that we're somehow more special or unique than anything else, that gives religion it's legs.

Exactly. It is a horrible feeling to think that our entire existence and history would eventually be wiped away. Not even humans, but animals, plants, and the entire galaxy would most likely just fade away.I assume that is how religion started as well, to give us, humans, a higher purpose.

well also you have to take into account the time periods in which these religious stories were written... and who they were written by; primitive civilizations without scientific discoveries to explain why things are the way they are. if there was no science to justify the world, of course people would come up with religion as an answer. i think its just mans search for answers. science, religion- in essence they are not too different. the problem really is what religion has become.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

for those of you who discreditreligion or higher forces, riddle me this-

the universe is classified as flat, therefore that means it started at an initial point during the big bang and has been expanding ever since and will continue to expand for the rest of ..whenever.

okay... so exactly what is the universe expanding INTO? for instance with the big bang. say this period -> . <- is the initial starting point for the universe/big bang. it is surrounded by the black space of the niketalk background.. and when it expands, it expands into the black space .. so say this is the universe a billion years later -> O <- the way i see this is that as the universe expanded it either absorbed the space around it or pushed the surrounding space... somewhere.

so i guess my question really is: what is BEYOND the limits of the universe?

the universe is mental creation......much like the mind can expand infinitely so can the universe. Who's mind? well thats the starting point......

*cue the dinosaur pic
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

for those of you who discreditreligion or higher forces, riddle me this-

the universe is classified as flat, therefore that means it started at an initial point during the big bang and has been expanding ever since and will continue to expand for the rest of ..whenever.

okay... so exactly what is the universe expanding INTO? for instance with the big bang. say this period -> . <- is the initial starting point for the universe/big bang. it is surrounded by the black space of the niketalk background.. and when it expands, it expands into the black space .. so say this is the universe a billion years later -> O <- the way i see this is that as the universe expanded it either absorbed the space around it or pushed the surrounding space... somewhere.

so i guess my question really is: what is BEYOND the limits of the universe?

the universe is mental creation......much like the mind can expand infinitely so can the universe. Who's mind? well thats the starting point......

*cue the dinosaur pic
If a higher force or being did create this universe, it is just so large and expanding beyond infinity timelines, and I would like to know the purpose of this "force" or "God" in watching over billions and trillions of galaxies.

Religious texts and how organized religion plays a role in society is to only capitalize on our planet and earth as if God put us on earth to only serve him. The universe is never-ending and I find it to be so ignorant to believe that we even know what we do not know and can never prove.

Maybe we just are. That's it. Like I said before, I do believe there is a force that created this universe, but I do not know how it functions or works. This force could be ANYTHING. It could be an accident or maybe eve intentional.
If a higher force or being did create this universe, it is just so large and expanding beyond infinity timelines, and I would like to know the purpose of this "force" or "God" in watching over billions and trillions of galaxies.

Religious texts and how organized religion plays a role in society is to only capitalize on our planet and earth as if God put us on earth to only serve him. The universe is never-ending and I find it to be so ignorant to believe that we even know what we do not know and can never prove.

Maybe we just are. That's it. Like I said before, I do believe there is a force that created this universe, but I do not know how it functions or works. This force could be ANYTHING. It could be an accident or maybe eve intentional.
this made me think..
is the disappearance of religion just a matter of time?
will the progress of human science/technology eventually push religion out entirely?

in a hundred years.. do you all still see religion existing?
this made me think..
is the disappearance of religion just a matter of time?
will the progress of human science/technology eventually push religion out entirely?

in a hundred years.. do you all still see religion existing?
this made me think..
is the disappearance of religion just a matter of time?
will the progress of human science/technology eventually push religion out entirely?

in a hundred years.. do you all still see religion existing?
this made me think..
is the disappearance of religion just a matter of time?
will the progress of human science/technology eventually push religion out entirely?

in a hundred years.. do you all still see religion existing?
Originally Posted by leonard109

this made me think..
is the disappearance of religion just a matter of time?
will the progress of human science/technology eventually push religion out entirely?

in a hundred years.. do you all still see religion existing?
Yes, it is just matter of time imo. The better our science and understanding of history gets we'll be able to piece together more answers to the universe and how religion started. Eventually information will come out that will prove the true origins of many religions and people will be turned out. At the same time, there will always be people holding on to it.
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