Going to France in Jan

Sup ya'll

I'm going to France in Jan and was wondering if ya'll could drop a few spots I could go to besides the obvious Eiffel tower and Louvre. Any good places to eat or sight see. I don't eat beef or ham so I try to stay away from those spots. I have a solid Mon-Fri there and I know it's gonna be cold so I'll come prepared with the gear.

Any tips/suggestions on what to do or not do. I know they hate Americans so I'm gonna brush up on some basic phrases to help get me through. Is the train easy to navigate through? I'm assuming uber is available there if needed.

I also might take a flight to bologna for a day or two as I really want to visit the lambo and pagani factories in modena so any other suggestions on what to do in those two cities are appreciated.

ksteezy ksteezy I know you went recently to Paris, any tips or insight on how it was?
Paris is cool but there is so much more to see in France. I recommend Bordeaux, Brittany, Lyon, Lille, Toulouse, Saint Malo, Riquewhir, Marseilles. France is cool but you will get the stuck up French people who refuse to speak anything but French. I honestly prefer more accepting cultures in Europe. Germany and Italy have been the most accepting of the countries I have visited. Will you be traveling to other countries in Europe?
The Mona Lisa will leave you very disappointed.

If it's still there, check out Breakfast in America. An American style diner in Paris.

The Palace de Versailles was also dope. Just a quick train ride outside of Paris.

There's a red light district with a history of sex museum
that mona lisa is a copy...
Paris is cool but there is so much more to see in France. I recommend Bordeaux, Brittany, Lyon, Lille, Toulouse, Saint Malo, Riquewhir, Marseilles. France is cool but you will get the stuck up French people who refuse to speak anything but French. I honestly prefer more accepting cultures in Europe. Germany and Italy have been the most accepting of the countries I have visited. Will you be traveling to other countries in Europe?

That's what I'm not looking forward to is the language barrier but I'll make use of google translate. I'm going to bologna for a day but that's about it. I'm sure I'll plan a visit outside of Paris sometime in the future.
France is cool but you will get the stuck up French people who refuse to speak anything but French.

Im sorry man but this is pure American ignorance.

Youre in THEIR COUNTRY and you expect them to cater to you?

Its no wonder americans get a bad rep when traveling abroad.
Im sorry man but this is pure American ignorance.

Youre in THEIR COUNTRY and you expect them to cater to you?

Its no wonder americans get a bad rep when traveling abroad.
Lmaooo that was a wild post from dude. When I went last summer a few waitresses asked where I was from and I said LA. And they got geeked saying how much they want to visit. And everyone spoke English
It’s pretty cool how when you travel to these big European cities literally everybody speaks English or multiple languages. Meanwhile in America we only speak English unless your family is of another ethnicity
It’s pretty cool how when you travel to these big European cities literally everybody speaks English or multiple languages. Meanwhile in America we only speak English unless your family is of another ethnicity

Fax, very arrogant tho to demand that English is spoken in other countries where that isn’t the native language, but that is the american way, can’t even argue the fact that Americans are looked down upon in many of these countries, i was telling my wife, next time we go we are staying in Montemarte, that neighborhood is just stunning
Fax, very arrogant tho to demand that English is spoken in other countries where that isn’t the native language, but that is the american way, can’t even argue the fact that Americans are looked down upon in many of these countries, i was telling my wife, next time we go we are staying in Montemarte, that neighborhood is just stunning

My old roomate (when I was living outside of London) who was from Paris advised me to not stay there when I was about to visit Paris for the weekend. It gets a bit ghetto apparently at night. Nevertheless, I stayed in Montparnasse area instead lololo.

However, Monmarte is awesome during the day, so much history. E.g. where Van Gough and Picasso stayed, restaurants around Sacre Couer etc. When I proposed to my ex in Paris, one of the places I was looking at was Sacre Couer where you overlooked the city from the hill. However, it was too crowded. I picked Pons des Arts Bridge instead at night right after the Eiffel Tower light show. Its awesome, you're pretty much surrounded by the Louvre, Notre Dame, Institutndr France, and the Eiffel Tower.

Here's a tip to avoid the long *** lines at the Louvre during the day, stop at the Louvre Rivoli station instead of the Palaias Royal Musee du Louvre Station (where everyone will be). The queue entering the Louvre via the Louvre Rivoli is much shorter.
france is a crappy country if u wanna make the best of it go to the hoods and chill with them to see how the true france treats "its people"
When I was in France, I did see a local heckle some US tourists that were gay. We were all on the train and some guys just let them be known that they were not wanted here. Kind of caught me by surprise. Also some of the people selling crap on the streets get a little persistant with their approach which always made me think they were out to pick pocket but it is funny when they all scramble away when the cops come. Best thing I wore when I was out there was jogger paints with zipper pockets. No one was trying to jack me out there.
I enjoy the cities outside of Paris more than Paris itself. The train system is pretty easy to navigate. I recommend checking out Lille in the north and the surrounding areas like Lens and Arras.
Im sorry man but this is pure American ignorance.

Youre in THEIR COUNTRY and you expect them to cater to you?

Its no wonder americans get a bad rep when traveling abroad.
have you been to france? most people in western europe view the french as not wanting to speak any other language besides their own. I was in France, on the border between Germany. I was trying to buy something at the store, I attempted to say it first in spanish, then english and finally german but no luck. People said we only speak French. Not sure if you know this but most people in europe speak english. If I am in a latin speaking country I speak spanish first, it works in Italy, the french in general are just a hard headed type. I take it you have not visited since you are speaking in that certain manner.
It’s pretty cool how when you travel to these big European cities literally everybody speaks English or multiple languages. Meanwhile in America we only speak English unless your family is of another ethnicity
English is pretty much the lingua franca around the world now. It used to be French and sometimes German.
English is pretty much the lingua franca around the world now. It used to be French and sometimes German.
I honestly feel that is why the french feel a certain way. Of course there will be a few that accept english speakers but more often than not you will get those stuck up french only speaking individuals. its well known here in europe that is how the french are. i have heard stories of french people coming to germany and only speaking french and demanding other people speak french.
I don’t think most Americans expect people in other countries to speak English, it’s just that it’s spoken in so many parts of the world now.
have you been to france? most people in western europe view the french as not wanting to speak any other language besides their own. I was in France, on the border between Germany. I was trying to buy something at the store, I attempted to say it first in spanish, then english and finally german but no luck. People said we only speak French. Not sure if you know this but most people in europe speak english. If I am in a latin speaking country I speak spanish first, it works in Italy, the french in general are just a hard headed type. I take it you have not visited since you are speaking in that certain manner.

Yes. Been twice. Both times i never approached anyone speaking anything other than the very little French that i knew. It was definitely difficult, and there were a few occasions where they figured i spoke English and we carried the rest of the conversation in English.

Even if most of Europe speak English, im not gonna dog someone for only speaking their language in their country, makes absolute zero sense to me why anyone would.

You dont go into other peoples homes and adjust the thermostat to your liking.

You seem like a well traveled dude, just remember the world doesn't need to cater to you.
Last day in Paris. At first I thought I was going to run out of things to do but I was totally wrong. There is so much to see here that I'm definitely coming back in the summer with family/friends. Going solo is kinda boring but has its advantages.
paris was dope AF to me when i visited a few months ago. i didn't encounter anybody that was rude to me honestly.

all the places that I went too people spoke english really well, unlike me who couldn't speak no french whatsoever other then merci and bonjour

i still cant believe the amount of cigarettes and coffee the french consume on a daily basis. it's mind boggling


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