Originally Posted by Chi ILL

I love Roller Coasters .

co-sign.. but to help answering your question, just sit next to someone you won't be scared to ride a roller coaster with.
think about all the times the rollercoaster goes a day then times that by 356 and then by 4. your chances are 1 in like 1 million that you'll end up in afaulty roller coaster.
X (or X2) is just ridiculous. because of the way the seat shifts, you get the first drop with your head pointed towards the ground. needless to say, it'sunexpected the first time around and scares the #$*! out of you

freaking dope ride tho
oh dont worry about it

it won't last long if you fly out of your seat.

itll all be over in no time.
Cedar Point > your local amusement park

I went to CP about 3 years ago and I wanted to ride Top Thrill Dragster but I kept putting it off. It was the most intimidating ride I've everencountered at an amusement park. I ended up not riding which is something I regret since i'll probably never get another chance to ride itbecause i'm from Cali.
I'm scared of heights but love roller coasters, to a point.

I refuse to ride on those outdoor vertical rides that shoot you up quickly and come down, but I can handle something indoors like Tower of Terror although whenit opens the window at the top I get a little dizzy

Basically once I get through one ride I'm good for the rest of the time, but from experience I don't like the following aspects of coasters:
-Coasters where your feet dangle in mid-air
-Slow inclines on coasters, I have to close my eyes on the way up, but I'm fine going down since it's so fast
-Coasters where the seating is single-file, I like to have somebody sitting on one side of me, preferably two if possible (i.e. middle seat on the Hulk). Forexample I hate Space Mountain in Orlando because you sit one to a row, but the one in Anaheim is okay because you sit two to a row.

Good luck!
I hated getting on roller coasters for the same reason...but best suggestion...close your eyes, have some fun, and cuss a lot....makes the whole experience somuch better
I love roller coasters, the bigger/faster - the better. Go on the best (worst for you lol) coaster first and the rest should be fine. Wish I could see yourface when the camera snaps a pic of you lol.
Originally Posted by angeezy

close your eyes?
Thats the best advice

I used to be scared of rides but when I finally got on one all I did was close my eyes and that helped a lot
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