Good Guy Lucifer Is An Underrated Meme

Originally Posted by Iamjusayn

Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

well damb
I am done. Couldnt even finish reading the reply, NT got my side hurtin and the back of my head from the lulz tonight
you probably thought a 2.7 was good before you dropped out of college, i don't get it...

you also probably think that NT created everything on the interwebz considering half of your minuscule twitter followers are from NT, go outside, make some intellectual friends or at least real friends, expand your mind

111 friends means you never went to college...damn, i feel bad, i take it all back.


i never understood the appeal of laughing at people that are smarter and more successful than you (granted the terms are subjective) but i don't get it.  i understand it most likely stems from jealousy, and it's fathomable amongst little kids in elementary school and at the playground, but does it just not click when people grow up and grasp the fact that, maybe I should aspire to be that successful, to push myself that hard.  that way i can build a successful career and stabilize my financial situation, as well as provide for my family

i guess some people never grow up, or they just want to be cool, want to have friends, want people to be funny

Someone quickly get this pompous poster out of here! What was highlighted (from my vantage point) was the fact that you did not write a sentence correctly, but yet you are in here calling yourself boasting. 
 Man, please go sit down somewhere. What are you, some early 20's, young man in college who thinks he "got has it"? You should go back to your studies and simmer down, bro. Internet forums got have folks all 'geeked' up.(*pun intended*)

If we're talking about writing a sentence correctly, I would like to make a few edits for you.  

The reason I do not type with perfect grammar is because I type in a form of stream of consciousness.  

By the way, you didn't answer my question.  You just further supported my assumptions.

and you get one of these, too! LUCKYYY!!

Spoiler [+]


-I noticed that you made an edit to your original post, I guess you still missed a few 

-Edit to highlight my corrections in red

-Last edit, I didn't know who you were, but when I went back I realized you were the guy that got put in his place on page 25 

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Retro23J

Originally Posted by kiendienn

i typed all of this, fully aware that neither of you would read it, especially not with an open-mind or the understanding of a different/outside perspective.  and the response would be some irrelevant meme or some type of incoherent ignorant, tired reply that's been said time and again, i understand though.  you 2 are children that will forever live with a child's close-minded mentality (actually, that's insulting, the curiosity of children is the same curiosity that fuels science and research) *you're close-minded mentality is that of a senile person that refuses to take their medication or any type of medical operation to cure their many ailments because they don't need witchcraft when they can pray for their cures
What other response would you expect when you come at someone with this pompous attitude and condescending insults in the midst of those walls of text?

That doesn't invite discussion, only reactions bro

I replied in the same tone that was used against the many members that share the same mindset and perspective.
I agree it's not the most inviting way to hold a debate, but considering the direction of the debate and the fact that the opposing party had little relevant support for their claims, it led me to just give them a taste of their condescending air.

It's also frustrating to see so many of us try to explain our perspective while giving so much factual support to have it completely disregarded, but I should have known, that's religion for ya 

You gotta give me credit though, I called that guy's memes from a mile away.

I apologize if anyone else was offended, those remarks were only intended for the two selected individuals, and their follow up actions and remarks only supported my claims and assumptions.


The grades weren't too brag, but to provide background and my credentials, as the poster posted the following:


hmmmmm believe some nobody on NT?


A real scientist???....

This is tough.

That guy is filled with contradictions void of anything logical to add to his stance/discussion. 
Honestly what do you expect from ex Catholics? They weren't responsible people in the church and when they get a little bit of knowledge and grow they go bat**** crazy from the betrayal of man.
I feel sorry for em but I laugh a their pain cause they suck overall.
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by Iamjusayn

Originally Posted by kiendienn

you probably thought a 2.7 was good before you dropped out of college, i don't get it...

you also probably think that NT created everything on the interwebz considering half of your minuscule twitter followers are from NT, go outside, make some intellectual friends or at least real friends, expand your mind

111 friends means you never went to college...damn, i feel bad, i take it all back.


i never understood the appeal of laughing at people that are smarter and more successful than you (granted the terms are subjective) but i don't get it.  i understand it most likely stems from jealousy, and it's fathomable amongst little kids in elementary school and at the playground, but does it just not click when people grow up and grasp the fact that, maybe I should aspire to be that successful, to push myself that hard.  that way i can build a successful career and stabilize my financial situation, as well as provide for my family

i guess some people never grow up, or they just want to be cool, want to have friends, want people to be funny

Someone quickly get this pompous poster out of here! What was highlighted (from my vantage point) was the fact that you did not write a sentence correctly, but yet you are in here calling yourself boasting. 
 Man, please go sit down somewhere. What are you, some early 20's, young man in college who thinks he "got has it"? You should go back to your studies and simmer down, bro. Internet forums got have folks all 'geeked' up.(*pun intended*)

If we're talking about writing a sentence correctly, I would like to make a few edits for you.  

The reason I do not type with perfect grammar is because I type in a form of stream of consciousness.  

By the way, you didn't answer my question.  You just further supported my assumptions.

and you get one of these, too! LUCKYYY!!

Spoiler [+]


-I noticed that you made an edit to your original post, I guess you still missed a few 

-Edit to highlight my corrections in red

-Last edit, I didn't know who you were, but when I went back I realized you were the guy that got put in his place on page 25 

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Iamjusayn

Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by Iamjusayn

Someone quickly get this pompous poster out of here! What was highlighted (from my vantage point) was the fact that you did not write a sentence correctly, but yet you are in here calling yourself boasting. 
 Man, please go sit down somewhere. What are you, some early 20's, young man in college who thinks he "got has it"? You should go back to your studies and simmer down, bro. Internet forums got have folks all 'geeked' up.(*pun intended*)

If we're talking about writing a sentence correctly, I would like to make a few edits for you.  

The reason I do not type with perfect grammar is because I type in a form of stream of consciousness.  

By the way, you didn't answer my question.  You just further supported my assumptions.

and you get one of these, too! LUCKYYY!!

Spoiler [+]


-I noticed that you made an edit to your original post, I guess you still missed a few 

-Edit to highlight my corrections in red

-Last edit, I didn't know who you were, but when I went back I realized you were the guy that got put in his place on page 25 

Spoiler [+]

and the response would be some irrelevant meme or some type of incoherent ignorant, tired reply that's been said time and again,

Thank God BN already typed this for me.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Debate the arguments presented. Settling for incredibly weak ad hominem attacks ("knowing too much for your own good" 
) This whole "that's all I needed to not respond anymore" back and forth is not a discourse. It shows that you have no response and are trying to divert the discussion towards another direction (aka going off topic.) Silly putty actually responded to each of your points. If you don't have the ability to respond in a similar fashion or if you're offended by his tone, maybe just not respond. You'll save yourself a lot of time.

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Coming from the guy who can't put together a coherent argument, your insightful input into this discussion will not be missed 
thats a whole lot of church kien lol. you filipino? hah

and dem spoilers, ironically, are the most valid proof presented in this thread of any possibility that there is a god at all lmao.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Originally Posted by kiendienn

lol this kid is totally clueless 

hmmmmm believe some nobody on NT?


A real scientist???....

This is tough.

Science cant prove or unprove God.

Way more scientist saying their is no God then they have saying there may be one.

You cant pick and choose the ones you want to believe.

Let the atheist Ninjas cook and have their meme thread.

Dont reply to me unless you're underdog 

Scientists can't prove or disprove there's no Santa
Scientists can't prove or disprove there is no big foot
Scientists can't prove there is no invisible spaghetti monster in the cosmos that manipulates your entire existence
Scientists can't prove or disprove that Obama is really a robot (with human internal organs) sent by the dark lord Ktulu to bring about the apocalypse
Scientists can't prove that someone in this thread is a demon disguised as a Christian
Scientists can't prove or disprove that the lochness monster doesn't exist
Scientists can't prove or disprove that there is a species of talking squirrels that roam the earth
Scientists can't prove or disprove that rain is just God crying because humans are his science project and he got an F for it
Scientists can't prove or disprove that the black baptist church is run by Amphibian creatures sent to hypnoTOAD its members into being blind followers
Scientists can't prove or disprove that out there somewhere Spiderman our Lord and Savior doesn't exist

We can't prove or disprove these things, so let's just pretend it's true
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog



I guess we should talk about something like...Nutrition, in a thread about "lucifer"


I hope you didn't think you could post this and no one would read it.
I really don't know if you read this article. This is an incredibly awful source, BTW. 

[h1]Odds on that God exists, says scientist[/h1]

Chances are that this person isn't aware of the philosophy of science.

You can't ascribe probability of existence to that which has no tenets offering ANY of its ability to exist or proves any assertions that suggests it exists. 

Its like ascribing a probability that spiderman exists.
A scientist has calculated that there is a 67% chance that God exists.

It might as well be 50-50 since it can go either way.

Dr Stephen Unwin has used a 200-year-old formula to calculate the probability of the existence of an omnipotent being. Bayes' Theory is usually used to work out the likelihood of events, such as nuclear power failure, by balancing the various factors that could affect a situation.
Yeah, they use a formula with tightly knit metrics that all have to work together. Calculating the potential areas of failure compounded with all of the resultant components is more accurate than arbitrarily coming up with a number to ascribe the existence of an epistemological and ontological concern.

The Manchester University graduate, who now works as a risk assessor in Ohio, said the theory starts from the assumption that God has a 50/50 chance of existing, and then factors in the evidence both for and against the notion of a higher being.
This guy is an actuary.

Not someone who actually deals with data that removes the necessity for the existence of god.

He's better of calculating the date of my next BM based on stats we have about BMI, diet, metabolism, and other comorbid health factors and patterns than he is coming up with the probability that peanut butter turns into the lochness monster.

Factors that were considered included recognition of goodness,

Entirely subjective and based on concepts of cultural relativism.
which Dr Unwin said makes the existence of God more likely, countered by things like the existence of natural evil - including earthquakes and cancer.

All of which are things that if god existed, god would create.

Sounds like a theist with his mind running away.

I wouldn't hire him to calculate a decimal from a fraction. 

I hope this guy never works again with "risk assessment"

The unusual workings - which even take into account the existence of miracles

Coincidences? Right.

I wonder how less miracles have occurred with the advent of the video camera and cell-phone picture...

- are set out in his new book, which includes a spreadsheet of the data used so that anyone can make the calculation themselves should they doubt its validity.

As if this was hard to do?
The book, The Probability of God: A simple calculation that proves the ultimate truth, will be published later this month.

Was the Bible not good enough?

Dr Unwin said he was interested in bridging the gap between science and religion.
I'm interested in having sex with every race of woman, it doesn't make it any more likely. 


He argues that rather than being a theological issue,

Which it is and should remain as such
the question of God's existence is simply a matter of statistics.

Then the devil has the same probability of statistics.

This guy is AWFUL.

Not only does he not understand the basic tenets of statistics that he probably gets paid to employ, he arbitrarily moves the goalposts to substantiate his own falsified and inaccurate data. I can only imagine how many have been duped by the misuse of his "credentials"

"On arriving in America I was exposed to certain religious outlooks that were somewhat of an assault upon my sensibilities -

Yeah, no duh. Just having thoughts and opinions doesn't make them more true, real, valid, or accurate.
outlooks in which religion actually competes with science as an explanation of the world," he said.

1 Kings 7:23 - 7:26 describes the value of Pi as EXACTLY 3.  

You mean to tell me God didn't know the value of Pi was an irrational number? 

"While I could not be sure, having slept through most of the cathedral services I had attended during secondary school, this did not seem like the version of faith I had remembered.

Most ironic statement in the entire article.

In many ways, this project was for me a journey home - a reconciliation of my faith and education."

Faith and education?

Excuse me, THIS is the most ironic statement in the whole article.

Despite his findings, Dr Unwin maintains that he is personally around 95% certain that God exists.

I'm sure god wouldn't like you having that 5% doubt, now would he? 

However, Graham Sharp, media relations director at William Hill, said there were technical problems with giving odds on the existence of God.
Notice. The media relations director.

Not the guy with the PhD in statistics.

This planet sucks.

"The problem is how you confirm the existence of God. With the Loch Ness monster we require confirmation from the Natural History Museum to pay out, but who are we going to ask about God? The church would definitely confirm his existence."

Yeah...I could see a SLIGHT bias coming into play... 

Mr Sharp said William Hill does take bets on the second coming, which currently stand at 1,000/1. For this confirmation is needed from the Archbishop of Canterbury.


Harold Camping and every other cult member who took the poison gel-caps got it right, didn't they?

...Oh wait... 

"We do take bets on the second coming, whether that confirms the existence of God is up to the theologians to argue, most people wouldn't believe that, though."

Why would you make bets on the end of the world? 

Who would you collect payments from? 

Would money be the only thing on your mind when that happens? 

LOL at people going at the "smart scientist". ya'll idiots sound the same. pro-god or no-god.

Post memes I can laugh at, not paragraphs by drake
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by kiendienn

beware: i'm not quite a scientist but I made a 4.0 in all of my upper division bio classes last semester, so i'm pretty well-versed in the realms of biology to say the least.  I question your scientific background to even be commenting on any articles or research papers, hell, to even talk about science at all, honestly.
The irony, and the reason why both if not all the religious folk that use "well scientists agree there is a God" argument, is that it so perfectly represents your mentality and how mind-blowing ignorant and close-minded you are.  and it's exactly how you say, "you can't pick and choose the ones you want to believe" but you do just that.  you picked one statement (for some odd reason, the one that supports your argument) and disregard anything else that's said.  there's no context or support to your claim.  it's like some dumb little girl saying "well, my daddy said God is amazing because he cured a deaf man before and that's that" so what? where's the background? what does that have to do with anything?  it's just some nonsensical statement that you use to make yourself sound right.  you take the statement as is and just believe it, and then you run around town running your mouth so all the other impressionable, ignorant bystanders believe it.

if you had any form of intellectual capacity, you would ask why any scientist would claim that. that's where it gets to the meat of things.  why would Albert Einstein ever proclaim that there was a God?  i'm not going to spoonfeed you this information, im not your child-molesting pastor.  you would then learn that science is a community that thrives on proving and disproving theories, repetition through experiments to ensure the validity of conclusions, a constant cycle of peer review to ensure validity and authenticity of results and publishings.  you would learn that science doesn't oppose God because it's not a religion, it doesn't oppose something because it doesn't agree with it, it's not mind-numbingly elementary enough to say "i hate you because you don't agree with me and my beliefs, so I'm going to start some mindless war and summon the deaths of millions of innocent humans just so i can prove I'm right, my pride will not let me think otherwise"  the fact that many scientists believe there is a god shows the open-mindedness of the community and the willingness to accept the "unknown", they've seen the magnitude and grandeur in the creation of life from evolution to the sub cellular levels of creation. 

however, the fact that they say they believe there is a God does not coincide with your beliefs.  they probably don't believe in your God.  the one with the son that was born from a virgin female, with a prostitute girlfriend and formed a long-standing cult, who then died for the sins of all of mankind, especially the leaders of his teaching that molest its youthful followers.  science does not get tied into the nonsense of religion.  it doesn't have time to deal with childish rambling and close-minded individuals that are too prideful to accept change, to accept growth in knowledge, to accept that they are wrong

in short, these scientists don't believe in your God.  your God is a big manipulation, a waste of time.

as an aside, scientists recently were able to recreate phospholipid bilayers just from an oil, detergent and copper ions; honestly, a miracle in itself and one step closer to understanding the creation of life

your bible? oh, still the same.  God put man on Earth.  no such thing as evolution. K!

i typed all of this, fully aware that neither of you would read it, especially not with an open-mind or the understanding of a different/outside perspective.  and the response would be some irrelevant meme or some type of incoherent ignorant, tired reply that's been said time and again, i understand though.  you 2 are children that will forever live with a child's close-minded mentality (actually, that's insulting, the curiosity of children is the same curiosity that fuels science and research) *you're close-minded mentality is that of a senile person that refuses to take their medication or any type of medical operation to cure their many ailments because they don't need witchcraft when they can pray for their cures

but i do it for sillyputty, we's redditors, we's educated folk

well damb
I am done. Couldnt even finish reading the reply, NT got my side hurtin and the back of my head from the lulz tonight
you probably thought a 2.7 was good before you dropped out of college, i don't get it...

you also probably think that NT created everything on the interwebz considering half of your minuscule twitter followers are from NT, go outside, make some intellectual friends or at least real friends, expand your mind

111 friends means you never went to college...damn, i feel bad, i take it all back.


i never understood the appeal of laughing at people that are smarter and more successful than you (granted the terms are subjective) but i don't get it.  i understand it most likely stems from jealousy, and it's fathomable amongst little kids in elementary school and at the playground, but does it just not click when people grow up and grasp the fact that, maybe I should aspire to be that successful, to push myself that hard.  that way i can build a successful career and stabilize my financial situation, as well as provide for my family

i guess some people never grow up, or they just want to be cool, want to have friends, want people to be funny


  I didn't even read the thread, just the last page last night and laughed at the part I highlighted...did this dude just come at me about twitter followers..? college dropout..?  
where you gettin' this info guy? All those 'smarts' and not a lick of common sense. Contrary to your beliefs and how smart you think you're the dummy, nerd.

Originally Posted by cap1229

Honestly what do you expect from ex Catholics? They weren't responsible people in the church and when they get a little bit of knowledge and grow they go bat**** crazy from the betrayal of man.
I feel sorry for em but I laugh a their pain cause they suck overall.

Are you still a Catholic? Well us ex-Catholics weep for your molested Catholic children.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by cap1229

Honestly what do you expect from ex Catholics? They weren't responsible people in the church and when they get a little bit of knowledge and grow they go bat**** crazy from the betrayal of man.
I feel sorry for em but I laugh a their pain cause they suck overall.

Are you still a Catholic? Well us ex-Catholics weep for your molested Catholic children.

I'm not Catholic thank God. My parents loved me.
I'm Episcopalian and I will continue to laugh at your pain.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by cap1229

Honestly what do you expect from ex Catholics? They weren't responsible people in the church and when they get a little bit of knowledge and grow they go bat**** crazy from the betrayal of man.
I feel sorry for em but I laugh a their pain cause they suck overall.

Are you still a Catholic? Well us ex-Catholics weep for your molested Catholic children.

I'm not Catholic thank God. My parents loved me.
Episcopalian and I will continue to laugh at your pain.

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

thats a whole lot of church kien lol. you filipino? hah

and dem spoilers, ironically, are the most valid proof presented in this thread of any possibility that there is a god at all lmao.

vietnamese, i have a huge family that's very close with the vietnamese community, so considering how many religious functions, funerals, and death anniversaries I've gone to, it's a whole lot of rosaries 

random aside: my moment of clarity in terms of religion actually occurred in 10th grade world history class learning about The Crusades, tithes and Pope Urban II - straight up crazy nonsense
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

  I didn't even read the thread, just the last page last night and laughed at the part I highlighted...did this dude just come at me about twitter followers..? college dropout..?  
where you gettin' this info guy? All those 'smarts' and not a lick of common sense. Contrary to your beliefs and how smart you think you're the dummy, nerd.

you refuted none of my assumptions, and resorted to calling me a "nerd"
Good one, will read again


sounds like you need a friend, I'll add you on yuku *hug

jesus told me to love thy neighbor
Spoiler [+]
so we can love their sons
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by an dee 51o


Are you still a Catholic? Well us ex-Catholics weep for your molested Catholic children.

I'm not Catholic thank God. My parents loved me.
Episcopalian and I will continue to laugh at your pain.


You are soooo
. Are you in any position to come at anyone when you were exposed to be a man that wouldn't stand his ground for his beliefs? I mean really. I'll let you cook though and "preach" online to your followers. Lol I really think you should make an official thread though. Since your all about dropping "knowledge". A collective of "redditors". Get tags and $#%%. I dunno. At least make this amusing.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by cap1229

Honestly what do you expect from ex Catholics? They weren't responsible people in the church and when they get a little bit of knowledge and grow they go bat**** crazy from the betrayal of man.
I feel sorry for em but I laugh a their pain cause they suck overall.

Are you still a Catholic? Well us ex-Catholics weep for your molested Catholic children.

I'm not Catholic thank God. My parents loved me.
I'm Episcopalian and I will continue to laugh at your pain.

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