Good Guy Lucifer Is An Underrated Meme

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

TKTHEFM would be proud, this is how his religion gets its message out
Really? You expect people take your opinion seriously, and this is what you post? Do everyone on this board a favor and stick to talking about trench coats.
Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey
Really? You expect people take your opinion seriously, and this is what you post?�Do everyone on this board a favor and stick to talking about trench coats.�
Wait this is the dude with the trench coat? Are you kidding me right now?



I would hate GOD too if I rock one of those.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

hating god means he exists lulz


Man I'd care more about Muslims burning Churches and slaughtering entire villages of people if this dude didn't like expensive Burberry coats
all religion is dangerous, Islam is the most violent and dangerous religion on the earth today
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Oh, atheists hate god now? 

Atheism =/= Hatred for god

Seems he was specifically speaking to Anton.

Hold up, whoa dere. No need to cross out my text.. 

Spoiler [+]
How's it feel? Ya, you don't like it, do you? Don't let it happen again 
Sorry papi

Spoiler [+]
I sort of like it
lot of Coornballs in here right now.

and who are these extra names with other site affiliations coming into NT?
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Again, you claiming them to not be true/convincing etc means nothing. Plenty of others, including experts in their respective feels felt otherwise, many strongly enough to convert (already mentioned some). You aren't convinced. That's fine. There will always be non-believers, but this has no bearing on the legitimacy of the evidence provided.�

I can't provide a better "single evidence" than the Qur'an itself. It's a incomparable miracle on many different levels. Spare me the irrelevant pictures or oversimplifications of "you cant use the book saying its from God as evidence it's from God" .... because that's not what I'm doing. I'm looking at the content (linguistic/scientific/historical etc etc) and then making my conclusion. If a book is from God it must be perfect in every way correct ? I did my research and found this to be true for the Qur'an. There's still an element of faith, but no other religion on Earth can put forth as strong of a case, to the point where it actually becomes illogical to believe it's NOT divine. Just look at your inability to provide me with any reasonable alternative origin for the Qur'an. All of the ancient civilizations you mentioned never produced anything anywhere near the Qur'an alone. How could humans have possible came up with it ?�

If you watch this entire lecture with an open mind I don't see how you can still claim otherwise, unless you are�purposefully�refusing to admit you are wrong.

You need to learn to distinguish between evidence and interpretation. That lecture is an insult to intelligence, it is no more than Naik's personal interpretation of certain passages from the Qur'an is "reaching" at it's finest.

There is no factual, measurable evidence contained there, merely one man's personalinterpretationof certain passages and his weak attempt to analogize writings from the Qur'an with modernscientificdiscoveries.

Quoting "It is Allah who has created heaven and the earth as well as things in between it" is NOT proof that the Qur'an contained detailed, measurable FACTS about the existence of intergalactic plasma.

Your video of Estes is just plain ridiculous

His entire speech is pure misdirection. "the big bang was a big rock that exploded""If man came from monkeys, then why are monkeys still around?"....that is not even close to either of those scientific and cosmological models, yet he states them as being what "the scientists" believe and uses that as the basis to structure his argument for creation.

His story of Mohamed and theabsenceofdarkness(starting at roughly 19.00 mins) is laughable and has been posted before in one of the other religious threads -it was easily andembarrassinglydismissed.

Then there is yourassertionsthat the Qur'an is perfect, that is purely subjective and entirely your personal interpretation. Who defines what perfect is?

The same applies to yourassertionsof miracles in the Qur'an -again, who determines whatmiraculous is or how a miracle can be measured?

I personaly find mankind'sendeavorsto the moon, or to explore the deep sea far more impressive than a nicely written book ...but at no point would I ever claim that they are miracles.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by NjCollector



I thought so at first. they both like to belittle who they speak to but silly putty is not as bad. silly putty actually makes good points but longstroke just makes stuff up.
also silly putty doesnt threaten you via pm
 Bro sounding like he inside an interrogation room...dry snitchin like a mug, huh? 

hes gonna say the quaran actually has a passage that says non-believers will attack you and call your belief "interpretation". and to pay them no mind.

what if tkthafm = sillyputty?
since some of you christians were complaining there was too much christian "bashing" and not enough muslim lmao.

Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey
Really? You expect people take your opinion seriously, and this is what you post?�Do everyone on this board a favor and stick to talking about trench coats.�
Wait this is the dude with the trench coat? Are you kidding me right now?



I would hate GOD too if I rock one of those.

Is this how we make arguments? 
By making fun of clothes?

What does any of this have to do with ...anything

Originally Posted by nyczill3st

"Human being to the mob
What’s a mob to a king?
What’s a king to a god?
What’s a god to a non-believer?
Who don’t believe in anything?"

There's no point arguing with non believers, in fact in the Quran it actually states not to waste your time by doing so because it is futile...
Every religion uses this tactic to differienate those inside the group from those outside the group.
Gangs even use codes like this.

Its a tactic to keep membership up and guilt people into participating.

I bet you don't know the first rule of Fight Club...

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by sillyputty

You want him. You find him. 

I've heard the anti God rants and watched the videos. 

Open up.
Dude I ask you for ONE of your best sources to make your claim and provide evidence for it and you can't even do that?

I gave you over 30 philosophers and academics to choose from, listed countless sources to draw information from, posted videos, posted articles, and told you I had even more if you wanted some and you can't even give me ONE SOURCE you like?

This is pathetic.

You would think that someone who "found god" wouldn't hide it all for himself and be open to educating others on what he actually believes instead of telling us to "You want him. You find him"

Are you not aware of 1 Peter 3:15 of your own bible?

If you are a positive representative of your faith I would have to see a perversion of it.

Originally Posted by tkthafm

How is this guy still asking for examples, yet claiming to have looked at what I posted ? 
Your examples don't stand up or make any sense.

It makes ridiculous conjectures like "if there we came from monkeys, how are there still monkeys?"

Thats like asking, if we came from British settlers, how are there still british people? 

Refute the first video I posted under scientific miracles... (err, confirmation bias)

I can't refute it because nothing it suggested was actually scientific in explanation. They just stay things just to say them and move on without even proving it themselves. 

They talk about embryology, but thats a big "so what?" You're supposed to know how things work at a small level or take educated guesses on the stuff.

Thats because its true.

People in various cultures around the world came to the same conclusions. Thats not a remarkable conclusion by any means.

Islam doesn't get any points for its followers learning something. 

Muslims helped to create modern

Christians helped derive 

Whats true will be true regardless of who did it. The finding is more important that who found it.

Spiderman comics (or any other book for that matter) contain the same linguistic/scientific/historical/societal impact miracles as the Qur'an ? Nah. Nothing parallels the Qur'an. Prove otherwise.

Uh, in my opinion they do actually.

They have influenced entire movies, off-shoots, and revitalized entertainment industries with great entries. 

But this entire claim is backwards and I fail to see why you are being so hard-headed.

I can't "prove" to you that my OPINION is better than your OPINION.

In your opinion the quran is the greatest book ever. Thats jsut your opinion. You can't PROVE IT. Its your emotional attachment to that book...not anything that can be measured. Thats like asking how many ounces of love do you have for your mother. You can't MEASURE that.

"Yeah, this book somehow contains all this previously unknown information without a single contradiction/mistake and I can't explain how it came to be... it just... happened... it can't be God... it just happened"

The Quran has plenty of mistakes AND contradictions, that you can't over look. You haven't disproven a single contradiction either. Not a single blasted one.

It partially describes some embryology (probably from aborted fetuses since they DIDNT have microscopes at the time until Leeuwenhoek) and gets most of the details wrong.

There is plenty of stuff the Quran says that is interesting, but not all of it is concretely true.

The quran makes allusions to things without saying it. Thats like me saying "some time in the near future one of you will drink coffee..." and other random obviously self-fulling prophecies...and where it does make wild assumptions, most of it was written as backstory like most religions do. Most religions, Islam included, just come up with a story, then write in the back-story to make it seem like it was a prophecy all along. 

In your Estes video the guy even says, "its not about proof, its about faith"...FAITH DOESNT PROVE ANYTHING.  Wanting to believe in something does NOT make it true, valid or real. 

Serious question: If the quran or bible said to kill all infidels, no ifs, ands or buts, would any of you do it?
Article from Psychology Today

Why Atheism Will Replace Religion

Why atheism grows faster than religion

Published on May 18, 2010 by Nigel Barber, Ph.D. in The Human Beast

Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries, particularly the social democracies of Europe. In underdeveloped countries, there are virtually no atheists. Atheism is thus a peculiarly modern phenomenon. Why do modern conditions produce atheism?

First, as to the distribution of atheism in the world, a clear pattern can be discerned. In sub-Saharan Africa there is almost no atheism (Zuckerman, 2007). Belief in God declines in more developed countries and is concentrated in Europe in countries such as Sweden (64% nonbelievers), Denmark (48%), France (44%) and Germany (42%). In contrast, the incidence of atheism in most sub-Saharan countries is below 1%.

The question of why economically developed countries turn to atheism has been batted around by anthropologists for about eighty years. Anthropologist James Fraser proposed that scientific prediction and control of nature supplants religion as a means of controlling uncertainty in our lives. This hunch is supported by data showing that the more educated countries have higher levels of non belief and there are strong correlations between atheism and intelligence (see my earlier post on this).

Atheists are more likely to be college-educated people who live in cities and they are highly concentrated in the social democracies of Europe. Atheism thus blossoms amid affluence where most people feel economically secure. But why?

It seems that people turn to religion as a salve for the difficulties and uncertainties of their lives. In social democracies, there is less fear and uncertainty about the future because social welfare programs provide a safety net and better health care means that fewer people can expect to die young. People who are less vulnerable to the hostile forces of nature feel more in control of their lives and less in need of religion.

In addition to being the opium of the people (as Karl Marx contemptuously phrased it), religion may also promote fertility, particularly by promoting marriage, according to copious data reviewed by Sanderson (2008). Large families are preferred in agricultural countries as a source of free labor. In developed "atheist" countries, women have exceptionally small families and do not need religion helping them to raise large families.

Even the psychological functions of religion face stiff competition today. In modern societies, when people experience psychological difficulties they turn to their doctor, psychologist, or psychiatrist. They want a scientific fix and prefer the real psychotropic medicines dished out by physicians to the metaphorical opiates offered by religion.

Moreover, sport psychologists find that sports spectatorship provides much the same kind of social, and spiritual, benefits as people obtain from church membership. In a previous post, I made the case that sports is replacing religion. Precisely the same argument can be made for other forms of entertainment with which spectators become deeply involved. Indeed, religion is striking back by trying to compete in popular media, such as televangelism and Christian rock and by hosting live secular entertainment in church.

The reasons that churches lose ground in developed countries can be summarized in market terms. First, with better science, and with government safety nets, and smaller families, there is less fear and uncertainty in people's daily lives and hence less of a market for religion. At the same time many alternative products are being offered, such as psychotropic medicines and electronic entertainment that have fewer strings attached and that do not require slavish conformity to unscientific beliefs. 


Sanderson, S. K. (2008). Adaptation, evolution, and religion. Religion, 38, 141-156.

Zuckerman, P. (2007). Atheism: Contemporary numbers and patterns. In M. Martin (ed.), The Cambridge companion to atheism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. This book is not held by any U.S. Library.
There would be no way for him to give an answer to you and still display meekness and respect so why even do it, it would be done in total vain
I could really use some God right now, the next 8 weeks of my life is gonna be nothing but Ls

Is this dude TKTHEFM saying if I pray to Allah, I'm be extra nice at surgery?

Proceeds to wash feet and pray for virgins, I mean pray to the East
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

There would be no way for him to give an answer to you and still display meekness and respect so why even do it, it would be done in total vain

So you'd rather avoid answering a rather simple question because of a prediction of how I'd reply? Don't say I'm baiting you, if you won't even be honest about why you refuse to answer the question. You're better off just not replying all rather than justifying your evasion.

Nice evasion tactic though. I must commend you. I hadn't covered that possibility.

Too bad the emotional claims and personal bias do not avoid the literal premise issued by the question.

If only emotions had some basis in the validity of statements...

If you avoid the question can I just infer that I already know what you would say as an answer to the question? ...or is that unfair to you

See how that works?

The question stands:

Serious question: If the quran or bible said to kill all infidels, no ifs, ands or buts, would any of you do it?
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

There would be no way for him to give an answer to you and still display meekness and respect so why even do it, it would be done in total vain

So you'd rather avoid answering a rather simple question because of a prediction of how I'd reply? Don't say I'm baiting you, if you won't even be honest about why you refuse to answer the question. You're better off just not replying all rather than justifying your evasion.

Nice evasion tactic though. I must commend you. I hadn't covered that possibility.

Too bad the emotional claims and personal bias do not avoid the literal premise issued by the question.

If only emotions had some basis in the validity of statements...

If you avoid the question can I just infer that I already know what you would say as an answer to the question? ...or is that unfair to you

See how that works?

The question stands:

Serious question: If the quran or bible said to kill all infidels, no ifs, ands or buts, would any of you do it?
as long as the pope absolves me of all of my sins, werd to da crusades 

plus, I'd get a free pass to heaven and get all the chocolate milk i want + virgins
Originally Posted by tkthafm

How is this guy still asking for examples, yet claiming to have looked at what I posted ?

Refute the first video I posted under scientific miracles... (err, confirmation bias)

Spiderman comics (or any other book for that matter) contain the same linguistic/scientific/historical/societal impact miracles as the Qur'an ? Nah. Nothing parallels the Qur'an. Prove otherwise.
"Yeah, this book somehow contains all this previously unknown information without a single contradiction/mistake and I can't explain how it came to be... it just... happened... it can't be God... it just happened"

you didn't refute the fact that Spiderman comics weren't written by God, so that means...
and based on your argument, if had the same linguistic/scientific/historical/societal impact miracles as the Qur'an, then it would parallel the coolran?  all of which wouldn't be hard to do if you find people gullible enough (like you) that like spiderman, just saying

once someone is gullible enough, they will attribute any rationale or argument towards the scripture or in this case comic book frames; in which case, God sent a miraculous spider to inject our savior Peter Parker, whom had miraculous powers to defend against evil

making up religion is easy when its followers are silly enough
Some resources for minority non-believers out there... its easy to talk about this stuff online, but its harder to fine people in person that you can actually talk to about this stuff. The point is that its ok to have doubts and to ask questions about this stuff. A bunch of people have hit me up via PM sharing similar thoughts:

They are also putting up billboards in NYC, Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, DC, LA, and Durham,NC...i'm sure it'll be a fun little controversy...
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