Good Guy Lucifer Is An Underrated Meme

I have a question for the Christians.

What do you guys think about my logic on this.

I do not believe in God, but lets say he ends up being real and somehow out of all the Gods that were made up out there Jesus was the one who was real. And all his teachings and morals and such were real.

I consider myself a good person. I was raised by very good parents who tried to make Christianity apart me and my life. I simply just stopped believing in religion around my Freshman year in High School even though I went to a Catholic school for 7 years of my life. I can say I have pretty good morals. I hate stealing, could never kill anyone, dont pick fights with others for no reason, I was nice to those who were bullied in High School because I was someone who had alot of friends and simply wanted to make their day better, not have them wake up every morning dreading what the day will bring. I'm a polite person, I like saying please and thank you. I do stuff for others even though I deep down dont want to ect ect ect...Simply put I have common sense and good morals.

We know that Jesus is omniscient, he knows all, can see all etc.

That means he knows I AM a good person. I just simply dont believe in God.

Do I go to hell? If so do I go eternally, or for just a certain period of time? I really wanna know a Christains view on this. 
This is what I firmly believe. The only thing that matters in life is that you are simply a good person. Whether I went to church and prayed every night why should it matter. I did want Jesus taught or would have wanted anyway. Why would he send a good person to hell? If someone killed someone or steals constantly, but goes to confession every week is he entitled to heaven more than I am? More than someone who has never stolen anything, never killed anyone...someone who just simply didnt go to confession?

I dont believe in God, but if hes real I dont see how I dont go to Heaven. If I dont then thats just totally a **** move on Gods part 
Originally Posted by Jay02

I have a question for the Christians.

What do you guys think about my logic on this.

I do not believe in God, but lets say he ends up being real and somehow out of all the Gods that were made up out there Jesus was the one who was real. And all his teachings and morals and such were real.

I consider myself a good person. I was raised by very good parents who tried to make Christianity apart me and my life. I simply just stopped believing in religion around my Freshman year in High School even though I went to a Catholic school for 7 years of my life. I can say I have pretty good morals. I hate stealing, could never kill anyone, dont pick fights with others for no reason, I was nice to those who were bullied in High School because I was someone who had alot of friends and simply wanted to make their day better, not have them wake up every morning dreading what the day will bring. I'm a polite person, I like saying please and thank you. I do stuff for others even though I deep down dont want to ect ect ect...Simply put I have common sense and good morals.

We know that Jesus is omniscient, he knows all, can see all etc.

That means he knows I AM a good person. I just simply dont believe in God.

Do I go to hell? If so do I go eternally, or for just a certain period of time? I really wanna know a Christains view on this. 
This is what I firmly believe. The only thing that matters in life is that you are simply a good person. Whether I went to church and prayed every night why should it matter. I did want Jesus taught or would have wanted anyway. Why would he send a good person to hell? If someone killed someone or steals constantly, but goes to confession every week is he entitled to heaven more than I am? More than someone who has never stolen anything, never killed anyone...someone who just simply didnt go to confession?

I dont believe in God, but if hes real I dont see how I dont go to Heaven. If I dont then thats just totally a **** move on Gods part 
I keep posing the question "if god asked you to kill" would you do it in the hopes that someone will answer
And no one does.

The problem is that when they admit that they would have to contradict the teachings of their "infallible" word, then obviously can think WITHOUT the guidance of the book. They have their own sense of moral qualifications that certainly exist outside of the book but none of them are willing to go against what they know to be inherently true. Its cognitive dissonance at its finest.

They're all cafeteria christians or muslims or whatever religion you choose to insert into the argument. They pick and choose what applies to them but they want to have the autonomy to act like whatever they uphold is still valid.

Its not.

This is exactly why moderately religious people are WORSE than fundamentalists. You know what you're going to get with fundamentalists. They adhere to the strictest forms of their religions. They will do EXACTLY what the book says and unwaveringly so. I can respect that MORE than what religious people in the developed world do...they violate even the simplest laws in their religion but still want to be free to think that the rest of whatever they believe is valid. Its just not true and they can't have it both ways. Its illogical at that point. They'd be better off just admitting that they make it up as they go along since they all pray to the god in their heads. 

Religious moderates allow fundamentalists to continue spewing their nonsense because they don't distance themselves ENOUGH from the crazy ones. Because even though they might like gay people or want womens rights, they're STILL apart of that religion so they're fundamentally in cahoots with the crazy ones. 

So yes, Hitler is in heaven since he was a christian and Ghandi is in hell because he believed in the wrong god. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Jay02

I have a question for the Christians.

What do you guys think about my logic on this.

I do not believe in God, but lets say he ends up being real and somehow out of all the Gods that were made up out there Jesus was the one who was real. And all his teachings and morals and such were real.

I consider myself a good person. I was raised by very good parents who tried to make Christianity apart me and my life. I simply just stopped believing in religion around my Freshman year in High School even though I went to a Catholic school for 7 years of my life. I can say I have pretty good morals. I hate stealing, could never kill anyone, dont pick fights with others for no reason, I was nice to those who were bullied in High School because I was someone who had alot of friends and simply wanted to make their day better, not have them wake up every morning dreading what the day will bring. I'm a polite person, I like saying please and thank you. I do stuff for others even though I deep down dont want to ect ect ect...Simply put I have common sense and good morals.

We know that Jesus is omniscient, he knows all, can see all etc.

That means he knows I AM a good person. I just simply dont believe in God.

Do I go to hell? If so do I go eternally, or for just a certain period of time? I really wanna know a Christains view on this. 
This is what I firmly believe. The only thing that matters in life is that you are simply a good person. Whether I went to church and prayed every night why should it matter. I did want Jesus taught or would have wanted anyway. Why would he send a good person to hell? If someone killed someone or steals constantly, but goes to confession every week is he entitled to heaven more than I am? More than someone who has never stolen anything, never killed anyone...someone who just simply didnt go to confession?

I dont believe in God, but if hes real I dont see how I dont go to Heaven. If I dont then thats just totally a **** move on Gods part 
I keep posing the question "if god asked you to kill" would you do it in the hopes that someone will answer
And no one does.

The problem is that when they admit that they would have to contradict the teachings of their "infallible" word, then obviously can think WITHOUT the guidance of the book. They have their own sense of moral qualifications that certainly exist outside of the book but none of them are willing to go against what they know to be inherently true. Its cognitive dissonance at its finest.

They're all cafeteria christians or muslims or whatever religion you choose to insert into the argument. They pick and choose what applies to them but they want to have the autonomy to act like whatever they uphold is still valid.

Its not.

This is exactly why moderately religious people are WORSE than fundamentalists. You know what you're going to get with fundamentalists. They adhere to the strictest forms of their religions. They will do EXACTLY what the book says and unwaveringly so. I can respect that MORE than what religious people in the developed world do...they violate even the simplest laws in their religion but still want to be free to think that the rest of whatever they believe is valid. Its just not true and they can't have it both ways. Its illogical at that point. They'd be better off just admitting that they make it up as they go along since they all pray to the god in their heads. 

Religious moderates allow fundamentalists to continue spewing their nonsense because they don't distance themselves ENOUGH from the crazy ones. Because even though they might like gay people or want womens rights, they're STILL apart of that religion so they're fundamentally in cahoots with the crazy ones. 

So yes, Hitler is in heaven since he was a christian and Ghandi is in hell because he believed in the wrong god. 
My thoughts exactly, I will just leave the work to you because you literally think exactly how I think...logically 
 You're just a million times better at organizing your thoughts in text. 
What you said is one of the biggest issues with religion, one of the most annoying parts of it actually. Ive got people I know who try arguing this stuff with me, when they're no where near the path they should be on given what their religion is. Whats funny is that I switched to a public school from a catholic school, and ive got dudes who go to church twice a year on Christmas and Easter, telling me im wrong or I dont know what im talking about when ive been taught this stuff for 7 years going to church twice a week. But im wrong because I dont believe, and they do. And then I get the argument my church doesnt believe that, im Baptist, Catholic is too extreme. Christianity in religion ITSELF is too extreme. You miss one week of church thats a mortal go to hell. I tell someone this and again I get your catholic, too extreme. How can you say im wrong and you're right? Who's to say Catholic is wrong and Lutheran is correct. Gods word should be Gods word, only ONE interpretation. Either one week missed of church is a mortal sin or its NOT. It doesnt only pertain to some people given their form of Christianity. Why does this guy get to go church twice a year while i gotta go every week? 
 The funniest part about of it is that, thats only Christianity, not all the other million religions like you've noted. So you're telling me theres Religion 1, Religion 2, Religion 3, then theres Reilgion 1a 1 b 1c 1d 1e.....z, Religion 2a 2b 2c 2e ect ect. If you wanna go to the promised land picking a religion is only half the battle. Then you gotta pick the correct form or interpretation of it. There's only 1 heaven and 1 god, 1 word.  Theres no room to slip up in your decision, choose wisely 
 Its like winning the friggin lottery.

So yes, Hitler is in heaven since he was a christian and Ghandi is in hell because he believed in the wrong god.  

Gets me everytime. It always reminds me of that South Park where everyone goes to hell because they picked the wrong religion. They ask the devil what the correct religion was. "Actually, it was Mormon." "Awwwwwwwwwww" 

On one last note just wanna say something that I always laugh about. Had a muslim friend who was hardly muslim, half palestinian half white. Dude always got on me for being an atheist. Talking, talking, talking, im soo doomed blah blah. I go to school and we're at lunch and I notice hes not partaking in Rahmadan like the rest of the muslims. He says because he chooses not to...he says he wont have sex until he's married. By junior year hes bragging about smashing his girlfriend. He's says he will never drink alcohol. By this time ive lost complete touch with him but I notice pictures of him on facebook drinking. Funny how it all works. I was the doomed one. 

When it comes down to it, if any of the religions created on this Earth are in fact real, you might as well not waste your time because no matter how much effort you can possibly put into it. YOU"RE STILL %*@*%%.

Truthfully if there's a god I think he's selfish. I have 100 years living on this Earth before im gone if im really lucky. Some people have 2 seconds. I didnt exist for an eternity before I was born, I wont exist for an eternity after I die. For the very very very very short, time I have here. I mean in the grand scheme of things i pretty much have no time here. And this dude God wants me to spend my whole time living kneeling at a damn pew while the Packers are playing?? 
 Screw you, I might as well never have been born if your gonna just tease me.
Originally Posted by Jay02

On one last note just wanna say something that I always laugh about. Had a muslim friend who was hardly muslim, half palestinian half white. Dude always got on me for being an atheist. Talking, talking, talking, im soo doomed blah blah. I go to school and we're at lunch and I notice hes not partaking in Rahmadan like the rest of the muslims. He says because he chooses not to...he says he wont have sex until he's married. By junior year hes bragging about smashing his girlfriend. He's says he will never drink alcohol. By this time ive lost complete touch with him but I notice pictures of him on facebook drinking. Funny how it all works. I was the doomed one. 

What you have to also remember is that in certain parts of the world, religion and culture are TIGHTLY knit. Thats why most people think of arabs as muslims, even though MOST of them are. So they feel like when you start denouncing their religion, you start denouncing their culture...which is funny because when you talk about culture itself, its just as stupid as religion is ultimately, but its far less...invasive so we tend to overlook it...Its all one big depressing glob of non-meaning...but thats another story. 
...people just make stuff up to pass the time and spend their lives defending it...whether it be extreme forms like religion or less subtle ones like "culture" Its all one in the same at a fundamental level. 

When it comes down to it, if any of the religions created on this Earth are in fact real, you might as well not waste your time because no matter how much effort you can possibly put into it. YOU"RE STILL %*@*%%.

Theres a quote that says the funny thing about science is that if all of the knowledge of humanity was lost, we would eventually figure the same stuff out again because its just true. There is nothing to debate about it. Religion however would be completely different and it would be infinitely unlikely that the same religions would arise in their exact same forms as they currently do.

Whats true, will always be true. Thats the lovely part. 

Truthfully if there's a god I think he's selfish. I have 100 years living on this Earth before im gone if im really lucky. Some people have 2 seconds. I didnt exist for an eternity before I was born, I wont exist for an eternity after I die. For the very very very very short, time I have here. I mean in the grand scheme of things i pretty much have no time here. And this dude God wants me to spend my whole time living kneeling at a damn pew while the Packers are playing?? 
 Screw you, I might as well never have been born if your gonna just tease me.

Yeah... its're essentially capable of thinking on behalf of others, and that why you realize that others are less fortunate than you.

Religion thrives on narcissism. Everyone thinks they're particularly more intrinsically special than everyone else. Its low-key disgusting...but when you start to ask why babies die and you get to live, merely to have the answer be "god wanted it that way"...and hav0e people believe know you have a problem here. 

If the god of the bible does exist, I wouldn't worship him. Dude is a prick. 
...but hey, according to theists, its just as likely that god MADE me a non-believer. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

There would be no way for him to give an answer to you and still display meekness and respect so why even do it, it would be done in total vain

So you'd rather avoid answering a rather simple question because of a prediction of how I'd reply? Don't say I'm baiting you, if you won't even be honest about why you refuse to answer the question. You're better off just not replying all rather than justifying your evasion.

Nice evasion tactic though. I must commend you. I hadn't covered that possibility.

Too bad the emotional claims and personal bias do not avoid the literal premise issued by the question.

If only emotions had some basis in the validity of statements...

If you avoid the question can I just infer that I already know what you would say as an answer to the question? ...or is that unfair to you

See how that works?

The question stands:

Serious question: If the quran or bible said to kill all infidels, no ifs, ands or buts, would any of you do it?

To answer your question No I wouldnt do it,  I am cognitively dissonance.  I am a cafeteria christian. I am worst than fundalmentalist believers.

Its cute how you ask a question when you seem to already know the answer .

Since we are wondering in the land of "what ifs"

Spoiler [+]
Serious question:How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

I've seen him before, but I finally went ahead and subscribed to Pat Condell on Youtube. Dude is ruthless, in a true, not even trying to be a prick way.

And I have tried to make the same, "even if I did believe in Jesus, he's a prick and I wouldn't worship him anyways," argument before.

But again, these discussions never go anywhere because believers and secularists/atheists/etc aren't even on the same level.

I'm talking about real life things like slavery, sexism, discrimination, and they're making predictable meaningless, talking point statements like, "I know he's real because he has been with me every step of the way...He put clothes on my back, shoes on my feet, woke me up," and I'm like nah you're alarm clock woke you up and you put on your own clothes, and "Jesus got me that new job because I believed in him," and I'm like, "nah your mom got you that job because she knew the boss and talked to him and took him your resume you typed on a computer and he liked it," and it just goes nowhere," once the conversation breaks down into them trying to prove God's existence to you
[h1]Atheism in America[/h1]
By Julian Baggini. Photography by Jason Andrew and Brandon Thibodeaux

Godlessness is the last big taboo in the US, where non-believers face discrimination and isolation


David Silverman, president of American Atheists

oint, Texas (pop. 792) is not the easiest place for a single lesbian to raise her child. But neither her sexuality nor her unwed parenthood are enough to make Renee Johnson an American conservative’s worst nightmare. As she explained to me when I met her at Rains County Library, “I’d rather have a big ‘L’ or ‘lesbian’ written across my shirt than a big ‘A’ or ‘atheist’, because people are going to handle it better.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Came in here expecting 40 pages of Memes....

@!% happened here?
There is this exact same question extending back at least ten pages on like every page.
Lucifer is disappoint in this thread. Everyone completely ignored luciferianism and went straight for athiesm vs theism.

What about the good guy/bad guy, who suffers the same humanistic fate and hardships as the rest of us?

Why do people bash on a religion that's all about loving one another and resisting temptation? That's all Jesus taught and wanted us to do, I can't see why people get fired up when we bring up Jesus or Christianity...before we hate something we need personal experiences to back up our reason.
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