Goodbye, 2010 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON - twas a great year,

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

This weekend shows why CFB >>>> NFL save for the championship system, the passions and swings are unparalleled

People always want to compare during extremes... it's comical.
Both are great. 
Originally Posted by YoungBuck32

Originally Posted by zs05wc

People on the Michigan scout board seem to think Randy Shannon as our DC is a good idea. It can't be, can it?
It'd be a good choice. While it didn't work out with him as a head coach, he's a very good DC.

I disagree. He was overrated as a DC and as a defensive mind. He was fortunate to have a bunch of pro bowlers playing for him while he was a DC to mask his deficiences.

He runs a bland, basic, predictable 4-3 that plays conservative and doesn't take any chances. 2 man under majority of the time.

Even back in the '02/03/04 seasons when we had a grip of 1st rounders on D his defense was exposed at times. '02 vs VT, the Fiesta Bowl, etc come to mind.

He's an above average DC, but not a good or great one.
We better not mess this hire up.  I don't want to go thru this garbage any longer. 

Get a damn killer in there, someone that will go for throats, will blitz on 3rd and long, that will go for it on 4th and 1, that won't call screens every other play, who will pick a guy and ride a hot hand, and someone who will TEACH the guys how to play and anticipate plays. 

Don't @#$% this up U. 
Fred Taylor's son had 437 yds rushing and 5 TD's friday night
 Former rap star Luke Campbell has stepped away from the entertainment industry to help the local Miami community, as the assistant football coach at Miami Central High School.

Campbell, who is almost 50, is a former group member of 2 Live Crew, a group signed to his pioneering independent Miami-based label, Luke Skyywalker Records.

Campbell has traded his raunchy image for the assistant coaching position, where he coaches boys, both on and off the field.

"I'm happy and proud of what we accomplished but that part of my life is over," Luke Campbell told the Bellingham Herald. "The entertainer - I left him on stage."

In his role as an assistant coach at Miami Central, Luke stresses the need for teamwork, education and maintaining a positive attitude.

"I don't tolerate cursing or the N-word," Luke continued. "I tell them, 'Don't ever disrespect a girl because that makes you less than a man.' And 'Pick the girl who is responsible, not the one with Fs on her report card. Easy to get in, hard to get out. I've lived that life.'"

The former rap star was cleared by the Miami-Dade Public School system to coach the team, after Campbell received letters of support from community leaders, parents, neighborhood kids and Central High's principals.

Luke is much more than a coach, according to C.J. Gaines, an 18-year-old wide receiver for the Rockets.

"I don't see him as a rapper," Gaines said. "I see him as a father."
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

the question is will miami put up the $$$$ to bring in a big name?

I don't get why some of the current and former alumni that played in the league don't pool together some money and make a donation to get somebody worth a damn there. You know they could EASILY afford to do it with how many guys they've put in the league. Hell, Ed Reed, Ray Lewis, Clinton Portis, and Santana Moss alone could afford to bring in a top notch coach and they play within like a 40 mile radius of each other
I don't give a crap about big names, gimme a coach with some guts and heart and that can actually teach players.  35 or 75, I don't care.  Super bowl wins, or his first ever job, just someone who can handle the job and put the players in the right position to use their talent.  If it has to be a two headed monster, one to coach, one to recruit, whatever, just ENOUGH of this 7-8-9 @#$%^&*(.  That garbage is for the birds. 
My Homer Helmet sticker goes to Vols Denarius Moore.

3 catches over 40 yards each.

finished the day with 7 catches for 208 yards, his 2nd 200 yard game of the yr ( 228 vs So. Carolina)

My son 4.4 at the combine and its $
Yea money talks but bs walks and Miami damn sure bs'in if they think Gruden, Patterson, Peterson, Harbaugh are comin
Originally Posted by Statis22

Money shouldn't be a problem.

Actually getting somebody who wants to go there might.
Are you +!%!+%% kidding me? You do realize that this a traditionally elite program that has won five national titles, is literally an NFL factory, and is located right in the middle of one of the biggest recruitment hotbeds in the nation? People really like to hate on this program to the point that they have no basis in the things they say anymore, get the !+$# out of here with that nonsense.
Ohhhh so that's why Urban Meyer is at Notre Dame. Whatever was I thinking.

Yeah that money is screaming.


you might need to step back and look in the mirror first.

who wanted the job when Coker was ousted? who wanted it when Butch left? who wants it right now?

traditionally elite program? nah no way. tradition means over time, thru generations... how can a program be traditionally elite when there is no successful history passed 25-30 yrs?

Stat is right, you've got zero fan base, a school who seems more interested in Academic and public perception... what major coach wants to walk into that ?

keep in mind, it USC was turned down by 3 coaches before theyre  4th option lane Kiffin accepted the job as Head Coach ...
And whats so ironic about this is I coulda swore I had this same convo last year, only with USC fans.

I see why USC and Miami fans hate each other now, yall mofos just alike.
traditionally dominant yet not one ACC title?
a conference seen as a letdown yr after yr? not even a title game appearance? hell boston college has been to two.....hell even Wake has won one...if the Canes were that dominant, they'd be in contentious for a Nat'l title every yr not fighting to stay in contention in a division with the likes of duke and virginia  
Statis, stop comparing us to Notre Dame their last title was in 1989 and they have shown nothing to prove that they can win in the modern BCS era. We, on the other hand, have won a title this decade and have other BCS bowl wins.

Gunna, I've noticed you stay hating on Miami, why? I don't know but you take pleasure in watching us fall and it makes you sound mad salty. Zero fan base? Trust me we have a fanbase, there's a reason why we hold the record of 58 straight home games. And ok, so by your reasoning your beloved Tennessee program which won its four titles over a span of 60 years is more elite than my program which managed to win the same amount in only 8 years? That sounds utterly ridiculous to me.
heres one problem, you think someone telling you something you dont want to hear is "hating"

seriously, are you 12 yrs old? if so, I can do without this conversation and leave you on Rook status

now, you say Miami has a fan base? where? everytime I watch a game I see empty seats... and I mean Everytime...

before I start let me walk you thru this like I walk thru most the youngsters in here when we're talkin football I dont care if you talk bad about tennessee, @!*% doesnt effect me at all you know why, cus I can be honest with myself about the teams that I like.
do you know the definition of tradition? do you think miami has a tradition like Tennessee? if you believe 30 yrs of football stacks up to 80+ yrs youre a damn fool. Tradition is one thing Tennessee has over damn near any major college football program
Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

traditionally dominant yet not one ACC title?
a conference seen as a letdown yr after yr? not even a title game appearance? hell boston colege college has been to two.....hell even Wake has won one...if the Canes were that dominant, they'd be in contentious for a Nat'l title every yr not fighting to stay in contention in a division with the likes of duke and virginia  
Never said dominant, I said elite, two very different words. We've been in rebuilding mode for the majority of the time since we joined this conference and we still almost won it twice. And how can you expect any program to be in contention for the National Title every year? It's just unrealistic every program has its ups and downs, we've been down for a couple years now and people like to kick you when you're down but it doesn't mean we should forget about history, with the way some of you are talking you're talking about Miami like we're on the same level with lower tier programs like Syracuse and Northwestern and that's simply not the case. I'm done arguing though, I'm heavily outnumbered in this discussion, I come to terms with the fact that we're one of the most hated programs in the country.
Yall following the Notre Dame blueprint on handling coaching situations, I don't see why I can't compare them.

Hell it ain't 1989. Its not 2001 either and neither one of yall ain't competing. 58 home game winning streak, yeah im sure that helped while yall was goin 7-5.

Yal can't even win the ACC but "Yeah, we're elite. We're the U"............................. yeah.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

heres one problem, you think someone telling you something you dont want to hear is "hating"

seriously, are you 12 yrs old? if so, I can do without this conversation and leave you on Rook status

now, you say Miami has a fan base? where? everytime I watch a game I see empty seats... and I mean Everytime...

before I start let me walk you thru this like I walk thru most the youngsters in here when we're talkin football I dont care if you talk bad about tennessee, @!*% doesnt effect me at all you know why, cus I can be honest with myself about the teams that I like.
do you know the definition of tradition? do you think miami has a tradition like Tennessee? if you believe 30 yrs of football stacks up to 80+ yrs youre a damn fool. Tradition is one thing Tennessee has over damn near any major college football program
I'm sorry maybe hating wasn't the right way to word it, how about bashing a team while ignoring the facts? If five national titles isn't elite then I don't know what is. If 58 consecutive home wins doesn't prove that we have a somewhat decent fan base then I don't know what does.
And ok, so by your reasoning your beloved Tennessee program which won its four titles over a span of 60 years is more elite than my program which managed to win the same amount in only 8 years? That sounds utterly ridiculous to me.

How so?  Winning in different decades/generations shows consistency of excellence over a long time (I'm not necessarily referring to Tennessee - just the truly ELITE programs in general).  Yeah there were down years in between, but they bounced back, several different times, over & over.

Miami winning so many titles in a little time frame is extremely impressive (EXTREMELY), but going back 30+ years from now, what do they have to show as a program?  Exactly.

Honestly, in the grand scheme of things, winning all of your NC's in a short time frame shows you were the flavor of 1 generation more than anything else.

Again, not taking anything away from Miami, but their "tradition" is only 30 years.  Like Gunna said, that's nothing in College football terms if we are talking about ELITE programs.
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